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I have a belt test in about 2 weeks.

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We just tested a 3rd Kyu to Shodan in one fell swoop a couple weeks ago. He demonstrated the skills and the knowledge and our master decided to grant him Shodan.

If your instructor thinks you are ready and worthy of the rank, he will give it to you.

Pass on my regards to your friend.

Resepctfully as I know your instructor had a specific criteria for grading students. And i am not there to judge what happens in other Styles/Dojos etc.

I have a different criteria and in my Dojo I would never Jump Students at the higher grades. For me, doing the technques aren't enough, its about how one perceives each teachnique and how one "feels" inside that are moer important

This student is actually an assistant instructor at the affiliate school, so he definitely was worthy of the rank.

That's excellent my friend, I'm happy the candidate was worthy of the grade. Only thing as you know, the journey has only jsut begun

"Challenge is a Dragon with a Gift in its mouth....Tame the Dragon and the Gift is Yours....." Noela Evans (author)

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That's excellent my friend, I'm happy the candidate was worthy of the grade. Only thing as you know, the journey has only jsut begun

That's exactly what I told him as I was one of the witnessing black belts :)

Then the next day I kept poking his thighs asking if it hurts. :P Yes, I'm mean. lol

Edited by darksoul

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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To clarify one of my earlier posts, I am technically testing for brown belt this Friday. However, my Sensei said that if I display what he believes I can do, there is a chance I may be promoted to Shodan-ho which is junior instructor level. It's not a dan level promotion, but it would still be a black belt rank.

I actually feel good about this. I've been studying MA total for a little over 2 years, and my physical abilities are not as good as they were when I trained as a teenager. However, my power and focus is a lot better, and my kumite is a lot more polished (and surprisingly, I am quicker now).

I've only been training in my current club for about 7 months, so when he originally mentioned possibly becoming a black belt this month, I was excited and confused at the same time. I am confident in my abilities, but I didn't want people to start all the chatter of "he became a black belt too quick". (I recently had a friend that's on the American Jiu Jitsu team question how quickly I've moved up to my current rank, but I don't think he realized that I held a higher rank years ago and just worked back up to that rank quickly) However, sitting back and realizing that I have as much time into it as most people ranked above me (I train at least 3 times a week in class and 3 or 4 more times outside of class), I feel that I have the knowledge for that rank.

So if you would, pray for me! And if you have a similar rank, please tell me what you had to do to achieve it. Thanks!

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Congrats, Fang!

We just broke boards for the first time last week. I happen to be the strongest (physically) in my class, so naturally, he wanted to use me as an example! I hadn't broken a board in 20 plus years! So the first one was on an elbow strike,which was really easy. Then, he made me do a front kick from my left foot (without hitting the board), retract, then reverse punch with my left (weakest) hand. Straight thru! Next, a side kick, no problem. Then, knife hand strike with left! I never did it before, but went straight thru!

Next class, he wanted me to do a spinning back fist hitting with the knuckles. Now, over the years, I've broken the knuckles repeatedly. So I was nervous. And it showed. The spinning backfist just smacked the board with the knuckles and hurt like a beast! So I asked if I could retry with a spinning hammerfist. Straight thru!

My daughter who is 9, is an orange belt. She is about as thin as my wrist. Sensei asked her to try and she was way nervous. However, she tried, but she had tears in her eyes. She had to do a hammer strike on the board set on cinder blocks. She failed. She cried for most of the night. So he gave her a board to take home. I'll start makiwara type focus training with her to give her the ability to break it.

About my backfist- I'm stronger than most people that I know, so lack of physical strength isn't the reason I failed. However, in the back of my mind, I was worried about my kuckles, and I think mentally, I failed. On the hammerfist, I went thru it like hot butter. Technique and mental focus is more important that pure strength!

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Aww, poor girl. I'm sure she will be able to do it soon :)

I, for one, never really understood the board breaking thing. I've done it because, hey, it's kind of fun, but to quote a classic movie - "Boards don't hit back."

I understand the idea of focus, but you don't necessarily need a board to work on that. Anyway, I still think it's fun so for that, YAY! :P

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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