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Head and Arm Choke from Side Control

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So I was reading another thread about Nova Uniao guys being pretty good with head and arm choke. One person mentioned Shaolin being excellent at it. One of guys who trained with Shaolin came on and mentioned details he did to make it tighter. I been doing the choke for years and I have no idea why I didn't think of it. I use the same detail for more pressure from side control.

Basically take the weight off the knee's so it's just toes/ball of the foot ont eh ground and drive with the under hook arm around the head with the shoulder in the neck. I never thought of using the same pressure for head and arm choke. I just kept going perpendicular and driving my shoulder down wether I have a figure four /rnc grip or palm to palm gable grip. I prefer the palm to palm grip.

So I worked it today and got quicker results for the tap as well as my partner saying blood choke came on quicker when I took my knees of the floor and drove with my feet foward driving the weight pressure from my shoulder into my opponent neck/arm.

Still after all this time suprised I didn't think of it earlier. Those fun ahaha moments of jiujitsu

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It's funny how those little details make all the diffrence in the world. One other thing that people seem to do is let their elbow drift outward. You should try to pintch your elbows together as much as possible and try to stay ear to ear with the person as you walk around tightening the choke. This will turn their head into your arm making things even tighter.

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That's Jiu-Jitsu. My instructor has been training for 17 years. When he asks Pedro about making something better or a situation that's giving him problems, it always ends up being a very minor adjustment that makes a very big difference. Such a crazy awesome thing jiu-jitsu is.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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It's funny how those little details make all the diffrence in the world. One other thing that people seem to do is let their elbow drift outward. You should try to pintch your elbows together as much as possible and try to stay ear to ear with the person as you walk around tightening the choke. This will turn their head into your arm making things even tighter.

Kind of odd I am trying to picture it but can't. I will try it out none the less. What grip are you using for that Figure 4/RNC grip or palm to palm grip? before i would walk out at 90 degree perpendicular with palm to palm grip and my chin on their face. to keep the gap closed so they can swing their arm out. All I did was go flat hips to the mat and drop my shoulder down towards my wrist/floor area as opposed to just squeezing. I will try the elbows one too though.

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That's Jiu-Jitsu. My instructor has been training for 17 years. When he asks Pedro about making something better or a situation that's giving him problems, it always ends up being a very minor adjustment that makes a very big difference. Such a crazy awesome thing jiu-jitsu is.

Yeah that is jiujitsu. I know this before but still suprised every time I think I know a move really well and find more details that make it so much better. My favorite part is those minor details after finding them out seem so much common sense I start thinking "why didn't I think of that before" I know every one goes through that though.

I remember story of Rickson teaching Helio some stuff about the mount. I was surprised about it at the time. Now, I know no is going to know every. Still be learning until the day we die.

Pedro Sauer is encylapedia of bjj. It's crazy! I wonder if I will ever know as much as he has already forgotten.

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I use a palm to palm grip, squeezing my elbow toward one another. My head on the mat putting pressure on the side of their head as I keep my hips down and walk away from them to tighten the choke.

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I use a palm to palm grip, squeezing my elbow toward one another. My head on the mat putting pressure on the side of their head as I keep my hips down and walk away from them to tighten the choke.

Thanks I will try that out.

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