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2013 Martial Arts Goals

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2013 Martial Arts Goals are

1st stay healthy eat right and stop my High BP

2 get my green belt this year

3 get 1st place in every tournament that i have and get 1st place medal trophy or plaque because i have won 1st place in all of my 3 tournaments that i have a

4 practice a lot like 5 times or 3 times a week and prepare for my belt testing this coming year

I love Shotokan Karate Do and American Kenpo Karate

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Well my goals are:

1. Go to training regularly --> 3 Times a week

2. Go to both of our Clubs tournaments ( We have to tournaments per year)

2. a) Get a medal in both tournaments (kata or kumite)

3. Visit all Gasshukus

4. Do my Nidan. ( Could have already done it three times but personally didn't think I was ready and once didn't have time due to some personal matters)

4. a) Polish all Katas I've learned so far. That would mean get them all back in my head and be able to do them good (not only know all moves but be able to do the technique strong)

4. b) Work on my Techniques

5. Do normal fitness (Bodytraining / Conditioning / Cardio) twice a week beside my normal MA training. --> Regularly

6. Well if I do all above then this should come automaticaly --> get a Six pack ^^

These are my goals :)

It won't be easy because I'm currently nearing the end of my current education so I've got a lot of exams etc. but still no matter what never stop trying :D



1st Dan:

It's not the top but just the point where you start to understand the true size of what you're doing.

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  • 5 months later...

So we're just over halfway there!

Time to look at make sure we're all on track. I'm about halfway there with the goals as well and have a couple things in the hopper that should meet a couple of more. Unfortunately, Iaido still seems to be a pipe dream. Well, we've got 5 months left.

Use the reminder as a training plan for the rest of the year. Or, if you're newer to KF, take the chance to jump in with the rest of us!

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Good topic and goals from everyone. I'm at a weird place because I've been training in new systems at a new MMA gym but they also offer traditional classes as well and do a lot of sport tournament sparring classes that I can contribute to so my main goals would be:

To start teaching part time this year.

Finish trimming down (get back into fighting shape)

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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I'm late but for the next five months my goals are:

1. Incorporate weight training to increase strength (so far so good)

2. Improve kicking techniques

3. Obtain grant funding for my elementary school karate club (this will the

3rd year)

4. Improve kumite

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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1. be able to do one handed handstand pushups

2. be able to do complete splits

3. find a place to spar (right now I'm forced to train on my own which means no sparring :/ which sucks)

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1. Get my brown belt in Isshinryu.

2. Don't lose sight of the basics in light of practicing new material-- keep up solid practice of my basic kata and techniques.

3. Continue researching history/theory/etc.

4. Keep up Judo for at least a year.

5. Make sure to continue training in the summer once I'm working those 70 hour weeks again. I always tend to let my training fall by the wayside when my summer job gets going. I don't want to do that this year.

6. Grok on.

Let's see...

1. Got that like a week after I posted this goal.... Maybe my new goal should be to get nikyu by the end of the year.

2. Need to continue working that one.

3. Not doing the best with that one.

4. Judo's done for the summer now, but I plan on getting back into it in the fall.

5. Definitely didn't do this one. Right now my life is basically wake up, get ready for work, go to work, come home, get ready for bed, collapse into to bed. Days off consist of sitting on the couch half dead half the day and then doing laundry/grocery shopping the other half. I'm sure if I really, really tried I could cut down to even less sleep to wake up early and practice, but I'm just mentally and physically exhausted at this point. When I wrote this goal in December, I think I had already forgotten what a life sucking monster my summer job is. I don't think I've done a single kata in the past month and I'm not going to try. Imma just get through to September.

6. I am grokkin' on.

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first goal, get into intermediate class.

Sparring - I'd like to start regularly attending sparring classes.

Fitness - Would like to drop some weight, or at least turn what I currently have into muscle. Currently 12st12 (76.9kgs)

Work on my balance, I guess this will come with time and practice, but worth mentionning.

Dont allow Karate to become a chore and keep enjoying.

Grading this weekend, then one final grading in December to still in with chance of getting into intermediate class!

Been to loads of Kumite classes after I last graded, sparring is coming along nicely, still unable to stand toe to toe with the best in the dojo, but can hold my own with advanced younger students. Now with a new Kyu grading coming up I've been concentrating on the Kihon & Kata.

Fitness has possibly dropped and weight increased unfortunately, now over 13st. With a new baby just arrived, I've been eating quick easy meals and excersising less.

Balance has however greatly improved, throwing roundhouse kicks well and acurately.

Still love Karate, gutted I didnt start when I was younger. :idea:

So basically, all resolutions still within grasp


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Here's my progress:

1. Successfully grade for brown belt - COMPLETE

2. Go to master camp and attend all required and optional trainings - COMPLETE

3. Compete in a minimum of two tournaments, at least one of which will be after goal #1 which means free sparring for kumite (less terrified of this than I used to be, but still have a ways to go) - COMPLETE and incidentally not terrified anymore and actually *enjoyed* it last Saturday :o

4. Learn (defined as being able to do the entire kata from beginning to end on my own time with no prompting, not necessarily proficient to grading standard) all 15 of the kata required for Shodan - 12 COMPLETE

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