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Shotokan techniques taught that aren't allowed in kumite


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And of course, depending on your grade, you may not be allowed to use these techniques in free sparring as they require more skill and control by both of the sparrers.

I think this concisely sums it up!

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Most sparring is set up to mimic a rule set used in competitions. Depending on the school and competition style, the techniques list will change.

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Most sparring is set up to mimic a rule set used in competitions. Depending on the school and competition style, the techniques list will change.

This. In our school as well as the tournaments we do, ridgehands and axekicks are allowing in sparring. Spinning kicks too, but not spinnng hand/elbows( no spinnign backfists, spinning elbows, etc).

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When I was a green belt I was dropped by an axe kick, and it's not pretty. A couple of weeks later the same blackbelt {he was trying out our club and wanted to learn sparring under our head instructor} axe kicked a 13 year old girl and knocked her out. At the end of the night I had him against the change room wall and had a chat with him in my best 'army' language. He left within a couple of weeks and nobody was sad to see him go.

I understand and readily accept the rules to sparring, every 'sport' needs an open and standard set of rules. To train with these other techniques you do 'self-defence' or scenario based training. The lead up to this is one-step kumite and even kata breakdowns.

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I remember a club where each beginner was taught so called "respect" by breaking them in a sparring session with a Dan grade. The Sensei was in court last November for verbal abuse and threatening behavior. In my time as a Martial Artist I have seen the good, the bad and the very ugly. I am lucky now to be part of a real Martial Art school run by real martial artists. I think bullies eventually get what's coming to them; it's a Natural Law. Success in martial arts takes consistent hard work. You try, you fail and you try again. There is no shame in going down, only in staying down.

Look to the far mountain and see all.

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When I was a green belt I was dropped by an axe kick, and it's not pretty. A couple of weeks later the same blackbelt {he was trying out our club and wanted to learn sparring under our head instructor} axe kicked a 13 year old girl and knocked her out. At the end of the night I had him against the change room wall and had a chat with him in my best 'army' language. He left within a couple of weeks and nobody was sad to see him go.

Why a 13 year old should be knocked out is intolerable. I would have been more than upset with that situation. I would have loved to hear you "discussion" with that fella.

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During the heydays of the PKA [Professional Karate Association], the technique used the most to earn a knockout was...

The Ridge Hand...very damaging across the board.

So, if any technique(s) are banned at any MA tournament, it's because it can cause quite a lot of "damage".


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I dont feel any techniques should be "banned" out of what they may do...all Karate techniques can cause damage if done by a moron who is not controlling them.

It should not be that you can not do A,B,C or D...but rather that the contact should be light enough as to not do damage and to use common sense.

In our club the brown and black belts go at it pretty good and to be frank we have our injuries. I have a log of my injuries and it looks like I am a pro fighter at this point with the number of ouchies I get. But the fact is that we respect each other and look to produce great techniques but not hurt each other.

At my Sandan testing I went with a senior and we both were hurting after the testing...but not more than we do after regular sparring....but not so bad that we are not at it again the next day!

KO'ing a 13 year old.....Really, what kind of control does that show for the guy throwing the axe kick.....well some techniques are much more dangerous because you can not stop a decending kick easily, but then you throw it so you can angle it away when you make light contact with the person or something...and if you know you can not control it...dont throw it.

We do all techniques from the Kata in our Kumite and more! the point is to teach respect and control and safety to all members....We also follow the old pro wrestling rule that if you hurt us in training...we give you a receipt for it down the road :karate:

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I dont feel any techniques should be "banned" out of what they may do...all Karate techniques can cause damage if done by a moron who is not controlling them.

How many morons do karate? It's not about how well you can control this or that damaging technique but that it is, even when controlled, a damaging technique. I wouldn't want my students doing these techniques on each other outside of one steps because in a situation like sparring, regardless of your level, it's hard to pop one of these techniques with control. You're right, all karate techniques can cause damage. What an instructor does is weed out the ones that can cause so much as to knockout or do permanent damage to a student. It would be irresponsible for them to do otherwise.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Yes, some techniques like the axe kick should be removed because they are SO dangerous that they can not be controlled, but ridge hands and even spear hands.....if you can not throw a controlled ridge hand then you should not be doing Karate at all!

Even monkeys fall from trees

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