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This is a question for the black belts...

How many belts do you have? So far I have 2, one plain, one with a dan stripe on it and tomorrow I'll have my "nice" belt.

It's gonna be a Satin/Silk belt with my dan stripe on the left and the Chinese Characters for Shaolin Kempo(少林拳法) on the right. Both in red. *edit* I'm also upgrading from the standard 1.5" width to a 2" width.

I've heard that Silk frays quickly and that Satin is an "in the middle" for durability. I like the "old" look, but I also want a belt that will last me the next 40years. Also, I'm paying $130 for this belt so it better last! haha.

So yeah, I'm happy.

What are your thoughts on Cotton, Satin, and Silk belts?

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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I'm not a black belt, but I'd like to say congratulations on getting your new upgrade. Wow, that's one expensive belt, hope it does well for you. :karate:

Tang Soo Do - Red Belt (2nd GUP)

  FangPwnsAll7 said:
I'm not a black belt, but I'd like to say congratulations on getting your new upgrade. Wow, that's one expensive belt, hope it does well for you. :karate:


The embroidery will take a few weeks as they send it to China. Can't wait!

I should have my new Arawaza Emerald gi by then too.

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo



DO NOT buy from the black belt shop in my experience. I ordered a Tokaido belt and embroiding. When I got it, it had a wrong character in the Kanji and was in orangeish red, not the usual Red. No help from them on some adjustment. They did offer to re do the Kanji, but in orange again.

I did order from Panther belt, nice lady on the phone, took my order, answered all my questions. Great Folks.

Ni Dan in Isshinryu, current training in Tarboro NC

  traffic142 said:
DO NOT buy from the black belt shop in my experience. I ordered a Tokaido belt and embroiding. When I got it, it had a wrong character in the Kanji and was in orangeish red, not the usual Red. No help from them on some adjustment. They did offer to re do the Kanji, but in orange again.

I did order from Panther belt, nice lady on the phone, took my order, answered all my questions. Great Folks.

Thanks for the info, but I actually ordered from a local guy in town my Master recommended.

I came close to ordering form Black Belt Shop too... boy am I glad I didn't!

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


  • 2 weeks later...

congrats! This belt will kick butt :)

Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.

  shinka said:
congrats! This belt will kick butt :)

When I get it back from embroidery it will! :D

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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