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Do you guys set long and short terms personal goals in bjj? If so what are some of the goals you set for yourself this year?

First of my long term goal I set for jiu jitsu where to choke someone out and to break a limb. Now let me explain breaking a limb. I did not want it to be a hey I'm toning to break John Doe's arm in training today. It was more if it happens kind of thing. I wanted to understand the feeling of the limb coming apart in my hands, also the mental feeling. Also I don't think a lot of people experience this as much as the choke. I realistically didn't think I would ever experience this one.

My short term goals were of course just to improve my over all game, get more transitions and submission attempts chained together, and compete at least once, and improve the ground game of those at my dojo.

First of in May I met goal number one I got the choke I was looking for due to the guys just not tapping and setting a good choke. Goal one met. Well September rolled around and I was competing in the state bjj tournament. Goal two met. My second match I locked in a standing kimura and unfortunately he did not tap before his arm broke. Goal three met. As I roll a lot with guys more experienced than myself I feel my transitions are getting there. I've improved somewhat but not where I want to be. And I trained Shorikid up for his first bjj competion and the ground game at our dojo I think has improved a great deal over what it was.

So this I count as a success toward the goals I set early on. One always wishes they were better no matter how good they are. So it the time of the year I bein thinking about what I want to improve on next year since its just around the corner. I blame my failures on myself and myself alone. I have the instructors second to none that give me the knowledge I need I just have to apply it. My success I give to my instructors and all my training partners at both schools for beating me down to build me back up and make me the martial artist I have become.

Each of my schools have a couple of motos at my home dojo "Fall seven times, get upi eight" both share " iron sharpens iron" and my jiu jitsu schools main Moto " Molon Labe" all of which I carry proudly and try to instill in everyone I train with.

Train hard, fight hard.

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pittbull, its good to hear you've set and met some of your goals in your training. But, in regards to this one...

First of my long term goal I set for jiu jitsu where to choke someone out and to break a limb.

Now let me explain breaking a limb. I did not want it to be a hey I'm toning to break John Doe's arm in training today. It was more if it happens kind of thing. I wanted to understand the feeling of the limb coming apart in my hands, also the mental feeling. Also I don't think a lot of people experience this as much as the choke. I realistically didn't think I would ever experience this one.

My second match I locked in a standing kimura and unfortunately he did not tap before his arm broke.

Kind of weird. I've got kind of some mixed feelings about this. I can understand what you are saying about hearing it and feeling it, but I kind of relate it to the feeling of shooting someone. I know its not the same, but I hope it kind of illustrates my point.

If it would have been your limb that had been broken, would you have considered it goal met?

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The breaking of the limb I never really ever expected to happen. I don't ever intentional go out trying to hurt someone I figured if it ever happened it would be a self defense situation. The last thing I want to do is hurt a training partner because we are all friends. I felt bad for the guy that it happened because he was told by his coach that he in no danger.

In regards to you question Bushidoman I would have tapped because I know my limitations.

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I have four goals with BJJ at this time. Work on my positional escapes, particularly from under side control. Work on getting my arm bars down more. This means less hesitation when I see or, rarely, manage to create the opening. Learning to chain combinations of subs. I'd like to link two or three attacks together. And lastly, compete with my head on straight. PittbullJudoka did a great job getting me ready, and the more I watch the tape and think about the feel of my first match I really think I should have won that if my head was in it. He has instructions to go ahead and throw the camera next time if I get that way again.

Pittbull and I have talked about the broken limb thing. I get it. It wasn't a goal that you go after, but something you wonder about. And he was right, the kid he faced had a coach that was telling him he was fine, to keep pushing. To me, it's like going for the knock out. I'm not looking for it with my training partners, but it's crossing from the theoretical to reality that a lot of people wonder about.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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1. Never have to use it.

2. Allow myself to become engrossed by it...body and soul

3. Spread it to others so they can be as fortunate as me.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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The breaking of the limb I never really ever expected to happen. I don't ever intentional go out trying to hurt someone I figured if it ever happened it would be a self defense situation. The last thing I want to do is hurt a training partner because we are all friends. I felt bad for the guy that it happened because he was told by his coach that he in no danger.

In regards to you question Bushidoman I would have tapped because I know my limitations.

Pittbull and I have talked about the broken limb thing. I get it. It wasn't a goal that you go after, but something you wonder about. And he was right, the kid he faced had a coach that was telling him he was fine, to keep pushing. To me, it's like going for the knock out. I'm not looking for it with my training partners, but it's crossing from the theoretical to reality that a lot of people wonder about.

I can understand where you are coming from when you talk about the experience of it. The issue comes from the wording - with it being a goal. I can totally relate to learning from the experience if it ever happens; like if an LEO has to shoot someone. to call an experience like that a goal for an LEO, kind sends out a bad vibe, if you know what I mean.

I think I understand the intentions in your thought. I think your choice of wording is just maybe not quite right.

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1. Never have to use it.

2. Allow myself to become engrossed by it...body and soul

3. Spread it to others so they can be as fortunate as me.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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  • 2 weeks later...
To break a limb? That's a bit much. That shouldn't be a goal, maybe to get better grips on submission attempts that it opens the door for that possibility but not a goal to actually break it.

Please reread my original post. I guess I did word it wrong as a goal rather than something I wanted the experience of as to the feeling of it happening and what I would feel emotionally. I never set out to intentionally to harm another person in training or competition. I'll say this after it happening I felt sorry for the guy not because his arm got broken but he was just listening to his coach and he's going to miss out on a few months of training. But now if it was a self defense situation I have absolutely no problem choking out or breaking a limb off. Ask I ask you again reread the post as I state did not go out looking to break a limb.

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