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Universal Principles

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The human body can only move in so many ways; there are only so many ways to punch, kick and grab someone. With that in mind:

What principles seem to be inherent to all (or at least most) forms of codified combat?

So for example, the vast majority of styles emphasize economical movements and encourage relaxation between techniques.

Many styles also rely on the hips and core to generate power and utilize mass so all their movements are based on this.

Of course there are also going to be systems that go against the grain and don't adhere to any rules we come up with but are there any rules which was can apply across the board?

Would be interesting to see if any trends come out of this. Is there an Eastern / Western split in terms of guiding principles? Are there splits between hard and soft styles? Circular and linear styles?

Oyo Bunkai...can't live without it!! This is where "things" are discovered and re-discovered and changed and birthed and destroyed and understood and forgotten and...on and on and on.

Oyo, for me Danielle, is the principle that allows us to inherent 'it' all.

Is there an Eastern / Western split in terms of guiding principles?

I believe that that's been happening for quite along time. Two different ethos can't always agree and/or get along no matter the topic.

Are there splits between hard and soft styles?

When you say "splits", are you referring to a separation of a group of practitioners and the like? If so, then...Yes! Why? Because we're unique and we adapt and change. Therefore, the splits do happen. Whether the splits are good or not, well, that's up to the practitioner, imho.

Circular and linear styles?

Especially! Methodologies and ideologies are opinions, especially in the MA. Is 'it' better than the other? Is 'it' this and that? Practitioners either stand up for themselves or they allow a governing body to tell them which is better....circular or linear?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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