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[KF 500k] Member Interview: MasterPain

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MasterPain (View Profile)

Joined: October 26, 2010

Posts: 1,834

KarateForums.com Awards: Member of the Year (2012) and Funniest Member of the Year (2011, 2012)


Where are you from?

Willow Hill, Illinois. A very small town with a population of 250.

Why did you get started in the martial arts?

I was being picked on in school and wanted to be able to defend myself. Also, I wanted to be like Van-Damme in Bloodsport.

Why have you continued to practice them?

Same reasons, plus I just enjoy it. I've met some of my best friends through training.

Please briefly describe the styles of martial arts that you have taken.

Bujin is a self defense art with a basis in Kempo jujutsu. I also train at an MMA gym with most of it's focus being BJJ.

What is your grade or level?

Black belt in Bujin, white in BJJ. Amateur MMA record of 1-1.

Do you teach?

Some. I don't have my own dojo or anything.

What are your first memories from training?

Doing angle drills (one steps) when I was 9. I was a very uncoordinated child...

What has been the highlight of your training?

Every Bujin black belt test ranks up there pretty high. We get some great guys together and train all day with an hour long sparring session at the end.

What do you do when you're not training?

Lately, mostly work and sleep. I'm doing 2 jobs now except through the winter, so there's not much free time. When I have time, I like to play RPGs and other video games, play with my cats and dogs, take walks in the woods and such.

What do you do for a living?

I install seamless gutters, and I print junk mail and magazine subscription cards.

Who are or were your martial arts heroes?

My instructors mostly. Also Bruce Lee, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Royce Gracie and Roy Nelson.

What are your favorite martial arts films and/or shows?

Bloodsport, Enter the Dragon, Kung Pow: Enter the First, Best of the Best, Five Deadly Venoms, Clan of the White Lotus, the Mr. Vampire series, Kill Bill, and The Perfect Weapon.

Where do you see yourself going in your martial arts journey in the next few years?

Who can say? But I'll still be training and getting joy out of it.

Do you remember how you found KarateForums.com? Why did you join?

tallgeese put me in an armbar and told me to join.

Why did you stay?

This is the only MA forum I've seen where people are respectful.

You've been a member since October 26, 2010. During this time, how has KarateForums.com changed in your eyes, if at all?

Not sure, I haven't had much time to get on lately, but I plan to change that when it gets too cold to hang gutter. Still a great site.

How, if at all, have you used KarateForums.com in your classes or training?

I've picked up a couple ideas for chaining attacks together in grappling.

Are there any members here who have had a particular influence or impact on you?

A couple members I know personally and have great respect for. Other than that, I like the mixture of traditional, sport, self defense and art-oriented martial artists here. I think the community has given me a better understanding of people who train for different purposes.

Can you share a memorable moment within the community where you received great advice or an experience that really affected you and your martial arts journey?

I remember one member talking about karate being a constant in a changing life, about the grounding effect of training. She had lost almost everything in a hurricane. While I haven't had that drastic of an experience, I have had some financial problems and life changes, and that has give me something to think about. Things are getting better now and training has helped me keep positive.

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Thank you for the contributions that you have made to this community, Bill. I appreciate the way that you approach posting and your humor also adds something that I enjoy. :) Glad that things are on an upswing for you personally.

Why did you stay?

This is the only MA forum I've seen where people are respectful.

Thank you for saying this. It means a lot to me as that is a core goal that this community has had since day 1. Is it too cold to hang a gutter yet? :)

Thanks again,


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MasterPain, you have been one of my favorite members, you have a sense of humor and a great no nonsense outlook on your martial arts. Thank you for your contribution!

Look to the far mountain and see all.

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Thanks for sharing this with us, MP. I hope to see you around again soon. I always enjoy your feedback and insight, as well as your sense of humor. :)

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As MP said, he and I have been friends for many years outside the site, and he's harder to put in an armbar than he would let on. It's been great seeing your insights and humor here, MP, especially since we're not able to train on the same mats regularly anymore.

I have to agree, take the winter easy and chill here a bit more :lol:

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I think it's really cool when we have people how are family or who are friends offline or go to the same school, etc. I appreciate you sharing the community with your collection of friends, Alex. :)


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Great interview!!

I've enjoyed your posts as well without any doubt. Your humor, as others here have noted, is infectious as well as right to the point. I've always looked forward to your posts without any reservation. And as tallgeese has pointed out...I'd/we'd like to see you more often here at KF!!

Thank you for all your contributions that help make KF the great site that it is.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Yes, great interview! :) Your in-depth knowledge and experience is exemplified in your concise, humorous posts. IMHO, you are king of the one-liners! :lol:

Remember the Tii!

In Life and Death, there is no tap-out...

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Do you remember how you found KarateForums.com? Why did you join?

tallgeese put me in an armbar and told me to join.

:D This cracked me up. Tallgeese literally twisted your arm to join ;)

Seriously though, I have learnt a lot from you here, and hope to converse more with you into the future!

Thank you.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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