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Well, you'd have to figure out what you mean by "best". Also, our knowledge of people is limited, and reputations may not be directly related to how much people brag about it.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

  1UrbanMA said:
Who do you think is the best ever martial artist to date?

That depends.

What do you think defines "the best martial artist"?


Usque ad mortem bibendum!


To answer your question in a different way...

Ōtake Risuke is one of my all time "favourite martial artist". He is headmaster of the Tenshin Shodan Katori Shinto-ryu school of Bujutsu...

A truly awesome martial artist imo.


Usque ad mortem bibendum!


I've always treated the word "best" as an illusion, and in that, it's a personal opinion. An opinion that's mine and mine alone because we see the beauty differently.

Having said that,

For me...

Dai-Soke Yoshinobu Takahashi of the Shindokan Saitou-ru!!

Beyond him...

Bruce Lee.


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Part of me wants to say someone like Morio Higaonna. I know I am partial because I train goju but there is something about someone who dedicates his life to the practice and perfection of his art and if anyone knows about him, they know serious he really is..

Another part of me wants to say Ueshiba, for evolving, and surpassing himself. He took his art to a new level and created something special.

Bruce Lee also evolved. I know he was wise beyond his years. He transcended the systems he trained in. He became something different. He gets much attention from his movie star status which blurs things for me a bit and he died way to young, I am afraid his contributions were cut short.

I like Mr Miyagi - wax on wax off

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK


Musashi, Bruce Lee, Whoever wins the Gracie family Feats of Strength during Festivus, Dan Inosanto, Mark Denny, Anderson Silva, Tony Jaa, Hwang Jang Lee, Don Frye's Moustache of Manliness, Audi Murphy..... Too many greats to pick the best.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma


Chuck Norris is clearly the only option!


Seriously though I bet the greatest martial artist who ever lived is someone that history has forgotten. Their name is forever lost along with records of their deeds, but they were an incredible warrior unlike anything the modern world has ever seen.

I like to imagine that anyway.

A warrior may choose pacifism, all others are condemned to it.

"Under the sky, under the heavens, there is but one family." -Bruce Lee


I always say Jigoro Kano (founder of Judo). His developments and influence are perhaps more profound than even Bruce Lee's .

If you believe in an ideal. You don't own it ; it owns you.

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