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Thought I'd introduce myself since people here were already kind enough to answer some of my questions.

I'm Epyon (well on these forums I am) and I am 19 years old and started training shotokan karate three weeks ago. At the moment it's what I look most forward to during the week and I can't wait to train again tomorrow. I hope I will be able to keep this enthousiasm for years to come.

Some people ask me why I chose karate and I could give you several answers. I have always been a fan of martial arts in general, loved watching K1 on Eurosport when I was a kid, and what fascinates me the most about martial artists is their dedication. I wanted to be dedicated to something like this too! I chose karate because I like the style and it will toughen me up physically and mentally. It will teach me how not to give and and work hard.

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Welcome! I'm sure your enthusiasm will continue to grow! I don't know about others, but for me, my passion for Martial Arts is like a fire-- the more fuel I give it, the bigger it grows and the more fuel it wants. It's always growing. I hope yours will be like that, as well.

Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

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Thank you guys.

I too hope the flame will burn brighter every time I have trained!

I'll try to keep you guys posted on these forums about my progress. I have been practising heian shodan and heian nidan at home since I started, and heian shodan is the one I can keep up the best when I'm training with the group. I also try to memorise some of the terminoly, but theres alot coming my way. Since I have never practises a martial art before I also need to get used to bowing before going into the dojo and when leaving, but some of the guys there immediately told me about these things.

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Welcome Epyon :)

I chose karate because I like the style and it will toughen me up physically and mentally. It will teach me how not to give and and work hard

For me, that is the single most important thing I've taken away from Martial Arts. Not giving up even when things get a bit tough :)

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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