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Top 5 judo throws for street application

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You'd be surprised. With what Judo has become due to the pressure of Olympic status, you should be glad you aren't doing it.

I remain baffled that nobody has forked the Olde Combat Judo off of the Olympic stuff yet. It's not like the knowledge is eternally lost, and Judo has plenty of adherents and prestige floating around to boost such a thing.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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I am surprised nobody has mentioned this one:

Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi.

It really is ridiculously easy to perform and does not require a gi nor does it require you to violate your own posture to perform.

Additionally, unlike a typical footsweep it will work regardless of the terrain you are in.

Thank you,

Think first, act second, and stop getting the two confused.

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Best as in the most effective? Or best as in the easiest to do?

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black belt - Kodokan Judo 2nd Dan black belt - ITF TaeKwonDo black belt - Kyokushin Karate black belt - Shotokan Karate black belt - Kenpo Karate 4th Dan black belt - Yoshinkan Aikido brown belt

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I second Uchi Mata, also Ashi Barai, O Soto Gari, Drop Knee Seo Nage and any leg throw such as Hiza Nage. You will really struggle to execute Hip Throws and Tai Otoshi without some co-operation from your opponent.

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I remain baffled that nobody has forked the Olde Combat Judo off of the Olympic stuff yet. It's not like the knowledge is eternally lost, and Judo has plenty of adherents and prestige floating around to boost such a thing.

Tongue in cheek I'd say that fork does exist and it's called BJJ. :lol:

BTW, the talk of forks makes me wonder if you are a computer programmer?

ichi-go ichi-e


one encounter, one chance

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Uchi-mata is not an easy technique, neither is Harai Goshi or Tai Otoshi. All of them require a more advanced understanding of balance and footwork than the more basic techniques.

The top five for street application for me would be:

1. Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi

2. Standing Seioi Nage, especially with modifications for no-gi and to damage Uke's arm if needed.

3. Tsuri Komi Goshi, modified for no-gi using an underhook grip.

4. O soto Gari, this works well if you find yourself needing to go on the offensive. Hit them like a freight train.

5. One of the ma-sutemi waza. If you are taken by surprise and knocked down this will keep them from getting on top of you.

Notice I have avoided all of the one legged throws, most of the advanced te-waza, and anything that may not work on difficult terrain.

Think first, act second, and stop getting the two confused.

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