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Ok, here we go. Here is a video of Kendall's first tournament this season, the Hoisington Jr Cardinal Classic, 12/13/2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stQkA1_se9M

Never wrestled this kid before. He does a good job getting two early on, but during the stand-up process, he goes from having a headlock to the guy getting behind him, not a good position. Not sure what he did there, but we typically try to get him to stay away from headlocks. But he works his way out, and gets another two points. After getting reset, he does a nice stand-up to get an escape point, and get back to neutral position. I would like to see him get more aggressive from neutral. He gets himself into a bad position with putting his head down, but avoids getting scored on. They reset, and he finally hits a decent takedown. When they reset, and Kendall starts on top, you see an issue he has had this year; working over the shoulder, instead of behind the shoulders and hips for control. He wants to run a cradle, and he thinks he can muscle a guy down over the top, which we've been working on trying to stop. He had been doing a bit better in practice with that, so hopefully, it goes away. This ends up allowing the opponent to get an escape, and he goes on offense from there. He takes a shot, but its a diving shot instead of having good posture, and he gets smothered in the attempt; another point of emphasis we've been working on. You can see him take another dive shot, and get pushed down, and he gives up two points, bringing the match to 7-4.

I don't have his 2nd match on video, but he won against a fellow club member with a pin, and took first at his first meet of the season.

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Here is footage from Kendall's second tournament of the 14-15 season, the Roger Richter Memorial at Great Bend, KS, 1/3/2015.

Match 1, part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdLFcqcXWi8&index=43&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ

This is kind of grainy, and broke up into to parts. Sorry about that. Kendall opens with a takedown attempt, and although it isn't very clean, he fights through it and finally gets a takedown. He gets in a bit of trouble where the kid starts to circle, but he clamps onto a leg, keeps it, and turns into a headlock takedown straight to back points.....

.....and here is part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45qbgwdePB0&index=44&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ

He does a decent job of smothering the kids stand-up attempt, and really gets in a good north/south position from where he is able to pin. If he remembers to scoop the head and really get on his toes, he can clean that pin up a little. I don't recall the score of the match, but he's been doing a really good job of scoring points along with working to pins so far this year. This was his first time competing against this kid.

Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vVUDN2K1_o&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ&index=45

Kendall is on the right, wrestling against a fellow club member, a kid we've wrestled a lot over the past few years. His takedown attempt isn't very clean, and its mainly because he is taking his shots from too far away, and is getting no penetration on his drive step. He tries to circle and keep the leg, but ends up giving up two when its all said and done. But he wrestles himself out of it, and gets a reversal for two. He tries to run his twist here, but isn't able to get it set right. There was a spot where he could have bailed on it and got around to the back to work some control, and we've worked on those options since. He finally gets the twist to work, but the period ends. Kendall starts 2nd period on top, and starts out with a good break down, but then works to the front, which allows the other kid to start standing up and get an escape. They reset neutral, and he works to a takedown, and a pin.

Match 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2yuUO0pQRs&list=PLon1GNgZPzV7auEhp4xObbl6WkFdGZrEQ&index=46

This is a new opponent, and from the looks of it, I don't think this kid is still pretty new to wrestling. He didn't seem very aggressive, and Kendall handled him to a pin pretty easily.

Kendall went 3-0, and got first place.

Practices have been going pretty well so far, and we have a new coach this year that is just a fantastic teacher. He makes me want to come out and learn to wrestle. Kendall's group has been working on front headlock to slide around and take the back, and to a near side cradle last week. They've also worked on a Turk, which he has trouble with, but I can see the merits of running. He's also learned a far side cradle, and last night they worked on some defensive options from the sit-out position, like standing up and what he called the Gizoni (hope that's right). They also worked an inside cradle from the opponent standing to a tripod position.


Ok, working on getting caught up, here is footage of Kenneth's first step into Wrestling competition. He's only 5 years old, so I think he's got some time to really start getting it. This is the Plainville Novice Tournament, 1/10/2015.

Match 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5WApBEf4ew&list=PLon1GNgZPzV58U3fAa13-P_7SS9x3uCj5&index=1

Watch and enjoy two kids playing on the mat! Kenneth starts on the right, in the maroon and yellow singlet. He likes to go high to the head, so we are working on that. He gets taken down, but gets up, and hits a takedown of his own, even though its a bit slow. He has trouble still with where he is on the mat, and his balance, especially when working against another force, is still developing. He does understand that he is supposed to get the other on their back, its just figuring out how to keep them there. There is a point in the second period where they get into what looks like a hugging match. Kenneth starts third period on top, but gets reversed. The main thing will be getting his balance and body placement figured out. Kenneth wins this match.

Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt5raNB7J1s&list=UUYp41FDmb5wXCSMe_HkoEJw

This kid had a bit more experience, and a bit more understanding on how Wrestling works, so Kenneth had his hands full with this one. This kid is really aggressive and works fast, which kind of overwhelmed Kenneth. But, I hope it helps him understand how one is supposed to wrestle. He did a good job of fighting to stay off his back, and kept working to get up. He starts 2nd period on top, but balance gets him in trouble, and he gets reversed and taken down. Funny moment at the end of the 2nd period where they thought they were done, and took their leg bands off. :) Third period is more of trying not to get rolled over, which he does a good job of, but isn't really able to score much. He doesn't get pinned, but loses this match.

Match 3: I think we missed getting this one, but Kenneth lost this match, although he gave it a good fight. He ended up 1-2 in his first tournament, and got 3rd place. He was pretty happy!

  • 3 weeks later...

Kendall's third tourney of 2014/2015 season, the Ellis Open at Ellis, KS, 01/17/2015.

Match 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASgIRkb_cyQ

Not much to this one. This was a kid in our club that doesn't have a lot of experience yet. I told Kendall that if he wanted to try to work with him a bit, that he could do so, but he really isn't quite sure how to "work" with someone in a match. He did let the kid roll to his stomach once, and I thought he might just work with him during the match, but he pinned him the second time he got him over. I'm not sure what he was doing on that takedown attempt....

Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxkzEVe2Sk

Coach wanted Kendall to try to work some different things with this match, and mentioned to him that he wanted him to try to work some cradles so he could start getting the feel of them in the match. Kendall wasn't sure how to really try to do that, either, though. His takedowns start from too far away sometimes, and he also has a bad habit of diving instead of keeping good posture and getting his hips in with his head up at their hip or side, so he ends up getting sprawled on a lot. Fortunately, he has since learned some moves that can help him turn that situation around for him, if he can start applying them. He reversed his position, though, and got the kid turned over, but had trouble holding him down.

He starts 2nd period on bottom, and runs a switch, which he is really good at, accept when he reaches over the top instead of under to the leg. It nearly got him caught here, too. What bugs the crap out of me is that he knows that, but just lets himself get sloppy at times. You see him do some kind of elbow roll on the kid to reverse, which he has been doing a lot of lately, but it seems to me like he won't be able to hit that against more skilled opponents, and it worries me because it just will put himself on his back. At right around 2:00, he was in a position that he could have tried to set an inside cradle, but he just wasn't seeing it, and kept trying to bull the kid over. He finally did solidify his positioning to get the pin.

Match 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj0yiXFORtU

This was a tough one. These last two opponents were both kids Kendall had competed against before, so he had some familiarity with them. This kid, for some reason, Kendall seemed to go more animalistic on, instead of being technical. For some reason, he could hold this kid down, either. I think he is not keeping good pressure once he starts riding, for some reason. He could get a takedown, but then couldn't seem to hold it. He also kept trying to run a half-Nelson when the kid would stand up, and it just doesn't work.

He starts period 2 on the bottom....and does that elbow roll instead of a switch or stand-up. He got away with it, but it looked sloppy, and like it nearly put him on his back. He is also reaching over WAT too much, and I think we've cleaned it up some since then.

He is leading going into the 3rd period, 8-2, and starts on bottom again. He hits that roll again, a little cleaner this time, and gets the reversal. You also see here where his conditioning is a bit lacking, cause he complains of being tired and out of air. He finally gets the kid over on his back, and gets a pin just before time runs out. But, this was a pretty sloppy match for him, and coach told him he got so tired because he was trying to muscle everything, instead of being technical. He learned a lesson from it, for sure.

He finished up 3-0, and got first place.

Kendall's third tourney of 2014/2015 season, the Ellis Open at Ellis, KS, 01/17/2015.

Match 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASgIRkb_cyQ

Not much to this one. This was a kid in our club that doesn't have a lot of experience yet. I told Kendall that if he wanted to try to work with him a bit, that he could do so, but he really isn't quite sure how to "work" with someone in a match. He did let the kid roll to his stomach once, and I thought he might just work with him during the match, but he pinned him the second time he got him over. I'm not sure what he was doing on that takedown attempt....

Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUxkzEVe2Sk

Coach wanted Kendall to try to work some different things with this match, and mentioned to him that he wanted him to try to work some cradles so he could start getting the feel of them in the match. Kendall wasn't sure how to really try to do that, either, though. His takedowns start from too far away sometimes, and he also has a bad habit of diving instead of keeping good posture and getting his hips in with his head up at their hip or side, so he ends up getting sprawled on a lot. Fortunately, he has since learned some moves that can help him turn that situation around for him, if he can start applying them. He reversed his position, though, and got the kid turned over, but had trouble holding him down.

He starts 2nd period on bottom, and runs a switch, which he is really good at, accept when he reaches over the top instead of under to the leg. It nearly got him caught here, too. What bugs the crap out of me is that he knows that, but just lets himself get sloppy at times. You see him do some kind of elbow roll on the kid to reverse, which he has been doing a lot of lately, but it seems to me like he won't be able to hit that against more skilled opponents, and it worries me because it just will put himself on his back. At right around 2:00, he was in a position that he could have tried to set an inside cradle, but he just wasn't seeing it, and kept trying to bull the kid over. He finally did solidify his positioning to get the pin.

