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I did use an elbow strike to the ribs when I was attacked. He had me in a headlock (he was standing behind me). I backfisted his nose, elbowed his ribs, and another backfist to the "family jewels". He let go in a hurry. But I wasn't sure which technique worked, because the blood was flowing and I did it so fast. I did a sidekick to the same ribs afterwards, also. I walked away. He didn't :D

Laurie F

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I don't study Muay Thai but I have admired it for some time. Just do a google search for Muay Thai and hopefully you will be directed to a UK site featuring movies, one of which is a TKO from a spinning elbow! :brow: :brow:


OOOWWW ive seen that! its so amazingly cool.

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Well I think that using your elbows in a street fight is a good idea. Well when I spar or get hit by an elbow it sometimes hurt it depends on how hard you use your elbow. But I haven't used it in a really situation before.

when you do your best it`s going to show.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Elbow strikes .... yammyyyyyyyyy. They are indeed devastating. it's amazing you can do so many things with them :) At close range they are a good ascape and a way to achieve victory. The only problem is that in order to gain the most from empi technoques one must work quite hard :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ditto on all replies---Very effective. I accidently broke a friend's nose in close in class one Saturday. For a change we were working on grappling & as he grabbed me I turned into him swinging my left arm up & out of his grasp. Unfortunately-my elbow came down & just clipped the bridge of his nose. I heard it pop,the blood started to flow & I felt pretty bad. I am about 4 inches taller & 50 lbs heavier so I felt guilty. But-I barely felt the contact so just imagine if you are trying to ram that elbow into some dirtbags face.... Also,great to use against kicks. I love to drop my elbows down on shins in sparring. They may get their kick in-but they pay for it ! :D

*1st Dan Oct 2004*

"Progress lies not enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be."

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I love elbow strikes, i would likely do them in a confrontation, as well as knees, since i'm not always gonna get a chance to kick and i really dun wanna get into a punch up...plus grappling ain't always the best idea, so...close-range attacks rule!

"razor elbows, killer knees, iron fists and monster kicks"

"Nice punch!!!, now let's see how well you punch with a broken arm"

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