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Team Kata Advice Please


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I know this would also fit into the sport martial art category, but one of my quesions relates to specific shotokan style kata, so I figured it would be more appropriate in the karate forum.

Our provincial tournament is on March 9th. I asked two other ladies to do a team kata with me. I am 4th kyu and they are 2nd and 3rd kyu.

1. We are trying to decide which kata we should do. Bassai Dai would be my first choice, but one of the other ladies isn't totally confident with it so we may need to look for an alternative. Between the five Heian katas and Tekki Shodan, what would be your choice in this situation? Obviously, it depends on our individual strengths/weaknesses etc. but is there a certain kata that you feel is really good or really bad to do as a team? We've already got some advice from a few Sempais at the dojo, but I'm just curious whether that was their personal preference or a generally accepted way of thinking. And I'm not going to say what that advice was because I don't want to influence the responses!

2. We are also debating who should go in the middle position. Highest rank or most confident?


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Between the five Heian katas and Tekki Shodan, what would be your choice in this situation?

Heian Yondan because it has quite a lot of elements within it that most judges like to see; quite solid across the board.

Obviously, it depends on our individual strengths/weaknesses etc. but is there a certain kata that you feel is really good or really bad to do as a team?

Of the kata parameters you've listed, Heian Yondan, again, imho, is a solid kata for a team to tackle. Most important key is that the team moves as one. But even more important, and what I like to see, is when the team mixes in Bunkai with said kata. The balance is tricky so that one segment doesn't over shadow the other.

You brought up a good point, and that is, the entire team must know said kata very, very well. If not, that will show up quickly and will be undeniable to ignore. Video your practices so that you'll all see what's going on both the good and the bad. What the camera sees will be close to what the judges see.

Because of your ranks, I believe that Heian Shodan would be a bad choice for a team kata. Tekki Shodan would be a bad choice, but only if you can't move as one; a domino look just doesn't look good. If the three of you can't move as one on the floor, it would be best if the said kata was only performed by one, and only one, instead of three.

Bad kata, or the appearance of it, can be cured by some serious practice because the three of you will only have one chance, and one chance only to impress the judges.

We are also debating who should go in the middle position. Highest rank or most confident?

Both!! The highest rank had better be the most confident. If not, then have the most confident in the middle position, but don't let the judges know that the most confident isn't the highest rank. Nonetheless, judges can pick up on that the entire team isn't confident in their abilities; confidence, or the lack thereof, will wear like an albatross over ones neck. Be confidence or stay off the floor. Have the confidence and have the abilities, all at one time.

Practice.................and more practice.........

Good luck and have fun!! If nothing else, enjoy the experience.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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but don't let the judges know that the most confident isn't the highest rank.

Herein lies the problem. The other two ladies are good technically, but because I'm the one who initiated the whole thing they are regarding me as the leader and want me to be the middle. However, my belt is purple and the other two brown so if I go in the middle it's glaringly obvious. :-?

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Well....you'd better exhume confidence, haven't you?!!

The overall execution of said kata, if solid and undeniable, can make the fact that you're in the middle mute. If the team is solid across the board, the judges will understand why you're in the middle and why the two brown belts aren't. Allowing the lower rank in the middle speaks in volume for both the team as well as the brown belts.

Having said that, the opposite will occur if the overall execution of said kata isn't solid. A chance worth taking, imho.

Make the decision, stay with it, practice it, and commit to it. You'll be just fine!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Team Kata?

Timing, timing, timing. Nothing stands out more (or generally costs more in deductions) in team kata that synchronization errors. You can somewhat hide weaker technique if things are synced well.

Spend a LOT of practice time working on rhythm and sync. Use a metronome if you have to. Three mediocre in sync will score higher than three really good and no sync. Good technique will gain you 3 or 4 points at best but a few sync errors will cost you a penny each and reduce your points-before-deductions.

IMO DON'T use tekki shodan. I'm not alone in judging tekki harshly in tournaments. It's actually much more difficult to do properly than most colour belts think.

we all have our moments

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Thanks for the input everyone. We had our first practice tonight prior to class. Bassai Dai was a disaster so we quickly ruled that one out. Avoiding Tekki Shodan does seem to be universal advice! :lol: Heian Yondan would have been good except that I pulled my hamstring a few weeks ago and am not currently able to pull off a jodan level maegeri. Hopefully it will be better by the time the tournament rolls around but we didn't want to take the chance, so we settled on Heian Sandan. Sensei convinced 2nd kyu lady to take front centre spot. We do have full length mirrors along one wall of the dojo. :) We sorted out our procedures for walk on, etc. and ran through a few times. It wasn't horrible, but not great either. Ah well, we've got 5 weeks still to practice, practice, and practice some more!

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Predominantly most Kata teams I've seen on YouTube tend to wear black, red or blue belts which are approved colours.

Can't assist with kata choice as I don't teach Kata to win competitions although I do like to see Rohai Kata demonstrated

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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I agree with Sensei8. Of your choices, Heian Yandan is the most technical and has the most varied components. Of course, this also means it is probably the most difficult to coordinate. But it's the perfect kata for your purposes.

In regard to you being in the middle, as Dobbersky mentioned, you may all be allowed to wear the same belt color. If not, you're in charge. It's your idea so you're in charge. Martial Arts immitates life. (In the military a junior rank would come up with a good idea. Because he/she understood said idea best, they led the show in regards to it's execution. The same happens in the work world all the time. Always be prepared to do the job of someone 1 level above you and 2 levels below you.)

Leading your team can only be looked upon favorably by your sensei.

Remember, luck is where opportunity meets preparation. Prepare to the best of your abilities, hopefully the opportunity to win will present itself.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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