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[KF 500k] Member Interview: DoctorQui

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DoctorQui (View Profile)

Joined: May 24, 2012

Posts: 320

KarateForums.com Awards: New Member of the Year (2012)


Where are you from?

Bolton, Lancs UK

Why did you get started in the martial arts?

Have to be honest... The Karate Kid movie from 1984. Loved the idea of discipline and defense.

Why have you continued to practice them?

It's a good release, helps me focus and, during difficult times, has always been a constant.

Please briefly describe the styles of martial arts that you have taken.

I currently study Shotokan and will be taking Shodan in December after injury time. I previously made pre-dan in Wado ryu and dabbled in aikido but the club closed and no others are in the area. My journey actually started with Goju ryu when I was 15 but when I was very young I did judo for a couple of years. I can't really remember a lot of that!

What is your grade or level?

I am currently 1st kyu in Shotokan (have been for 18 months) but hope to be Shodan in December.

Do you teach?

Occasionally, I enjoy it but do find beginners a challenge. It is hard to put yourself back to that point in your training when you have trained for as long as I have (on and off for 27 years)

What are your first memories from training?

Goju ryu in my hometown of Southampton, the chief Sensei and two of his Senpais were absolute nutters and very violent. Not a good ethos, so when I moved to another part of the country, I started again with Wado ryu.

What has been the highlight of your training?

Being member of my previous Wado club and being a member of my current Shotokan club, they have been very encouraging experiences. But the biggest highlight was teaching and seeing my children follow me through the ranks. My eldest daughter is currently 3rd kyu and my eldest son 5th kyu.

What do you do when you're not training?

I'm sadly unemployed following redundancy so job hunting is the big one but I don't think I am ever not training, I'm always reading something or watching a YouTube video on martial arts. I also restore old dinky and Corgi cars and am a Doctor Who nut!

What did you do for a living?

I was a service manager in Social Services until the government cuts and redundancy.

Who are or were your martial arts heroes?

My Sensei, who is awesome and a joy to watch. If we are talking about famous people, then obviously Bruce Lee but that's a bit too obvious! I was always impressed with Bolo Yeung in Enter the Dragon and Jet Li is phenomenal although, like Jackie Chan, looks overly choreographed which tends to ruin it a bit for me. I also love watching Jim Kelly and Wesley Snipes performing.

What are your favorite martial arts films and/or shows?

HAHA, The Karate Kid from 1984 is cheesy but so good! Apart from that, Way of the Dragon, Seven Samurai and Lone Wolf McQuade. I have no finesse to my preferences, lol!

Where do you see yourself going in your martial arts journey in the next few years?

I'm a little too old to be looking for anything major so really, just to be as good as I can be and inspire others to aspire.

Do you remember how you found KarateForums.com? Why did you join?

I was looking for a good forum to chat with like minded people. I lurked for while and then joined after I saw a particular thread that I wanted to be involved in. I also wanted to ask some questions of experienced people without looking weak.

Why did you stay?

I love this forum! Connection problems in recent months and my concentration on finding a job and training for Shodan has meant that I have been a bit scarce recently but I always dip in and try to keep up with discussion.

How, if at all, have you used KarateForums.com in your classes or training?

I have actually, not necessarily techniques because it's a prescribed style, but certainly mental focus and attitude has been helped by the advice I have received and read.

Are there any members here who have had a particular influence or impact on you?

Yes, but I'll spare their blushes. They are part of the usual crew, though.

Can you share a memorable moment within the community where you received great advice or an experience that really affected you and your martial arts journey?

I wouldn't want to belittle the ones I didn't mention. I find all the advice and influence on here very helpful.

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Thank you for the contributions that you have made to our community, DoctorQui. :) It is good to get to know you a little better.


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I get where you're coming from with the Doctor Who reference! I have been a fan of the show since I was 8 years old watching reruns on PBS here in the States. Huge fan of the classic era and the new material.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who appreciates the show here on the Forums.

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Great interview!!

My brother and I also enjoy watching Doctor Who, old and new. It's not Star Trek, and it's not suppose to be, but still, Doctor Who is right up there with the best on the tube.

I've enjoyed your posts, each and everyone of them. Quite right on the mark, imho!! Thank you!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Great interview DoctorQui. Didn't realise you were in Bolton. My mum actually lives in Wigan - maybe next time I'm up we could get together for a training session :)

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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