Match 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj0yiXFORtU

This was a tough one. These last two opponents were both kids Kendall had competed against before, so he had some familiarity with them. This kid, for some reason, Kendall seemed to go more animalistic on, instead of being technical. For some reason, he could hold this kid down, either. I think he is not keeping good pressure once he starts riding, for some reason. He could get a takedown, but then couldn't seem to hold it. He also kept trying to run a half-Nelson when the kid would stand up, and it just doesn't work.

He starts period 2 on the bottom....and does that elbow roll instead of a switch or stand-up. He got away with it, but it looked sloppy, and like it nearly put him on his back. He is also reaching over WAT too much, and I think we've cleaned it up some since then.

He is leading going into the 3rd period, 8-2, and starts on bottom again. He hits that roll again, a little cleaner this time, and gets the reversal. You also see here where his conditioning is a bit lacking, cause he complains of being tired and out of air. He finally gets the kid over on his back, and gets a pin just before time runs out. But, this was a pretty sloppy match for him, and coach told him he got so tired because he was trying to muscle everything, instead of being technical. He learned a lesson from it, for sure.

He finished up 3-0, and got first place.

Is this the one with brackets that you show on FB?? If so, cool. If not, sorry!!

Seems to me that the season's going quite well. Keep rolling!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Bob, I post up the bracket of the tournament the boys are doing that day. It just depends on which one you saw, I guess. I take a picture of the bracket and post it, and then give updates throughout the day.

Bob, I post up the bracket of the tournament the boys are doing that day. It just depends on which one you saw, I guess. I take a picture of the bracket and post it, and then give updates throughout the day.

Aha...Thanks, Brian. I'll look for that much closer!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

Posted (edited)
Bob, I post up the bracket of the tournament the boys are doing that day. It just depends on which one you saw, I guess. I take a picture of the bracket and post it, and then give updates throughout the day.

Aha...Thanks, Brian. I'll look for that much closer!!


Thanks, Bob. This weekend, we will be in Dodge City for Gun Smoke Nationals. It looks like Kendall only has 3 in his bracket, and one is a national placer. But Kenneth is in a novice division with 7 wrestlers. So it should be a fun day!

Ok, here is Kenneth's next tournament, the Ellis Novice, 01/18/2015.

Match 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nrsvD1xfag

I think Kenneth wrestled this kid once before, but lost. He opens up with a tackle for a takedown, but once down, he has trouble keeping his weight on top and holding them down, so they tend to get up rather easy. You will have to excuse the shaky video, Kendall was the filmographer on this expedition. :) You can here is coaching commentary, as well. I wonder who he gets that from, anyway. :roll: Anyway, he rolls around most of the first period, but keeps fighting through it, and manages to do some rolling to keep from getting pinned.

He starts the 2nd period with a takedown attempt, but instead of shooting, he bends over and grabs for the knee, which doesn't work out well for him. He fights off another pin attempt, and does eventually reverse, but he keeps a funny hold on the kid, and doesn't really get into good position.

He starts 3rd period on bottom, and his stand-up attempt gets stifled, but the kid pulls him down onto him, and if he would turn into him, he would probably start getting some points, but he's still figuring it all out. He does eventually get free, but gets into just grabbing and pulling the kid, onto him, instead of pushing and driving. Towards the very end of the match, he gets pinned. The upside, though, is that he did score some points, and kept moving for the most part. Score was 9-13 before the pin.

Match 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjE8Hh6ni5w

He gets taken down early, and fights off a pin. He bellied out some off the takedown, but not enough, and gave up the back points. After he got rolled over with the half-Nelson, I don't know how he wasn't pinned sooner, but it took a while for them to call it. Still learning.

Match 3: Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dusBC9t8QJc Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9bN6KYRQUQ

This one was pretty quick, but this little guy was pretty darn good. Aggressive, and pretty good with his body positioning, too. Once on his back, he didn't try to fight it off at all. After the pin, they started again, with pretty much the same result.

But, after all said and done, they did give him a 4th place medal.

Edited by bushido_man96
Bob, I post up the bracket of the tournament the boys are doing that day. It just depends on which one you saw, I guess. I take a picture of the bracket and post it, and then give updates throughout the day.

Aha...Thanks, Brian. I'll look for that much closer!!


Thanks, Bob. This weekend, we will be in Dodge City for Gun Smoke Nationals. It looks like Kendall only has 3 in his bracket, and one is a national placer. But Kenneth is in a novice division with 7 wrestlers. So it should be a fun day!

Yes, sounds like a very fun day for all of you!! I look forward to your report!! Make sure your camera batteries are CHARGED!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

  • 4 weeks later...

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