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I always like to think that you "become" a black belt, hopefully around the same time your club/org will grade you.

I did mine in 3 years but had a year in Wado previously.

BB should be a benchmark of speed, power, effort and knowledge. It also means you should have a very good grasp of the basics and can now continue your training.

I see Brown belt as coming around the last bend on the race course and into the home stretch towards the finish line, some Browns don't meet this challenge and don't ever grade again, it should never be on time done.

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Hi guys im just wondering how long it took you all.to reach first Dan? And is it true that its only the beginning when you do? Thanks

It sort of depends what style. In my style, it takes a minimum of 5 years to get to Black Belt but it just depends really. :karate:

-Is it better to be feared or respected?\—I say, is it too much to ask for both?-

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I will be taking my 1st Dan within the next few months and it has been 27 years in the waiting LOL!

I started in 1986 in Goju Ryu and reached 4th Kyu after 4 years, then left Karate for 18 years starting again with Wado Ryu getting to 2nd Kyu in 2 years. I then left because of a marriage break up and had to move areas, I then had an 18 month break and change to Shotokan in 2011!

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I will be taking my 1st Dan within the next few months and it has been 27 years in the waiting LOL!

I started in 1986 in Goju Ryu and reached 4th Kyu after 4 years, then left Karate for 18 years starting again with Wado Ryu getting to 2nd Kyu in 2 years. I then left because of a marriage break up and had to move areas, I then had an 18 month break and change to Shotokan in 2011!

Good luck with your Shodan, and the old saying says...Anything that good is worth waiting for!! 27 years for Shodan might shock a many MAists but I think that, with what you've posted, you've not allowed the breaks to break your spirit.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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It took me 8 years to reach shodan and 3 years for nidan in 1995 and since then I did no take any more gradings .

I am happy with my grade despite the fact that people who were my juniors are now higher rank than me and some of them carry a big ego with their grade but I do feel I am still above them in quality since I concentrated more on improving my technique and concept of karate rather than rushing for the next grade .

It is funny that during line training I am faster than the so called 3rd and 4th dans without rushing the techniques and not being out of breath at the end but I can hear them all huffing and puffing ! despite the fact that they are all physically fitter than me .

That tells me I am doing something right and they are still stuck in brown belt level of karate and in basic kumite I can catch all of them with my kick and punch but almost all of the time none of them can catch me with their technique !

never give up !

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I'm one of those huff and puff guys, too, although I wouldn't call myself a "fit" person. I'm not sure if that is necessarily a reflection of rank or not, though.

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Hi guys im just wondering how long it took you all.to reach first Dan? And is it true that its only the beginning when you do? Thanks

I joined when I was 5years old in 1995. From there it took me just over 10 years to reach 1st Dan at the age of 16 in 2006. From there it took me another 5years for 2nd Dan. I plan of testing and hopefully passing for 3rd Dan when I return from Afghanistan at the end of the year.

It is very true. Color ranks are like the Acnowledgments of a book, and the Dan ranks are the actual chapters.

Perfect Practice makes Perfect.

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I'm one of those huff and puff guys, too, although I wouldn't call myself a "fit" person. I'm not sure if that is necessarily a reflection of rank or not, though.

I was referring to the way some execute their techniques ,too tense in their movements ,slowing a technique while giving a false sense of a strong technique causes them to be out of breath and huff and puff .

you see that in most lower grades and brown belt level where they haven't fully grasped the understanding of tensing the muscles only at the right time ,prolonged tension causes fatigue and slower execution of technique .

you expect someone at third or 4th dan to have fully grasped that and be faster than a shodan and nidan grade .

never give up !

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