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Venezolano we have already had these discussions, to be honest you are new here, and are in that period when you first come to a forum to bash other styles. So I cant be bothered to have this dicussion with you.


But I will say this, is the effectivenss of a style only related to how it proforms in the Commerical NHB. Where most dangerous moves are banned. Like small joint manipulation and certain strikes.


Answer me that. :)


Take Care

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Kensai, You don't have to agree. It doesn't matter to me. The more martial artists who continue to limit themselves, the better for me. The less I have to worry about facing an opponent who can do something I won't expect.


I can see, that perhaps, you are novice in the study of the combative arts. A fighter who has faced multiple opponents is quick to see the advantage in carrying every weapon in the arsenal rather than simply bringing a handful of weapons and hoping they work for every situation.


But, then again, this is just my opinion, right? And what are opinions? They don't mean much, right, compared to hard facts? You'd do yourself a favor to learn the lessons taught by the ancient rhetors of society.


I'm amused. But then again, this is nothing new I haven't encountered before in the years of my sojourn as a martial artist.


Kensai, you may continue down the path you've chosen and see where it leads you. Maybe, someday, something will happen to open your eyes. If not, oh well, doesn't affect me or my opinion, right? Hehe.


Good luck.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Kensai: YEs, i'm new and what? that's my opinion, and i think you should respect it, as i respect yours.


i've practiced Aikido for 3 months, and that is my opinnion.


NHB could be commercial, but is in those events where you see the effectiveness of an art with respect others.


I like Aikido, but for self-defense i don't think it be so effective like BJJ for example.

Valencia - Venezuela.

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Martial Artist.


Please dont take offence. I am sure that you have some great ability that will put all us mono artists to shame. But the fact is, to do a martial art justice, one needs to dedicate your whole life to it. That sole art. It takes a life time to perfect one, so how can someone perfect more than one?


I am sure that as I pass though life I will see other styles and think thats cool. I love reading about EVERY style, I appreciate every one. But that does not mean I have to study it. How can I do more than one art justise?


I also consider myself lucky that I study a style that is everything I want, and I have done my share of styles to find the one I want.


But I find myself amused that you can say this:


"The less I have to worry about facing an opponent who can do something I won't expect."


So are you saying in this case that you know every move of Aikido, and the counter? So I am at a disadvantage? The wonder of one complete style is that you have a little something for anything that comes at you, whether I get it right or not is a different question. ;)


Also Martial artist, I will continue down my path, not because I feel that I could learn nothing from mixing, but that I am happy with what I have. That is whats important in MA.


Also if you think that all MA's are about is combat, that is very sad. I consider aikido to give me all the "weapons" I need. But is that what it is all about. The philosophys themselves are very different, and from style to style contridict each other. So how can you believe in two philosophys.


But thanks for the challanging reply.




hmm. I really dont know what to say, I am obviously doing a useless style. I had better go tell the Doshu. I am sure he will shut down the all the AIkido dojo's. I am glad that you told me this, phew. lol ;)


Joking aside, you have not done Aikido long enough to slam its self defence abilities. Nor would I slam BJJ's. Like all MA's skill does not come over night. And especially with internal styles it takes even longer. If one becomes excellent at ONE style, then the attack itself does not matter. There are some limited styles that dont cover everything, so mixing would be a good idea in that case.


Take Care

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I think cross-training is a good thing. I'd say a martial artist of any style could prolly beat a regular street fighter, providing he's not to much bigger and stuff. Still, its better to do more i'd say, as far as pure combat is concerned. I don't agree that Karate is useless of course. Its one of the arts i do. I assure you, i can fight just fine. WHy do Karate guys not win in NHB? Because the ones who have, only do Karate and nothing else. Karate is still good, just when fighting a cross-trained dude, he loses if he hasn't done so as well. Simple as that. Also the individual counts too, y don't u see alotta Karate guys in NHB. COz they ain't interested, look at the principles of karate, they're against fighting unless forced to. Many Karateka have no interest in doing nhb fighting. I do not share those views nor to i hold dear pretty much any of karate's ideology, i use my own pretty much. And also, for those who say high kicks don't work...LOOK AT NHB, they sure look like they work to me. Also, wat u guys think about Sambo?

"Live free.

Die well..."

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I'm not telling that the Aikido is bad, i only said that in my opinion i wouldn't take it to learn self-defense.


Yes, you are right, i have no taken enought time in Aikido to say it, but what i have seen, is what i said, get it?


You are free to choose the MA with you feel better, if you feel fine with Aikido, cool :)

Valencia - Venezuela.

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Xtreme Fury:


I took Karate when i was like 14 years old, and got my yellow belt, i left it because in my opinion it's very unrealistic, and those katas are bullshit and waste of time.


After it, with my cousin, we got into an Aikido school, i was there for about 3 months, and quit


And after it, my uncle suggest me that took TKD (he is a TKD black belt), and i took it, made it from about 9 months, and quit.


I'm not saying i don't like these, instead, i think for a real fight situation they aren't useful.


But like a sport, particulary, i love taekwondo, it's very impressive :karate:

Valencia - Venezuela.

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This thread sparked a thought. If a person dedicates their lives to the study of many arts and develops their own art (which they practice and teach for the rest of their days) based on what they perceive to be the best elements of every art they've encountered... is that person mixing or staying true to a single art in the end? How many arts are there out there that were developed from scratch anyway? Haven't most of them evolved from other places?

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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