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[KF 500k] Member Interview: ps1

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ps1 (View Profile)

Joined: November 9, 2004

Posts: 2,793

KarateForums.com Awards: Member of the Year (2007)


Where are you from?

I live in Ravenna, Ohio. My academy is in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Why did you get started in the martial arts?

I remember watching The Karate Kid when I was very young. I really loved the movie and told my mom I wanted to do it. So, for my 6th birthday, my mom took me to a local TKD school. I trained there for 3 years until we moved to Ohio. I found another school and my journey has continued to blossom ever since.

Why have you continued to practice them?

Something about the martial arts just clicks with me. I feel deeply connected to my body in a way that, in my opinion, most people never do.

Please briefly describe the styles of martial arts that you have taken.

As I mentioned, I studied TKD for 3 years (from 6 to 9 years old). After moving to Ohio, I studied Poekoelan Tjimindie Teii Chuan Fa (an Indonesian art that combines kung fu with silat). After training in that to the age of 19, I began Shotokan karate and Aiki jujitsu. While training those arts I also trained an intensive, 1 year, sogo bujitsu program designed to train instructors. At the age of 24, I was introduced to Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm 34 now, for a total of 28 years of training.

What is your grade or level?

  • TKD: green belt (very long time ago)
  • Chuan Fa: 3rd degree black sash
  • Shotokan karate: Nidan
  • Aiki jujitsu: Nidan
  • Gracie jiu-jitsu: black belt

Do you teach?

Yes, I own and operate Top Level Martial Arts in Cuhahoga Falls, Ohio. I also taught Army combatives while in Iraq and the accredited Self Defense course at Youngstown State University.

What are your first memories from training?

Doing forms and duck-walks during my TKD training.

What has been the highlight of your training?

Earning my black belt in BJJ.

What do you do when you're not training?

Think about training and play with my children.

What do you do for a living?

I'm a Verification and Validation Engineer. I help design and test medical imaging equipment such as CT scanners, MRI, PET and SPECT imaging systems.

Who are or were your martial arts heroes?

Jigoro Kano, Musashi, Carlos Gracie, Helio Gracie, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, JJ Machado, Saulo Ribeiro, Pedro Sauer, Rickson Gracie, Uma Thurman and Michelle Krasnoo.

What are your favorite martial arts films and/or shows?

Choke, UFC and Kill Bill.

Where do you see yourself going in your martial arts journey in the next few years?

Possibly participating in a few local tournaments and focusing on growing my academy and passing jiu-jitsu on to the next generation.

Do you remember how you found KarateForums.com? Why did you join?

I was still deployed in Iraq when I found KF. I was just looking for a forum where I could get my mind off what was going on around me. I remember my first few posts, like many newbies, were a bit pretentious. I soon realized I was talking to people who took martial arts a serious as I do and who read, train and care as much as I do. That led me to stick around. My original handle here was pendakarshihan1, paying homage to the high level titles from both poekoelan and shotokan, my goals at the time. However, I felt the handle was too long and I had Patrick shorten it to ps1.

Why did you stay?

I've stuck around because there's a really great and positive community on this forum. It got me through a really difficult time in life.

You've been a member since November 9, 2004. During this time, how has KarateForums.com changed in your eyes, if at all?

The biggest changes I notice are in how many people come and go. One of my favorite posters when I started on the forum was 24fightingchickens. But that person hasn't been around in a very long time, unless he's lurking.

Additionally, after another decade of training, my perspective on things has changed as well. I'm sure you can find a post of mine from 10 years ago that probably contradicts something I would say today. I was way more into the feudal Japanese arts and warriorship back then. So my posts were more geared toward those things. Now my my focus is on BJJ and growing my academy. So you'll see more posts in the grappling forums and instructor forums, with less in the karate forums.

How, if at all, have you used KarateForums.com in your classes or training?

I would say I use it very indirectly. I like to read the instructor forums and see what other people think of situations. I can wrap those methods into my own and use them.

Can you share a memorable moment within the community where you received great advice or an experience that really affected you and your martial arts journey?

As I mentioned above, KF helped me get through a pretty tough time in life. I was fighting a war and this was a great place to go and get my mind off the crap going on. I really appreciate that I had somewhere to go to do that.

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Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for your service, ps1.

Can you share a memorable moment within the community where you received great advice or an experience that really affected you and your martial arts journey?

As I mentioned above, KF helped me get through a pretty tough time in life. I was fighting a war and this was a great place to go and get my mind off the crap going on. I really appreciate that I had somewhere to go to do that.

This is very meaningful to me personally and it shows the impact that online communities can have in a person's life.

Thank you for all of the outstanding contributions that you have made to this community.


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Its always a pleasure to read your posts, ps1. I've always looked forward to your insight and advice.

Additionally, after another decade of training, my perspective on things has changed as well. I'm sure you can find a post of mine from 10 years ago that probably contradicts something I would say today. I was way more into the feudal Japanese arts and warriorship back then. So my posts were more geared toward those things. Now my my focus is on BJJ and growing my academy. So you'll see more posts in the grappling forums and instructor forums, with less in the karate forums.

I can relate to this, as well. I've looked back and found how over time some of my views have changed. Its fun being able to see this, seeing how we grow.

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Great read PS1. Thank you for your contributions here and for your service to our Country!

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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I too would like to thank you for your many contributions throughout KF, and in that, keeping KF the leader within its type of venue.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Great to hear more from you ps1-lthank you for sharing your profile with us! I have always enjoyed your contributions to KF (even those you deem pretentious) -keep them coming!


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Great read PS1. Thank you for your contributions here and for your service to our Country!

Ditto this. I think it's something we can all appreciate. It's amazing to read your story and hear how KF has a part in your life there.

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Great read - always look forward to reading your posts.

Additionally, after another decade of training, my perspective on things has changed as well. I'm sure you can find a post of mine from 10 years ago that probably contradicts something I would say today. I was way more into the feudal Japanese arts and warriorship back then. So my posts were more geared toward those things. Now my my focus is on BJJ and growing my academy. So you'll see more posts in the grappling forums and instructor forums, with less in the karate forums.

I think everyone is guilty of this to some degree. It would be more worrying if people never re-evaluated their stance on something despite receiving new information and experiences.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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