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Instructor kicked my son as punishment - now what?

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My son (9 years old, 3 years in TKD) was recently physically punished in class.

My son and other students (in full gear) were goofing off and messing around in class, sparring/kicking one another. My son kicked his friend in the stomach, making the other boy cry. I fully acknowledge that my son was wrong and that the instructor needed to address his actions - but...

The instructor (a black belt) called my son to the front of the class, told him to stand with his arms in the air and then kicked him in the stomach. My son dropped to the ground and was gasping for air after getting the wind kicked out of him. The instructor then yelled at my son and told him to stand up. I wasn't there - but this was the story I got from both my son and another adult. I am bothered not only by an adult, black belt physically assaulting my child, but by the humiliation he also inflicted.

Do I report this? I really think if this behavior happened to my child I am obligated to do something to protect other children from this 'master'. What do I do next?

My son was not only physically hurt, but he was also humiliated as well. He loved TKD and was quite good, but now refuses to go back, even to another instructor.

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This behavior is totally unacceptable, it's common assault. Students should never be punished by physical violence and humiliation. I would not talk to the instructor, I would get in touch with his governing body and report the indecent in writing, copy your letter and take legal advice. I'm sorry this happened, there should be a complaints procedure for negligence in the chain of grade; The instructor's Teacher should know how he treats his students. Good Luck.

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Physical punishment for a student is definitely in appropriate. In our martial arts dojo in San Diego this would never fly. There are cases where there is physical contact between students, but those should be dealt with through a discussion and other means -- not by an instructor using a physical tool on a student.

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My son's father was there and witnessed the whole thing, so I don't feel there is another side to the story that I need to hear. I have not yet been able to speak with the owner, but worst case scenario I will be at the class on Monday to speak with the instructor and/or owner myself.

I am baffled that none of the other parents did/said anything. That bothers me almost as much as the incident itself.

I do not personally have much martial arts experience, but I feel I need to let who ever issued this instructor his black belt what happened. This goes against all of the good I associate with martial arts. I don't want this to happen to other kids.

How do I find out who to report this to?

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As others have said, I'd talk with the instructor AND the owner about this before I went any further. I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like simple assault to me. I'n very sorry to hear that your son is (understandably so) soured on going to any martial arts school. I hope that he never feels that he did anything wrong in this situation. I only say that because kids sometimes feel that way if they are the "cause" of "getting an adult in trouble." The adult was in the wrong. He did the right thing by telling people the truth.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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I spoke with the owner tonight. Surprisingly enough, not one parent contacted him about what happened. When I talked to the owner he was almost speechless. That alone makes me feel better. Part of my frustration with the whole thing is feeling like I am the only one upset about what happened.

I don't want to press charges or anything like that, but I do want to report it to a governing martial art body.

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bad bad bad.

Find another club, and report the matter to the reverent bodies.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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