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I completely agree!

I also agree with the geographical aspect. You can't learn something that's not available in your area.

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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I know that cursedforever's post is not exactly translating with most of us; we are generally serious about the ART in martial arts, and not the ability to decapitate someone or to cause their heart to stop beating. The concept should be health, mental and physical well-being, and of course, a battle tested method of DEFENSE which translated in the hands of a professional, can be used offensively as needed.

Having said that, I agree with many posters on here... what is the 'deadliest' art you ask? It is the one that is used inneffectively, thus causing injury or serious liability for the person that is misusing the art form. If you are going to look to kill someone, this may be something that you need to discuss openly with a friend that can help, or a trained professional that can deepen your understanding of why you feel the way that you do.

Likewise, one must try to understand why you are seeking this out; are you being bullied, harassed, or hurt? If so, there are authorities that can help with that... but you need the same vigilance that you were trying to employ. I was bullied, and I sought out the martial arts for the wrong reasons; she ran from me until I gained control of myself as a person, and control of my temper.

The 'deadliest' tool in ANYONE'S arsenal is the brain. Used with the right motivation, it can create wonders, or destroy civilizations.

As for your disability, you need to measure between your (physical and mental) abilities, combined with the martial arts in your area. I would sit down with a few masters, senseis, etc to discuss what you can do, are willing to do, and what you need to avoid.

In closing, I hope that you consider the options discussed in the forum, your needs, and a little bit of common sense when making this decision. Good luck!

It is what you learn when you think you know everything that matters most! (unknown)

" I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself". (DH Lawrence)

"The only stupid question is the one that was never asked!!" (Me!!!)

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  • 1 month later...

Ameri-Do-Te without a doubt :)

Seriously though, I think that what all the above posters have said really sums it up.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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  • 2 weeks later...

All karate style is Deadly depending on how you use it on your opponent in karate theirs diff style of karate but when you used it its deadly you can send a person to a hospital when you defend your self against your opponent using punch kick and other technique

I love Shotokan Karate Do and American Kenpo Karate

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Since most MA's were designed as empty hand defense techniques in times of war, every one has its "deadly" tecnhiques. Hell, I trained Shotokan for 2 years, and a simple reverse punch to the throat can be deadly. I think the question is a matter of philosophy- I would think something like Krav Maga (sp) would be one of the more deadly forms because of the reason it's taught. However, pretty much every style teaches lethal tecnhiques. Even Tai Chi has movements embedded within it with the purpose of stopping a person's heartbeat!

Seek Perfection of Character

Be Faithful


Respect others

Refrain from violent behavior.

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Since most MA's were designed as empty hand defense techniques in times of war, every one has its "deadly" tecnhiques. Hell, I trained Shotokan for 2 years, and a simple reverse punch to the throat can be deadly. I think the question is a matter of philosophy- I would think something like Krav Maga (sp) would be one of the more deadly forms because of the reason it's taught. However, pretty much every style teaches lethal tecnhiques. Even Tai Chi has movements embedded within it with the purpose of stopping a person's heartbeat!

I agree with your first statement, but Shorin Ryu, Kempo, and Shotokan can be just as deadly, if not even more so, than Krav Maga and even Systema.

Many of my techniques, if performed fully and properly, will end with the death of my attacker, whether it be from broken neck, collapsed trachea, or just blunt force trauma.

Here's an example, a technique ends with a side blade to the head of a downed opponent. In "reality" that's a heel in the temple. If performed at full force, with shoes, a heel to the temple will kill someone.

I honestly don't think there is a "deadliest" art. All of our arts are dangerously deadly if performed at full force.

Shodan - Shaolin Kempo


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