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Moral Obligation?

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I would have to agree with G95 Champ. I really can't afford to lose my job, because I was stuck in jail. And all because some idiot decided he wanted to whoop my butt.


But then again it would depend on the situation. And how badly he/she got hurt, and where the incident happened.


MonkeyNinja :wink:

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I wouldn't leave them there, I could definately be charged for that. I'd probably do as G95 said. Call the police, then, depending on his injuries, posssibly call an ambulance.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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speaking from experience, in most cases, I wouldn't bother. the injuries given to an attacker can be only a broken limb or just busted up. I had someone who attacked me with a knife in the middle of a retention basin, after asking for my wallet, anyhow, as I went to give it to him, he just went psycho and attacked me, anyhow, a couple seconds later he was on the ground with a broken arm and a broken sternum. I went to a nearby house and called the police. I couldn't in the right mind leave my attacker there with no medical attention, the threat was over, i was no longer in danger..he did not need to die. Always remember mercy, never take life unless there is no other choice. This attacker with a knife, did not need to die..however it is very likely that in the heat of combat when someone is attempting to take your life, that you may dispatch them while defending yourself, this will depend on your skill level, the skill of your attacker and your circumstances, you just don't take any chances when your dealing with your life. In my case, i was facing a supremely inferior attacker, I didn't need to take his life..he had a knife and did a lame attack, he was obviously nothing more that a scraggly kid, trying to commit crime...far from a hardened street killer. That's my take on it, if life does not need to be taken then don't take it. If that means calling in help, for your broken attacker then do it.


Don't be concerned with legalities, especially when life is at stake. If needs be use a payphone..do something. Life is to be taked very seriously. :karate:

Understand this, a man without honor, is not a man at all, but a coward in disquise.

Animis Opibusque Parati

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::edit:: Edited by Bon

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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We as martial artists are trained to defend ourselves, more than the average man.


Courts will never EVER understand the need for self defence.


However, one the Sensei's from my club was attacked with a knife, he did the technique (Tenchinage). Then gave the man back the knife and said, "come again, that was not quite right". The attacker then just did a runner. The point being is that you dont always have to leave your oppenent dead on the floor.


I have never been in a situation to use what I have learnt, if I could get out of it I would. But I think that I am to stubborn to give someone my wallet. Alas I think this would be my down fall.


But if I did hurt someone, I would probably feel so guilty that I would have to get them some sort of help. But the chances are that it wont just be the one, and his mates will be around the corner. Then what do you do?


But morally, I would always have to help the attacker. I think.


Take Care

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I dont know what most of your arts teach, for I can only vouch for a few different styles. But in street fighting, I teach to handle the situation and get out of there. Because that is what would do...I would handle the situation the best I could...and leave, for in the heat of my adrenaline rush I would be gone, I wouldnt even take the time to see if the man (or men) that I clobbered would be standing, breathing, alive or not.


What is your take?


"I shall not be judged by what style I know, but how I apply that style againsts yours..."

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Here is my take, first off to ckdstudent, you don't need to call the ambulance, they'll just send the police out first anyways, it's their protocol, anytime there was a violent incident, the police secure the scene, and then they call in the ambulance. Speaking again from experience, you know that the instant you knock someone down, if they are hurt bad or getting right back up, if you just pushed them down you're going to know if they are getting back up, if you break an arm, the instant you do, and you see a bone pop out, you know that they are hurt bad...that instant that it is done, you know. You know that when you punch someone in the sternum and you feel and hear the break, you know they aren't gettin back up...my point being, unless you just push them down, or hit them with weak little "paper tiger" attacks, you know the general condition of your attacker....hey, even if you do, do little weak attacks you'll know, that you didn't damage him enough to put him down. One doesn't "clobber" his opponent and then close his eyes and run. It doesn't happen this way. It is true, you don't want to be in a situation any longer that you HAVE to. You're right in that you must handle the situation and remove yourself from it, but in a street fight, i guarantee you'll know the condition of yourself and your attacker. He'll either be on the ground squirming and screaming with pain, or just lying there without motion, or he'll be up on his feet coming at you again. It's part of fighting, knowing whether or not your opponent is hurt.

Understand this, a man without honor, is not a man at all, but a coward in disquise.

Animis Opibusque Parati

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In that situation I would feel the need to get the person some medical attention, however I don't know if he has any friends/supporters in the area. The first thing I would do would be to get out of there as quick as I could, then call the police/ambulence/etc from a safer location.


Sorry, if I have to use enough force that an ambulence is required I'm not going to have much sympathy. My neck over his, eh? Of course, I'd let the police know where they can reach me and my version of the situation, no doubts there.

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