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He couldn't do much easily because of her excessive range. She was "on the edge of his range" only if she were a stationary target; a slight flinch puts her completely out of range and so she has to be treated as being halfway across the room and in many ways a non-combatant. At ranges like that, you can get away with bouncing, you can get away with doing the Robot or the Gangnam Shuffle too.

You aren't in any danger because it will take a lot of time for the other guy to run after you to try to turn it into a combat scenario again, and since we are supposed to be studying self defense, we don't usually build our tactics on ways to chase down and pounce on a defenseless victim who is no threat to us.

What he needed to do was to herd her into the corner, and when she hit her back against the wall, immediately move in and turn it into an infighting match. But his stancework was too high and immobile for some of that to be first nature.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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He never once tried to strike her in the face.

I know it was long. Perhaps you skimmed through it a little. But there is a part where he clearly grabs her and starts pounding on her head. There were a few other face shots in there too. She took em like a champ.

I agree with most of what everyone is saying, though. He clearly sucked. I don't think he was being nice, I think he was just not used to a diciplined fighter who will get in and out. He wanted to counter strike and didn't get the chance that often. He needed to use his size as an advantage and made only very poor attempts when he had the opportunity to do so. This tells me he didn't know how.

She fought very well considering the size differences. I liked all the leg kicks she was delivering. Needed to set up her punches with the leg kicks more, however. This would have allowed her to get even cleaner shots that are rooted. This is very important when you're not going to be able to hit hard anyway.

My biggest problem with her style is longevity. There's no way she will be able to fight like that when she's 60, 70, 80. What is her plan for defeating a larger opponent then. It's already established that, at peak performance, her strikes are ineffective.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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What irritated me most about this video is that her belt wasn't even. That's something my dojo always emphasized, and it really bugs me when black belts have one side of their belt dangling a foot below the other. :P

That is to say, everyone complaining about the video is being silly.

Yes, the guy was awful. Not in question. Maybe he wasn't sure about fighting a woman, at least until 4:00. Then he was angry, and was really trying to hit her within whatever rules this pseudo-organization uses. No, he wasn't trying to kill her, but you note that she didn't just kick him repeatedly in the groin after breaking his knee. So, those arguments are invalid.

I think she did exactly what I would have told her to do. She wore him out by running circles around him. She worked his legs like a boss. She hit him in the face with that rear-hand reverse punch every time. And when she saw that it worked, she kept it up. She convinced him early that taking her to the ground was a bad idea, so he gave up on that (bad move, him). She played it beautifully, in my occasionally humble opinion.

Final judgment: in a refereed, rule-bound fight between a small karate-ka with solid techniques versus a larger "street fighter" with no technique, this is what it should look like.

You are bound to become a buddha if you practice.

If water drips long enough, even rocks wear through.

It is not true thick skulls cannot be pierced;

people just imagine their minds are hard.

~ Shih-wu

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I didn't see anything that would 'wear him out'. All he was doing was standing and walking slowly with his hands up waiting for her to engage, and she rarely did. He didn't look tired out at all.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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I dont know where to start, and others have already made some of the comments I would make, so Ill keep it short.

I agree with MP, not a streetfighter.

He did not even really attempt to use brute fore (for the most part), which likely would have put him in a significantly better position.

Just pulling any random from a pub does not make them a "fighter", and irrespective of that, he was far too composed for the most part to be inexperienced.

Also, he had cool pants.

Her, well, while she did land a few good strikes, there was nothing there that screamed Black Belt.

Her ranging was good, and she was fast, but in reality I dont think she would fare too well against someone larger and stronger actually trying to hurt her.

To me this seemed more like a training match.

Towards the end she displayed a lot more focus and technique than he did, and Id giver her kudos for that (its not easy fighting someone who towers over you in the best of cases).

I would have also called it a no-decision.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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I watched the fight a 2nd time because I did skip a bit the first time.

I still maintain that he wasn't trying to hurt her. I counted atleast three times that he had her in his grasp and he just let her go. She didn't escape...he let go. I don't know what the rules are...but contact when an opponent is on the ground is obviously permitted. She weighs 108 lbs...he could've body slammed her all day. When he has her leg in grasp and she is on the ground...if he wanted to he could of stomped on her face or hyper extended joints if he choose. She does not have the power to actually hurt him it would appear.

The few times that he does hit her head...it's to the back of the head. The other stuff to her head region was more like a mild slap.

Did anyone else see her kick him above belt level in the entire fight? If it happened I missed it. (yes I saw her kicking when on her back...I mean kicks that actually were delivered when both were upright)

And D-side kicks? Does he not know the very most basic kick? He shows a basic variety of kicks in the intro that indicate that he learned a D side a long time ago...

Edited by AdamKralic
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If it was a point fight or tournament without full contact she clearly dominated him.

The guy had 0 tactics. She has great stamina so she just bounced around him and he followed her the whole time in a (I have to say) poor way. He never really had a good floor contact so he couldn't be quick or something...

Also he was very passive over the whole fight and didn't do that much. It also seems to me he didn't really have an idea how to react or attack her.

What she did good was keeping him away while she was on the floor.

In my opinion the guy is just a poor fighter with no real tactics (like instead of following her while she is circling him he should stop her circle movements by breaking her path)

One thought: You could also interpret that he held back and just played a passive role but honestly I don't think that's that true...

Of course in a real fight he probably would have one because she just doesn't have enough stopping power and he probably could take on or two hits and just keep it simple lay himself on her and clinch her then hit her on the ground. xD

I think it's more just to show off a bit rather than actual fighting



1st Dan:

It's not the top but just the point where you start to understand the true size of what you're doing.

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