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What associations are everyone a part of? Ive noticed lately that everyone is a part of some association with some head guy with a Japanese title like super hanshi soke reverend dr grandmaster. Anyway, to the point. I've come to a point in my teaching that I need to promote a student to 3rd degree. After much researching and people questioning me as to why I'm not 4th degree side being 3rd since 08, I had to tell them how I have no instructor anymore. I also can't find anyone who teaches my style of martial arts. No, you don't need to know what I practice, so don't ask. After more researching, I find that most schools teach the same forms or some variation of them, yet someone almost always branches out on their own to make their own style. So I looked into an association so I can be promoted so I can promote my students. No, I'm not making or even want my students to join an association because I feel they don't offer anything. Every association says the same thing and the head guy in charge almost always has 50 different associations he's a part of. IMO, certificates are worthless outside of the association that they're given in. So, do I join an association, how do I find a LEGIT one, or what should I look for, and what is a reasonable price for promotion? And NO, I'm not changing styles. Shank you all for reading my rant and replying.

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Because anyone can make up a style and call it legitimate. Seems like that's the "cool fad" to do lately. Either way, style doesn't matter. Lets just say we practice pinan1-5, jion, seiechuin (spelling on that one,) anan, and chinto. Pretty basic lineup. Just seems like anyone and everyone can start a group, charge $400 for a certificate, and call it universal. I'm just looking for generally accepted and not money hungry orgs

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Because anyone can make up a style and call it legitimate. Seems like that's the "cool fad" to do lately. Either way, style doesn't matter. Lets just say we practice pinan1-5, jion, seiechuin (spelling on that one,) anan, and chinto. Pretty basic lineup. Just seems like anyone and everyone can start a group, charge $400 for a certificate, and call it universal. I'm just looking for generally accepted and not money hungry orgs

Sounds like your looking for rank from a group that is not your style specifically, so you can do the cool thing and charge for certificates. You haven't shown that you think much of what these groups do, so why bother? Just train.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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Actually, I don't charge for certificates. I don't run a "commercial" school, just something out of an extra building a friend has. I have MAYBE 30 students. That's pushing it too. I looked into training at other places before I started with a small group of friends, but can't get over the $120 a month for 2 days a week and $50 a testing for a belt that only costs $3, all to go to an org. It is classes and I do get paid for teaching, but I'm not making a living off it. One of my guys does boxing so we incorporate that into our training regularly. It's actually a damn good workout and pretty practical. Anyway, my guys just want to know why I can't promote higher, and I just can't do the "self promote" thing. Option 2) (better in my opinion) is just delete all ranks after black. Keep our current system of white, green, purple, brown, black and delete Dan ranks. Which doesn't bother me in the slightest

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Why delete dan ranks? Just promote as high as you can and call it good. Maybe start your own association with like-minded instructors someday down the road.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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Welcome to KarateForums!!

From what I've read in your posts, I'm thinking that your option 2 would be your only viable option. That means that you'll have to delete your rank as well, but what about your student who's wanting to be promoted? Is that fair to your student?

It's apparent to me that somewhere within your MA journey, you've been tainted somehow by some governing body to feel the way you do about them.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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all the soke boards and all that. A friend of mine joined a style, me also, with the goal of learning more to add to our style and possibly advance in rank. It soon became that I started getting letters and emails saying that I should be advanced due to time in grade, then I had to pay a large sum in my view to get a cert, making myself feel that without it, I was illigetimate. After meeting a few other people that were a part of it, most were overweight younger (40 something's) 10th dans which had less physical abilities than me, splurged on these pimped out belts, taught the same forms as me, yet demanded that we call them grandmaster because they started their own system. Some we found more and more online, basic karate with a little bit of judo or ground stuff or taekwondo, called their system the ultimate system in the world, and viola, new system. Bad taste in my mouth from it

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I don't know why anyone would question anyone on the 'why are you only a 3rd dan and not a 4th dan' if you've only been a 3rd dan for 4 years. In most 'organisations' 4 years is a minimum.

I belong to a international organisation and train under it's head guys in Okinawa, but it is my style specific - but there are lots of schools, lots of people.

If you're a 3rd dan and that is the highest rank in your school, and you have achieved it by what you call 'legitimately' then why do you need an 'outside organisation' to promote you within your 'no organisation' school?

I understand that students want to advance to a higher rank, but if they are at the 2nd highest rank - isn't that good enough? When they are 9th dan, do they have to be 10th dan?

Put on a white belt, does that make you worse? Get promoted to 4th dan, does that make you better?

On another note, many organisations as a 3rd dan you would only be able to promote to 1st dan.

Just my 2c.

Reece Cummings

Kodokan Cummings Karate Dojo

5th Dan, Matsubayashiryu (Shorinryu) Karatedo Kobujutsu

1st Dan, Yamaneryu Kobudo

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Well , not too sure on where you're from but it is fully acceptable for 4th Dan and above being Timer served grades anyway.

Find an State or National Multistyle/Freestyle Governing Body and get them to give you your grade for time served (offer to do a physical grade if required). but regards to grading to 3rd Dan, normally at least 1 of the examiners needs to be Godan etc. you can not grade to your own level!

Get aquainted with your local School instructors as you can all sit on each other's panels to validate the gradings etc.

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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