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[KF 500k] Member Interview: pittbullJudoka

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pittbullJudoka (View Profile)

Former KarateForums.com Sempai

Joined: June 25, 2004

Posts: 1,049


Where are you from?

I'm from Kentucky but relocated to Tennessee about 15 years ago.

Why did you get started in the martial arts?

I got my start in martial arts in the mid 1990s because my brother (ShoriKid) had been training for awhile and I saw the cool stuff he was practicing at home and wanted to learn that, too. I had to quit after a year and a half because of my job after graduating high school. Several years later, after getting married and moving to Tennessee, I had developed a drinking problem and my brother again asked me to come train with him. That was April 2004.

Why have you continued to practice them?

I continued to train because the more I learned the more I wanted to learn and, quite honestly, I became addicted. And it has been the only good addiction I've ever had.

Please briefly describe the styles of martial arts that you have taken.

I started in Matsubashi Shorin Ryu as a teen. In my 20s, I started training in Ryu Kyu kenpo and, about three years ago, I began training in Brazilian jiu jitsu.

What is your grade or level?

In kenpo, I hold the rank of Nidan (2nd degree black belt). In Brazilian jiu jitsu, I'm a two stripe blue belt.

Do you teach?

I do teach in my own dojo alongside my brother.

What are your first memories from training?

My earliest memory of training has to be thinking I know how to punch then quickly learning my mechanics were horrible. And thinking I would never understand this stuff.

What has been the highlight of your training?

The highlight of my training would have to start with the ranks I have achieved due to the fact that every dojo I have associated myself with has had very high standards. The friends I have made among the training partners and students I've had the pleasure of stepping on the floor with. But the biggest highlight would have to be when my instructor decided to move to further his education and he thought so much of my skill and dedication that he turned the dojo over to me.

What do you do when you're not training?

When I'm not training, I have several things to keep me busy. I have an awesome wife without whom I wouldn't be here. She has stood by me through thick and thin. I have a six year old son who keeps me hopping. I'm an avid deer hunter. I'm also very into photography and picture editing. I love to shoot as well - that whole being from the country thing. I like an occasional movie and I really like horror better than any other genre. And music.

What do you do for a living?

I work for Walmart as an inventory management supervisor.

Who are or were your martial arts heroes?

My heroes in the martial arts are all the instructors I've had because without them I would not know what to do.

In addition, Kazushi Sakuraba because of how he came from nothing to basically being self taught and fearless. Jigoro Kano, the inventor of judo, for without him there would be no BJJ. Gene LeBell for teaching me that not all moves work on all people. Luiz Palhares for the great influence in BJJ and little things I've learned from him. Larry "The Tornado" Jarrett for teaching me to pick myself up off the floor even when I couldn't stand. He also taught me to take a punch. Scott "Hot Sauce" Holtzman for tying me in knots and then explaining to me how he did and also showing the world you can be a small town guy one day and a champion the next.

What are your favorite martial arts films and/or shows?

My favorite martial arts movies are The Karate Kid (the original), Best of the Best and Once I Was a Champion. As far as TV shows, anything concerning the martial arts I'll give a go once.

Where do you see yourself going in your martial arts journey in the next few years?

In the next few years, I would be happy to still be teaching, learning and training others in martial arts.

Do you remember how you found KarateForums.com? Why did you join?

I think the way I found the forum was I Googled martial arts forum and came across KarateForums.com and read on here for awhile before joining. I saw that there were real discussions by people that seemed to respect each others opinions and weren't flaming each at the drop of a hat. It seemed friendly and that it has been.

Why did you stay?

I stayed because everyone seems to have a wanting to discuss martial arts instead of running each other into the ground and calling each other a liar on every statement made.

You've been a member since June 25, 2004. During this time, how has KarateForums.com changed in your eyes, if at all?

The only change I've really seen is the amount of posts being made. In the past few years, they seem more in depth than before and on a more regular basis. It has only gotten better.

How did becoming a staff member change how you viewed the site?

When I was on the staff, I got to see the real inner workings of a forum. Also, as a staffer, I had to read posts, even if the subject wasn't of interest to me, to make sure everyone was playing nice and following the rules. You really get to see what goes on in every detail.

It was a great experience, I just wish I had more time to continue in the position I had. It was an honor to be a part of the staff because it meant that the hierarchy of the forums thought enough of my character to give the me opportunity to join their circle. After being a staff member, I really understand how much work goes on to keep everything running so smoothly.

How, if at all, have you used KarateForums.com in your classes or training?

Right off, I can't think of a particular subject that was on the forum that we have used in our training but I'm almost sure we've used something.

Are there any members here who have had a particular influences or impact on you?

The members that have influenced me the most have been sensei8 and bushido_man96 for their vast knowledge on a wide range of subjects and their humbleness. tallgeese really inspires my want to learn and advance my knowledge in BJJ from his videos and solid posts.

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I always enjoy having members within the community who know people outside of the forums, because they train at the same school or, in this case, because they are family. It's great. :)

Thank you for all of the great contributions that you have made to this community, both as a regular member and a staff member. I appreciate your long term support of the community.


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It's humbling to mentioned in your post, pitbull. Especially in such a manner. I've always been impressed with you're insights as well. I really respect the Ryu Kyu lineage you come out of and what you've had to deal with to get there.

I hope we get to log some mat time togehter at some point.

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I, too, am humbled to have been mentioned as one who has been of some help to you; I THANK YOU!!

There's not been a post of yours that hasn't touched my MA betterment in one way or another; quite inspiring across the board.

THANK YOU for all that you do for KF, its members, and myself!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Tallgesse I've mentioned several times to Shorikid that I'd love to have the opportunity roll with you for a weekend. We'll defiantly have to make it happen some day. If your ever in north East Tennessee you'll have to give me a heads up so we can roll.

I'd love to be able to have a KarateForums meeting over a weekend and let us all meet and train together. Let everyone teach a small potion of a class trading ideas and such.

Thank you everyone for the kind words. It's great to be a part of this forum.

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Tallgesse I've mentioned several times to Shorikid that I'd love to have the opportunity roll with you for a weekend. We'll defiantly have to make it happen some day. If your ever in north East Tennessee you'll have to give me a heads up so we can roll.

I'd love to be able to have a KarateForums meeting over a weekend and let us all meet and train together. Let everyone teach a small potion of a class trading ideas and such.

Thank you everyone for the kind words. It's great to be a part of this forum.

I will defiantly keep it in mind. That would be excellent. Likewise, if you're ever in the Chicago-land let me know. I agree a big meet-up would be a great idea. And it seems like a lot of us that reside in the States are in the central part of the country. Surprising that its not the coasts. But that might actually make what you're talking about a bit easier.

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Awesome. :) If you guys get to meet up, definitely take pictures.

I would like to do some official in-person meetings, but that is down the road.


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Feel blessed that you're part of my martial journey man. Couldn't imagine teaching without you. And Tallgeese, and the rest of the forum folk, our doors, humble as they are, are always open.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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