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Have you ever used karate in a real street fight .. ?


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When I first started training I wanted to tell everyone what I was doing; it was just so great. But the longer I train the more personal it becomes for me.

Indeed. I feel the same. Training in karate is almost intimate for me. Speaking about it feels like I would walk topless :) Unfortunatelly there are some people who know about it and everytime I make new friends I try to hide this "side" of me ... And when an older friend tries to bring this into discussion i say shhhhhhhhhhh and change the subject :D

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I'm very proud to say I have. I have never picked a fight using my training though. Always in self defense or in defense of others. And yes, it's worked many times but it has also failed me. It's not the art itself at the end of a fight that keeps me standing more so myself and the credibility of my opponent.



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A lot of people are saying that they avoid fights by not mentioning they do Karate. But it kind of sounds like your ahsamed. Yes it avoids fights, but aren't you proud to practise the martial arts.


If someone asks me what hobbies/sports and such I do, i proudly answer Karate. I'm not saying to go bragging about it to everyone, but dont hide it. Be proud of your art, but dont make a song or dance about it. :)


If a person hears about your MA pesters you to show them, say n, aqnd if they can't accept that What are you doing talking to that kind of moron anyway?

Mind, body and fist. Its all a man truly needs.

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I have always thought that in the Budo arts, using them in self defence is not actually using Karate-do/Judo/Aikido. Ofcourse you are using the physicalitys, but failed in the spiritual aspect.


To get into the situation where you have to fight in the first place is a weakness in character.


Well said!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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yes i have used it


i havent been in full on stuff going on because of it. but ive used it just to take people down and show them whats up. ive kicked very little ass outside the dojo in a real situation. but if you do karate for long enough it will become a second nature and you will not have to think. if you do karate go for black belt.

fight til you die

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ramymensa i was not thinking or takeing karate just to learn how to fight , i take muay thai so i know how to fight already, i just wanna start a second MA thats more traditional than muay thai, but dont wanna take it if it dose not work .. :)


Trust me, karate works, and damn well too.


About 3 months ago i was waiting @ the bus stop to go home from karate (it was like 9pm) 2 black teenagers approached me and said "give us your money" I refused, one guy grabbed me, i broke his grip, and threw him down with a jointlock (which broke his wrist). The other guy threw a wild haymaker, i blocked it and front kicked him hard in the stomach (i think it hit his solar plexus cuz he was gasping for air when he was down). I then proceeded to run my ass off!

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Hey kyu, i've got some news for you. You said that you don't want to use some "flashy" karate technique that only works nine out of ten times. No one technique will work every time on every person. Karate works very well for self defense IF you know how to use it. Self defense courses are generally very basic techniques such as elbows and kicks to the groin (which again, dont' always work). Karate gives you a huge repetoir to choose from when dealing with an attacker.
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jinx where are you located? because i reccomand finding a shoren ryu dojo. it tought me so much. it just didnt give me one dimmentional fighting style. it has so much to offer self defence wise.

fight til you die

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Upon reflection I think now that there is more than have you used your training in a real street fight than first appears.


Traditional training offers us more than just the ability to beat someone to a pulp. I also helps us learn restraint and self control. Traditional training should include teaching us how to avoid the need to beat someone to a pulp.


Although I have never used what I have learned in a down and dirty street fight I have used the self control and self awareness I have gained in my training to avoid beating someone to a pulp in an inappropriate situation.

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