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First Shotokan class. Just finished.


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So I went along to a trial shotokan Karate lesson tonight for the first time and if anybody has seen my previous thread you will know I have been worrying about my ability to do Karate due to my size and needless to say I ache from head to toe.

The training session started out with 12 laps of the gymnasium, swiftly followed by running halfway across the gym doing 10 sit ups then running to the far side and doing 10 squats. This was repeated 5 times.

Then the same but doing sit ups followed by star jumps.

After that we paired up and did 15 reps of sit ups touching our partners shoulders. This was then followed by 15 reps of leg lifts up to our partners hands and repeated twice.

By this point I was exhausted but kept pushing myself as hard as possible and was massively encouraged by my partner (who was a black belt) to not quit and do anything I could, even if it was one rep but the main thing was to just just not give up!!!!

After this we got into lines of 4 each with 4 people behind the next. We ran to the person holding the pads and hit with 4 punches. Then ran back. We repeated this about 5 times each.

Then it was 4 punches left right left right kick kick another 5 times. Then the same again with a roundhouse kick added to the end.

Once this was complete we paired up again and proceeded to punch at our partner who blocked then our partners repeated by punching at us.

This was then repeated using kicks. While we blocked. Then kicked back. Mawashageri? Possibly??

After this we lined up and did a few combinations. Then proceeded to warm down.

I can honestly say I've never been so tired in my entire life and it really hit home to me just how unfit I am and have much weight I have to lose. This was cemented by me vomiting in the car park afterwards lol and even though I'm so tired I can barely type correctly I feel fantastic I gave my all and that's all I could have hoped for.

My only concern with the class is the Sensei didn't really talk about the dojo etiquette or explain and of the moves we were doing or the names. I literally have no idea what I did apart from an intense workout with some martial arts thrown in. Is this normal? should I feel like I've learned something from my first lesson? Or will it all come with more time.

Apologies for the wall of text and even bigger apolgies if I was spelling like a complete idiot, I'm just exhausted lol.

That was Shotokan, Shukokai on Thursday at another dojo!! Oh joy :)

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You did learn something, it just takes practice to realize. That's awesome that you went to your first class and it is also awesome that you had a good black belt partner to help you along.

You could probably ask the Sensei about the particulars of dojo etiquette and technique and they will be more than happy to fill you in, instructors are pretty good like that.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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So glad you enjoyed it!

Most clubs will be like this but when you find one and start to train you will find that you end up pushing yourself harder and harder and before you know it you will be very fit!

I am surprised that they had you doing combinations on a first session. In terms of the kick, it was probably maegeri, to expect a newbie to do a mawashi would be a bit harsh lol.

Let us know how you get on on Thursday.

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...the Sensei ... will be more than happy to fill you in

Oo-er ... probably not until you're a bit more advanced and can take the punishment :D

EDIT: Not sure that this translates across the pond! 'Fill you in' is a UK euphamism for 'kicking your head in' lol

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First of all, congrats on starting karate, it may not be as flashy as some martial arts, but it is one of the most solid martial arts imho. Also the etiquette you will just pick up over time, as well as the names and meanings of the moves (with luck you will learn how to count to ten in Japanese in a couple of weeks...lol). You will definitely get in touch with the arts and more internal parts of karate when you start doing katas. Mawashi Geri is round house kick, and Maegeri is front kick if that helps at all.

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Sounds like a great workout! :o I'd say keep going for a few more classes. I doubt every class is that much physical conditioning with that little technique. They probably mix up the butt-kicking workouts with more technique and kata oriented classes, which is probably where you're more likely to learn the etiquette.

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Some schools will push you hard on your first day to see if you come back. Trial by fire and such. It's fine that you puke the first day, but it should not happen every time. Push yourself, but not so hard that it's unhealthy. Gain by inches.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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Each Dojo is different. I work out at three different clubs (teach at all three as well) and each is so different. My instructors two clubs are very basics oriented. You know your stuff when you leave the door and the work outs are almost all Kata (forms), Kihon (basics) and Kumite (sparring) but at a junior level its more the first two K's.

the other club I go to and train at is my juniors club, and the club is not all about the "three K's" as it were. they do a lot of conditioning and impact training with pads and such. I find that the level of technique is not as good but teh students enjoy the work outs and stick around while getting in shape.

The thing is that you may show up next week and have a pure Kata class to learn your forms. You never know, thats why going for a single class only tells you a small bit about the instructor only. You should try it for a month. if you had hated the instructor then you dont go back, but if you like him, give them a bit of a chance to see how the program progresses.

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...the Sensei ... will be more than happy to fill you in

Oo-er ... probably not until you're a bit more advanced and can take the punishment :D

EDIT: Not sure that this translates across the pond! 'Fill you in' is a UK euphamism for 'kicking your head in' lol

Maybe for some of the techniques, but for dojo etiquette they'll be happy to.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Some schools will push you hard on your first day to see if you come back. Trial by fire and such. It's fine that you puke the first day, but it should not happen every time. Push yourself, but not so hard that it's unhealthy. Gain by inches.

This is true. I know my own instructor goes a little crazy when we have new people or visiting students attend class.

Sounds like a tough session though! Bit harsh for a beginner but you got through it :)

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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