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Reality Shows


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The latest reality game show will pit contestants against each other to see who can make themselves the most sick.


A British show called the lives of three guys who "Sick Day" will follow will try and catch as many ailments as possible, reports a British newspaper, The Sun.


Potential sicknesses include nits, lice, flu, venereal diseases and warts (a virus) and a cold. The three contestants will live together in a house jammed with cameras and microphones for two months.


It's like "Big Brother," but with an ambulance standing by. It's up to contestants to find ways to catch a disease ... even talking about snorkeling in sewage. Contestants would be paid for their time and a doctor would make sure they did not become too ill.... nothing life-threatening they are assured.


This reality game is the latest British reality show to make it on both sides of the Atlantic. .... since "Survivor," "Big Brother" and "Who wants to be a Millionaire."


Now I know we have a few threads on Big Brother and Survivor ... but what does everyone actually think of these shows and are they going too far, or now scraping to find something to build a "reality-based" show upon?


How about putting several "warriors" from each martial arts style together in an alley and see who comes out the winner? :wink: :idea: oops, I guess they are thinking about this aren't they? http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1943

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Must be good since you yanks found out before we Brits did. Very funny but I think these reality shows will continue to progress. Since first off you have big brother then survivor going form a house to an island now this I can see whats gonna happen next. Proboly putting President Bush with Bin Laden if hes still alive that is. :lol:
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I usually pay little, if any, attention to them. I've seen some of that stuff coming out of Japan and it starts to remind me of "The Running Man" with Arnold S. Like the Climbing for Dollars commercial where dobermans were knawing at the guys heels.


Really, what some people find entertaining is beyond my comprehention. :roll: :dodgy:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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It's just my opinion but i cant stand any of the reality shows, it's voyeurism at its worst. I think things could actually progress to the point where The Running Man ( depends on how many of you are old enough to remember that movie )


will actually be a reality.

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We had a little problem and a few posts were taken out of this thread.


A post by Red J.

I remember the running man with Arnold. The funniest part of that movie was when Richard Dawson kissed the old lady in the midst of the game which was a live man hunt game. Talk about a mob mentality. It also featured Gov. Ventura.


The only real surviviors (pardon the pun) of the reality shows are Survivor and Big Brother. Some shows have not really taken off because they are so over the top and bizarre. I am seeing a trend with the legal system as many networks are doing the mini documentary murder trials. We even have Court TV so that you can watch your favorite murder trial, with commentary, like they were soap operas. I even heard that one company wanted to televise executions...Now that is sick!!!


Hopefully, these shows that are in bad taste don't get the ratings. These producers need to get a grip on some of this stuff. Viewers also need to do the same. Remember the old saying, "Garbage in garbage out". Hopefully viewers are using good judgement.


And one by SaiFightsMS:

A "reality" show about seeing how sick you can get is positively absurd. Only and idiot who has never really been sick could think of something so utterly moronic.

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