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Weapons In Capoeira


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Just from what little I know about capoeira, I don't think there are weapons. Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose? I thought it was supposed to be a "hidden art", disguised as dancing. So if they had swords it would kinda be obvious. Unless you're talking about using a long stick and beating it on the ground in rhythm...somewhat like...bonking them on the head? I dunno.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Dear MonkeyGirl,


Yes, it is true, that Capoeira was hidden as a dance but once, the ban was lifted, problems started. At least to my understanding. It was kind-a like a turf war or the way the old Chinese schools used to fight to prove who was better. I guess this is where the weapons came in.


Now I could be totally off on this. But from the bits and pieces of history that I have found, it seemed to be this way.


And before I forget :D CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! :wink: :D on your promotion to Black Belt.


Short people rule?? Mmmm... Great to hug (especially if their cute), but a pain in postitier end to fight and point sparr with!! :P


Live free, Die Well



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Thanks for the congrats :)


Oh, like tall people are so wonderful to spar...I can't hit you because all you have to do is reach out and put your hand on my forehead!


Besides, tall ppl freak me out. Like I've said before: I don't like trying to carry on a serious conversation while looking up your nostrils! :o


BTW you never got back to me about my kung-fu fan tape...I realize you've moved and everything, but do you still plan on doing it? Let me know if you need the address again, or anything else.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As a real capoeirista, I have to reply to this. Weapons are a part of capoeira. Not sticks, he is confusing capoeira with maculel, but knifes and straight edge razors are the weapons used traditionally in capoeira. Sometimes the razor is held between the toes. There are some pictures of how the razor is used in Nestor Capoeira's second book "Galo já cantou" which is not out in English yet however.


The idea that capoeira was practised to music has a way of disguising as a dance I find very hard to believe. I can't imagine that anyone could fooled for a minute, ; it is very clear to anyone that capoeira is about fighting,and african dance was also outlawed. The current idea is that the music was added to add to pleasure of the game, and while I know that this is true, I also think that the music adds to capoeira's effectiveness as a martial art. Capoeira is not unique as martial art practiced to music.

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  • 1 month later...
I must agree with the other capoeirista, razors and knives are used in capoeira, however, a suggetion about the dancing and musical aspects of the game was made and I would like just to shed light. Capoeira is in fact a form of a dance but not so much as a means to disguise as it was a form of cultural expression. You see, the african slaves wanted to preserve at least some of their heritage, but they also needed to train for the day the would fight their masters for freedom. So the rythmic movements and the musical influences in capoeira kept them safe from the masters, who though they were just dancing, allowing them to practice an art of fighting while they had a continual reminder of their african culture.
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