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I recently learned a triangle choke, and I thought it was rather entertaining to do. Now, I just need to get some more reps and practice in on it.

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I get confused sometimes when martial artists refer to chokes and strangles as being the same category of technique. Chokes cut off the air supply and strangles cut off the blood supply; is this right?

Technically you are correct. However the martial arts generally use them interchangeably. Most martial arts "chokes" are actually strangulations which cut off blood supply. They are more reliable and faster acting than those attacking the air supply.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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I recently learned a triangle choke, and I thought it was rather entertaining to do. Now, I just need to get some more reps and practice in on it.

It's a fun one I use it more as a transitional position as my leg tend to be too short as more of my training partners are fairly broad shouldered and larger than me. But once you get the flow to can transition off to the arm bar, or Omoplata and back again. It a very versatile position.

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I recently learned a triangle choke, and I thought it was rather entertaining to do. Now, I just need to get some more reps and practice in on it.

It's a fun one I use it more as a transitional position as my leg tend to be too short as more of my training partners are fairly broad shouldered and larger than me. But once you get the flow to can transition off to the arm bar, or Omoplata and back again. It a very versatile position.

Yes, I actually learned those 3 transitions together a few weeks ago at our DT club session. I really enjoyed seeing the transitions.
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Rear Naked Choke and the Triangle Choke; these are my favorites among the many other chokes taught and learnt because they're, for me, quite easy to transition into from many angles and they're both quite debilitating once locked.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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The one I'm the best at I don't know the actual name for but it's like a modified paper cutter choke. I call it the Palhares choke since I learned it from Luiz Palhares. You set it up from side control. So let's say I'm in side control on your left side. I first reach under your left shoulder with my left hand gripping either your shoulder or the center of you collar (if I can reach it). My right hand will grip your right collar thumb in. I cut across the neck with my forearm to turn the head exposing the neck. From there I begin to move to my right pulling down on the shoulder or Gi depending on my previous grip. The further I can get the head turned during my setup the faster the and tighter the choke comes on.

Also the rear naked Sensei8 mentioned is a great one. But a lot of people apply it wrong. There are multiple fine details that most don't know. They want to rip someone's head off when trying to finish. The pressure should a nice slow squeeze like giving ones neck a loving hug while you top hand is cupping the back of the slightly pushing forward and toward you elbow. Your head should be in the back of theirs to add pressure among other reasons.

But to each their own and all are great techniques when applied properly.

Great discussion guys.

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The one I'm the best at I don't know the actual name for but it's like a modified paper cutter choke. I call it the Palhares choke since I learned it from Luiz Palhares.

I am also awesome at never knowing specific names for things :lol: . From your description though, I've also called that choke a paper cutter choke, I've heard the modified adjective on there as well.

At the risk of showing just how informal the group I roll with can be, we often refer to it as a peanut butter choke. Yeah, I know. Absolutely ridiculous . :roll:. But there it is.

It's a convoluted story as to how that morphed into being. That said, it's a great choke and an absolutely great way to control from that position and mount an attack.

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I know what you mean tallgesse. The rodeo choke is is know as the Peter Pan choke in the gym I train in. My instructor let me in on the reasoning and it was pretty hilarious. But every gym has a different name for everything seems like.

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I just love the choke names that you all have labeled them; sounds cute, but EFFECTIVE beyond just their names. LOVE THEM!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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