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Connecticut school shooting


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26 people including 20 children where killed today in Newtown Conn. Horrible Tragedy.

It is days like this we must be reminded that we are not as "safe" as we believe we are. There are evil people in this world and we must be prepared to take the necessary steps to neutralize them.

For my fellow LEO's im reminded by tallgeese of Ed Mohen "Train Hard for the Day Will Come."

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I agree with you. I still have trouble wrapping my head around the sickness of this whole thing. I feel so sorry for the empty Christmas that many of these parents will have this year.

I was talking to a few guys tonight about how these parents must feel. If this happened to me, I don't think I would ever be right again. I just can't imagine how they feel, but I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this senseless tragedy.

I know that I'd lose my mind if this would ever happen to any of my children...an emptiness that I pray I never have to feel for even a second.

What can someone say to a grieving parent(s)? Words would seem felt, yet, empty; shoes that I don't ever want to wear.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I agree with you. I still have trouble wrapping my head around the sickness of this whole thing.

I would try. Stuff like this, I think, is inherently impossible for others to understand. What I chose to take away from this is hope. That there were teachers who hid their children and literally died protecting them is more than laudable and they set a kind of example that I think is more powerful than any gunman could ever hope to top.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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No words can express enough sympathy to the families of the victims. I wish no one had to experience what the parents are going through at this time. I agree with those of you who have said they hope that they never experience this I would be lost if I had to come home knowing my son would be here at some point. Those children died in a most terrible way but they are in a better place now I am sure of that. The only good I can see in this horrible aftermath is that those children will not have to experience other evils of the world. I know this sounds evil of me saying this but you have to find the good in every situation.

I have seen reports how true they I don't know but is has been said that as a teacher was trying to lead her students away from the school a small boy said " I know karate... It's ok.. I know the way out." I truly hope this is true. For it show the fortitude of some children.

As I hope all the children can get past this trying time in their life without lasting effects of what they're suffering through.

But mostly Godspeed to Newtown, Conn.

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