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Well, its my name.

For those interested, Andrew was apparently Latin for brave or courageous. My middle name was some dialect of Greek for soldier, and my last roots from the Gaelic for sea warrior. I like my name.

Checkout my Insta and my original music: https://www.instagram.com/andrewmurphy1992/

Poems, Stories, other Writings: https://andrewsnotebook6.wordpress.com/

Youtube: @AndrewMilesMurphy

  • 4 weeks later...

Mine user name isnot also related with martial arts it represents me with my bst friend because sanil is a formation of to name 1 my own and another my best friend and i use this name in my places

I live my own way

  • 2 months later...

Fang is the name of my Feraligatr in Pokémon. He added the Pwns All part after it with 7. :)

Tang Soo Do - Red Belt (2nd GUP)


Credo: Latin for "I believe"

Te: Te (Ti), as in "Remember the Te!" :P

Remember the Tii!

In Life and Death, there is no tap-out...


Hawkmoon, the last name of a character in a book series I read when I was younger.

His full name 'Duke Dorian Hawkmoon.'

No connection to it for me just that I like the sound of the name!


“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

  • 2 weeks later...


We removed a post from this thread in error. It is included below. I apologize for the trouble.



  Rez said:
Was a semi-pro DJ forever. DJ Rezin has been my name for 12-15 years. Rez has been a nick ever since.

If you like edm/house type stuff - https://www.djrezin.com

  • 2 weeks later...

I took my favorite kobudo weapon and added what my training helped me to do better than anything else in the years of battling a chronic condition. Do I still get my sai out and work with them? You better believe it.


Jin Kazama, does Kyokushin Karate + Me being a Jin fanboy who does Shotokan = Me and him.

"It's not the style that's important, it's the practitioner. No style is superior to the other if you practice and train hard, ANY style can be effective."

- Me!!!!!!!

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