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Help!!I need to learn martial Arts fast!

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Woah! Slow down there! :o Beating people from other styles shouldn't be your motivation behind training! And if you want to learn something very quickly, try Muay Thai..it is a very hardcore style that emphasizes constant sparring/fighting. Also, if your school has a wrestling team, JOIN IT! Wrestling is awesome for takedowns and takedown defense.

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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Hmm.........with the screen name KajukenboFighter, I would have thought that you are already training in that particular system. Mind me for asking, but do you or are you familiar with Kajukenbo? If you are or were, then I wouldn't expect such a question from one who has any sort of formal training.


Training in the martial arts, no matter what style is about a way of life. Anyone who studies a martial art, whether formal or not, should be able to defend oneself depending upon how much that person trains. BTW if you would be so kind as to provide a little introduction of yourself that would be great, unless I missed it....


Mind of Mencia

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Look if you only want to kick someone's butt, you don't even need martial arts. The Arts are for self defense or Sport.


You shouldn't talk martial arts just for revenge, this isn't a "kung fu movie" Remember, violence will only bring you more violence.


Now, for your question..Boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, wrestling,


in all those styles you can learn the techniques quick and the remaining time is for conditioning and drilling.

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Fist of all if the kid did moves on you they did not take anyting. If they did they would know better. At least I would hope so. Any style of MA will give you some Self Defense. As far as Kung Fu and Ninjitus go I would not worry about it. Its not the art its the person doing the art.


However you may want to read in the art vs. art section to see what other have to say. Im sure there is a thread on it. LOL.....

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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You know this kid reminds me of me I would train and train when I wanted to beat people up when I was younger(My main motivation for martial arts). But as I trained and got older fighting seemed not to be the answer no more. You know what I mean. I guess I progressed.
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Same here...I used to enjoy being able to take down people bigger than me (easy to do since everyone is...I'm 5'0"), if it were even in the slightest provoked. That was when I was say, a green belt.


Now, I guess I've been humbled a bit. I try to avoid conflict at all costs. If my friends know that I'm a martial artist, I just tell them that fighting them goes against my ninja code :) (and no I don't do ninjitsu)


However, in the dojo with my MA buddies is quite different :lol:


At least twice a night we're rolling around or kicking at each other. Just last week I kicked somebody upside the face for touching my hair :lol: j/k he was fighting me too. But there, we're all educated in MA and we've consented to do this. It's not like we have unfair advantages (well, all the guys ARE stronger than me, but that doesn't count) such as a trained person vs. an untrained person. And, we're not bullying each other around. The moment any of us begin to bleed or cry, fighting stops :brow:


Anyway, my point is you don't use your skills for selfish reasons, but you can still have fun with it. You just have to use your head.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Round-i just want to defend my self from attacks and from people like that, i don't mean to just challenge his style if thats what you mean.


as far as my screen name goes i choose i like Kajukebo.I have no experience but hopefully if i find a school i will.


Im not interested in just kickin peoples butt, i want self defense, and to be able to fight off agressive attacker and not be a coward.


And MA has been one of my interests fo awhile.

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Do you have an interest in Kajukenbo? Are you in an area that teaches that sytem? Kajukenbo is one of the many off-shoots of the Kenpo/Kempo system that originated out of Hawaii.


The system teaches many self defense techniques, as well as katas, and perhaps some weapons. You can do a search on Kajukenbo on the internet and you should be able to find plenty of information on the system.


In general any martial arts system in my opinion can teach you how to defend yourself, but it'll be up to you and you alone to accomplish your goals in martial arts.


Mind of Mencia

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