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The Shindokan Shield


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This post was originally published as an article in a dedicated KarateForums.com Articles section, which is no longer online. After the section was closed, this article was most to the most appropriate forum in our community.


Most, if not all, styles of the martial arts have some type of indentifying symbol of one kind or another; the image above is the symbol of Shindokan Saitou-ryu. The Shindokan shield was designed, and authorized, by Soke Fuyuhiko Saitou in 1950. It remains unchanged to this very day.

Let us explore said shield as I briefly explain the nomenclature of our identifying symbol. This shield can be found on practically every official Hombu document. From our letterheads to our certificates of rank/title to scrolls to our flags to our banners to our by-laws to the patch that's worn on our gi; it's everywhere. We wear this shield proudly and with no ambiguity whatsoever; it's our badge of honor.

The shields round circumference has a four inch diameter. There are three distinct colors within the shield: gold, red and white. There are also four distinctive fields within the shield: the outside gold border, the red three fold tomoe, the white triskelion and the gold kanji. Each color or field has an important meaning to us. These same fields weren't haphazardly thrown together by mistake, nor were they created by our Soke to only please the viewer. No, their meanings serve a solemn purpose because they echo the very life of our Soke; his very martial art journey, poured out onto this shield.

The color gold, as found on the outside border, depicts Shindokan as being quite generous and giving, compassionate and loving, sharing its wisdom and knowledge with others unselfishly and without any hesitation; what is ours is freely yours. The color gold is associated with higher ideals, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment. It inspires knowledge, spirituality and a deep understanding of the self and the soul within everything that's Shindokan.

The color red, as found just on the inside of the outer border, depicts Shindokan as giving fiery heat and warmth, therefore the life that it brings; as the red-hot heat of the Sun. Beyond those life giving properties, the color red symbolizes the courage within our hearts and the confidence within our movements; capitulated because of our driven energy, speed, strength, danger and passion for Shindokan.

The color white, as found in the direct center, depicts the purity of Shindokan; untainted by the immoral ideologies. In the color white, there is a new birth, or beginning of a life cycle that's yearning breathlessly and unadulterated towards that which is unknown, yet hoped for and expected. In the color white, there is an equal balance, representing both the positive and negative aspects that constantly embrace and surround us all; how we balance them is important. Its basic feature of equality, implying fairness, impartiality, neutrality and independence, is what aides the binding forces of Shindokan.

The shield's round circumference and four inch diameter has no tremendously significant meaning as to its given size and shape. The roundness is the same shape of the Tinbe (shield) we use while practicing our brand of kobudo (Old Martial Way). Its diameter has no direct correlation with the size of the human heart. However, the four inch diameter is sufficient enough to shield the heart and, while the human heart's location isn't directly under the shield per where it lies on one's gi top, its intended meaning should be easy enough to understand.

The outside gold border symbolizes the fire that burns extremely bright, yet unbroken and unquenchable, within each of our hearts. This fire defends the three fold tomoe which in turn supports Shindokan. The border defends the virtue of Shindokan without any pause or reservation because it's within the border to defend Shindokan against all adversaries at any and all costs; absolute and without any contestation.

The red three fold tomoe constantly circles to protect and serve Shindokan. The comma shaped crest is recognized as the Hidari Gomon, the traditional symbol of Okinawa. The varied explanations surrounding the tomoe are not only rich in its history, but also in its wealth of opinions. Many Okinawan karate dojos have incorporated its use into the symbols they use to represent their particular style of Okinawan karate-do.

When a group of Okinawa's loyal to King Sho Nei staged a rebellion against the Japanese and were defeated, they were sentenced to death. Typical of the cruelty of the Satsuma samurai this was to be no quick execution. There would be no sense of dignity offered to the Okinawa's who failed in their attempt to restore their king. Instead, death would come painfully: being boiled alive. The bodies floating in the scalding water are captured in the swirling commas of the Hidari Gomon, and has come to depict the courage and tenacity of those individuals who took action against injustice and faced the consequences with dignity.

The white triskelion is often times mistakenly confused as the Okinawan shield, which is used by most Okinawan karate styles; it represents itself to be the "rope in offering." In actuality, what's taken to be the Okinawan shield, in the color white, the triskelion between the three fold tomoe, that's the three "commas." This is the true Okinawan shield; in that, the red portion is nothing more than background. Cleverly disguised, some proponents believe it to be two shields in one.

The gold kanji reads, from top to bottom, Shindokan. "Shin" means "heart," "do" means "way" and "kan" means "house". Literally, it translaes to "The House of the Heart Way." Having the kanji placed dominantly center, and placed over both the three fold tomoe as well as the triskelion, wasn't to overshadow the totality of the symbol, but rather, it was to place it respectfully in its deserved place. Shindokan is the father, while its practitioners are its devoted and loyal children.

Hopefully, you've enjoyed a brief explanation about the Shindokan shield as much as I've enjoyed sharing it with you. It's hard at times for most people, including martial artists, to understand each and every what, where, when, why and how of a symbol's design. For us Shindokanists, it becomes clear when one knows the creator of each and everything that is Shindokan.


I hereby certify that I am duly authorized, and thereafter protected by Shindokan by-laws, as Kaicho of the Shindokan Hombu, to permit both the usage of its proprietary image as well this article herein to be used in its complete totality; as it's my given right.

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Very intriguing; I've always wondered the significance of the Shindokan shield/patch. Thank you for explaining...


Remember the Tii!

In Life and Death, there is no tap-out...

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Very intriguing; I've always wondered the significance of the Shindokan shield/patch. Thank you for explaining...


You're more than welcome, it was my pleasure!!

However, I was cringing as I read the article because it seemed like I rushed the writing, and in that, the entire article didn't seem to flow for me; appeared some what disjointed in places. Very general descriptions, Sorry, all!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Feel free to expand here, Bob. Thanks.



Thanks for the opportunity, yet, I wonder...what seems disjointed and/or incomplete to me, might not be so with each reader. I will refrain for now, and see what replies and/or suggestions might be forthcoming from KF members. It's possible that anything I might add for the sake of clarification might end up muddling up even more so to the reader.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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