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About 10 years ago (age 24), I was a purple belt in Kenpo - with blue tips and about to take my blue belt. I then left the area where that club was based and moved away, and there were no Kenpo clubs where I moved to.

10 years later (34) and I am moving back to where I grew up, and I'd like to re-join the Kenpo club there. I'm sure it will take me a while to remember all the forms and techniques, but can I put my purple belt on again and go along?

I mean, they're not going to demote me back to white belt - I'd hope - that would be so depressing. But I feel a bit self-conscious turning up with a purple belt on and being unable to remember much of the material…! And having lower ranking belts behind me, knowing more of it!

I still have the little grading book which the instructor signs when you pass a belt, so I can 'prove' that I am really a purple belt.

I thought about emailing the instructor to ask, but I don't even know how to ask the question… 'Is it ok if I still wear my purple belt?'…? Has anyone else taken a long break from training and then gone back, and did you turn up in the same belt you left in?!

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I would ask, ?Hey sensei, I know its been some time since i've been on the mat. I have been thinking about the techniques and I am looking forward to getting the rust out. Would you like me to put my old purple belt on, or should I put a white belt on."

I think just the fact that your asking will mean something.

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK


Thanks, I guess there is part of me that doesn't want to tempt fate and ask - in case he says 'yes, put a white belt on!'.

But then it would be even more embarrassing if I didn't ask and then he had to tell me to… :brow:


If he suggests the whilebelt, you will make it through ranks quickly.

The odds are he will test you. Brush up on your own. Get ready. Know all the techniques or at least be familiar with all the ones you were responsible for knowing.

Asking if would prefer you wear a white belt its going to reveal something about your character to him and he will like what he sees. If anybody asks him, why is that guy wearing his old belt, he will say, that you offered to put on a whilte belt but he made the choice

good luck

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK


I'd put on a white belt for your first class. It's not being demoted so much as acknowledging you've forgotten a lot and need some time to get back up to speed. I doubt he'll make you go up all the ranks again. You'll probably either keep your white belt until you get back up to the purple belt level or he'll tell you to just wear a purple belt. But always start with the white belt. It's more humble and a lot less pressure on you so you won't have to worry about being self-conscious. Then rather than the lower ranks seeing a purple belt that they know more than, they'll see an utterly amazing white belt. :-)

I did something similar-- moved away then came back 12 years later. I wore a white belt for about three months until I got back up to where I was and then I put on my old belt and continued from there.


My Sensei would simply grade you, if you passed you would wear your belt, if you fail, you wear a white one until you pass. Elementary!

Look to the far mountain and see all.


I'm with everyone else...wear the white belt, then follow the leading's of your sensei.


**Proof is on the floor!!!


A guy in our Dojo took a long time out of Karate, on his return he chose to wear a white belt, but was quickly told by our Sensei to wear his original rank after demonstrating his knowledge.



I remember that one time was custom to wear a white belt with black stripes on the ends to show that I'm wearing a "wrong" belt.

For me after a break instruction has been to wear my own belt. Think of all the old black belt... should they start wearing white just because they can't do what they use to do?


Ultimately, it is your instructor's decision what color belt you wear. If he/she wants you to wear a white belt, then you should, but I would think you would progress through the ranks again fairly quickly if you pick it back up easily. If your instructor wants you to wear your rank, then go ahead and wear it but make sure that people understand that you've had quite a long break or they will expect you to be as knowledgeable and skilled as everyone else wearing that color belt.

If your instructor does tell you to wear a white belt again, don't worry about it. Martial arts training is a life-long journey, so it really doesn't matter what color your belt is or how long it takes you to progress from one rank to another, as long as you keep training :).

KishimotoDi | 2014-Present | Sensei: Ulf Karlsson

Shorin-Ryu/Shinkoten Karate | 2010-Present: Yondan, Renshi | Sensei: Richard Poage (RIP), Jeff Allred (RIP)

Shuri-Ryu | 2006-2010: Sankyu | Sensei: Joey Johnston, Joe Walker (RIP)

Judo | 2007-2010: Gokyu | Sensei: Joe Walker (RIP), Ramon Rivera (RIP), Adrian Rivera

Illinois Practical Karate | International Neoclassical Karate Kobudo Society

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