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Shotokan Karate


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Hello all,

I hope somebody can help me, I have 2 questions related tro shotokan karate:

1-) I think that Sanbon Kumite sequence 1 and 2 are taught in green belt, at which level sequences 3, 4 and 5 are taught?

2-) I don't see on the shotokan syllabus several techniques, for example Kakato geri, ura mawashigeri, mikazuki geri, teisho uchi, Kakiwake uke, tate zuki, kagi zuki to name a few. Are these techniques taught individually in shotokan or just via katas? If they are taught individually, at which level are they taught? is there any more complete syllabus that includes these techniques?

Thank you very much everybody for your help

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1) I was learning Gohon, Sanbon and Ippon kumite from white belt, so it might depend on your trainer. They even let me do free sparring

2) I dont know about Kakato geri, but the rest of technicues you asked for we learnt individually or in kata. It also might depend o0n trainer, school or organisation.

A style is just a name.

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We start various 5-step, 3-step and 1-step kumite at white and yellow belts. But if you're in ISKF or SKIF dojo they may be more regulated. In my training I began learning some of the more dynamic kicks and unusual blocks at green belt level and above, but they were introduced as the instructor saw fit and were not part of the grading syllabus.

"Honour, not honours." ~ Sir Richard Francis Burton


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Kakato geri, ura mawashigeri, mikazuki geri, teisho uchi, Kakiwake uke, tate zuki, kagi zuki

Well it depends not only on the style of karate do but on the knoledge of the instructors, why ? you ask.

well simple i'll help:

kakato geri is a simple axe kick

ura mawashigeri is a crescent heel hook kick normally High

mikazuki geri is a kick used normally for blocking from the forward position (zenkutsu dachi) it flows like a mae geri and moves inward with the inside of your foot like a palm block.

teisho uchi thrust palm strike, normally to the stomach chest chin of face, (counterstrike generaly)

Kakiwake uke is a technique used to split a double lapel grip, need to be very strong to do this but when done normally can be useful added a kick in the middle

tate zuki is a Half reverse punch, or a thrust punch in a hammer punch position...

kagi zuki is a hook punch a bit complicated to explain but as it sounds.

My dad was my sensei and he spent hours learning the name and how to use most of the moves in traditional Japanese. for a better teaching method.

sow you learn all the moves names depending if your sensie knows the correct name of the move and how to use them, if not he will just call them by an English term for better understanding.

hope this was help full, if you need help with terms or moves email me.

keep training Ous. . .

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