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would you use any of this tehcniques in real scenarios

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in the principle you would have time to react and recognize the threath

i ask this,because for the first time yesterday whe were practising head kicks(the name is Maswha geri,or something like that,i dont remenber 100%)

and there was this green belt who i practised head kicks with,and when he kicked whe in the arm(just drills),it had a lot of power into it,if it had hit me in the head,it wouldnt have been very nice,and he is like 15 and has a very skinny built

because it seems it would be hard to do a kick like this instictivly in a real situation,whe also practised a couple of back kicks,side kicks and such,and i was suprised about the power they have

keep in mind,i am the last person that would be in a street fight,since its not my personality to instigate

couple of questions for you guys,because i am curious to know

-would you use a head kick in a real scenario?if so how would you do it,because they have a lot of power and i think they could be useful,it seems like a really good technique


-what about those another "flashier" kicks,but at the same effective,like back and side kicks?


-finally what about low kicks?my sensei taught me this kicks some time ago,but i had learned the technique when i practised muay thai for a short period of time,but yeah they seem effective,dont leave you that open,they seem all around a really good kick,both inside low kicks and low kicks to the tight,so yeah,what about that?would you use it?

thanks,i really just want to get some opinions,since whe are going further in the study of the foot strikes,i am very curious

one more time,i dont aprove street fights,but self defense is something i am interested about


Edited by judobrah
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also one more thing,it seems this kick would be something that would require tons of hours in practise to pull out in a real scenario instictivly,since its a complexe technique,and punches are more safe and natural to do

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Low kicks, yes... to the knees, to the groin. Head kicks? Haha no!

Mawashi Geri is great for tournaments. Not so great for a street fight.

Yoko Geri? (Side kick) ehhh mine is terrible high. I would use it low to someone's knee though.

Mule kick, I might use in the right situation.

Generally, the more practical and devastating, the better.


"If you can fatally judo-chop a bull, you can sit however you want." -MasterPain, on why Mas Oyama had Kyokushin karateka sit in seiza with their clenched fists on their thighs.

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Would I throw a head kick as an opening strike? No.

Would I throw one after a hook when they duck? Yes.

Low kicks? Yes. If I can hurt their mobility, I can easily escape.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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"instinct" has nothing to do with it. Instinct will get you killed. Instinct is probably why you're in a fight in the first place. Use your best and most practiced techniques, the ones you are the most comfortable with. Otherwise there is no point in even taking the classes to begin with, since if you go in thinking "that's great but in a REAL fight, i'd.." you're just going to throw the whole curriculum out the window and start flailing instinctively as soon as there is trouble.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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"instinct" has nothing to do with it. Instinct will get you killed. Instinct is probably why you're in a fight in the first place. Use your best and most practiced techniques, the ones you are the most comfortable with. Otherwise there is no point in even taking the classes to begin with, since if you go in thinking "that's great but in a REAL fight, i'd.." you're just going to throw the whole curriculum out the window and start flailing instinctively as soon as there is trouble.

i understand what you are saying

i was tryng to say that if someone comes at you by complete suprise,you will problably wont use head kicks,know what i mean?its like if you are atacked by complete suprise,heads kicks would problably be something you wouldnt use,since you dont even have time to think it trough

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Low kicks, yes... to the knees, to the groin. Head kicks? Haha no!

Mawashi Geri is great for tournaments. Not so great for a street fight.

Yoko Geri? (Side kick) ehhh mine is terrible high. I would use it low to someone's knee though.

Mule kick, I might use in the right situation.

Generally, the more practical and devastating, the better.

yeah i also think like that,head kicks dont seem to be very pratical in real scenarios,but would you use low kicks(low round kicks) to the tigh or the inside of the leg?

side kick seems pretty decent,it could problably work well if it was used to the stomach area,or knees

but yeah,that was what i was thinking,even too head kicks are comon in combat sports like mma,k1 and full contact karate tournaments,unless you are very skilled it wouldnt be a good option to throw one

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-would you use a head kick in a real scenario?if so how would you do it,because they have a lot of power and i think they could be useful,it seems like a really good technique

So many variables. I would consider it but whether I'd actually do it or not depends on the situation. Head kicks are risky because you've got a greater risk of losing your balance, they require greater flexibility, more accuracy etc. But they're also kicks that can be done at a closer range and can cause a lot of damage if they connect. So it just depends.

-what about those another "flashier" kicks,but at the same effective,like back and side kicks?

Back kick and side kick are flashy? :-? They're TKD bread and butter techniques. Yes I'd consider using them especially something like a side kick down onto someone's knee or side (stomping) kick straight down on someone's hip.

-finally what about low kicks?my sensei taught me this kicks some time ago,but i had learned the technique when i practised muay thai for a short period of time,but yeah they seem effective,dont leave you that open,they seem all around a really good kick,both inside low kicks and low kicks to the tight,so yeah,what about that?would you use it?


"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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-would you use a head kick in a real scenario?if so how would you do it,because they have a lot of power and i think they could be useful,it seems like a really good technique

I use head kicks in tournaments, but in a "street fight" I wouldn't. Reason: it's easier, faster, and usually more effective to strike low.

-what about those another "flashier" kicks,but at the same effective,like back and side kicks?

I probably wouldn't unless I had a very clear opening for it. I have a very powerful side-blade kick but I would only use it if I saw a nice opening in the ribs. CRACK! :)

-finally what about low kicks?my sensei taught me this kicks some time ago,but i had learned the technique when i practised muay thai for a short period of time,but yeah they seem effective,dont leave you that open,they seem all around a really good kick,both inside low kicks and low kicks to the tight,so yeah,what about that?would you use it?


I would like to mention that the philosophy of Kempo is to end a fight as fast as possible so an extended fight in the street will probably not happen with a Kempo stylist.

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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