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Uniforms in Public Schools Or No Uniforms?


Yes Or No to the Uniforms in Public Schools  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Yes Or No to the Uniforms in Public Schools

    • Yes
    • No
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Hey G, on the other hand uniforms will NEVER be removed from Australian schools, for similar but opposite reasons to those you give for America...


It was once voted upon school by school, and just about everyone voted to keep uniforms. (Not I).


BTW a uniform did not stop people from judging each other on what they wore, as everyone found ways to "extend" and get around the uniform code, eg different shoes, types of pants, etc. It DEFINITELY did not stop bullying and discrimination, as that was a daily occurance for most students.


Overall, public education is an exercise in child-minding, 13 years of tedium in which they fit about 2-3 years worth of education. I literally taught myself rocket science in year 9, in spare time during classes/breaks, etc. Forgotten it now though...

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I think uniforms would be excellent for public education. I don't think it has anything to do with infringing upon a person's civil rights. The constitution stipulates the pursuit of happiness, not the guarantee of happiness. I feel that if a school district decides it is in the better interest of the students, teachers, schools, and neighborhoods that schools reside in to have uniforms then they--as public educators and the stewards of our children--have that right.


I have traveled quite a bit and resided in quite a few places. Children in uniforms from elementary to college/university seem to me (I'm no expert, just offering my take on it) to better cultivate a school environment.


For children I think it would better to take it a step beyond dress code. Dress code is something for the working class individual. Even then, most jobs require a specific uniform. Ever wonder why? More than simple product adertising, uniforms create a sense of community for those wearing them. Albeit, this is not true for every single individual who dons a uniform, the majority of those who do perform better in their job duties while wearing a uniform. Wearing the uniform creates the mental environment that, "This is where I work. Whil wearing this uniform this is who I am." And thus, this furthers workplace productivity.


Removing uniforms from the workplace results is people taking their jobs less seriously and ultimately harms business productivity. This is why bankers wear dress shirts and suits, and fast food chains wear their uniforms. It cultivates the mentality to perform the task at hand. If everybody wore just whatever they pleased to work, exp. their home clothes, then people would slack-off in their respective jobs.


This, I believe, can translate perfectly to the education environment. Surely, it would not completely eliminate bullying, and the such (discrimination, etc) but those things are personal character issues anyways and dress doesn't play such a vital role there.


I believe that kids wearing uniforms, even at university level, would greatly help improve productivity. While wearing your uniform you are a student. The uniform helps remind you of that, and why you are at school. Regular clothing is reserved for when you are not acting as a student or studying at school. These clothes reflect that mentality.


Wear a suit and tie and you feel a bit more dignified. Wear a wife-beater and torn jeans and do you feel so dignified? You don't change as an individual, but your external attitude does. Now, obviously, this won't apply to everyone. There are always rebels who think that breaking the rules make them special and somewhat better than others--rather than displacing them and causing more harm to productivity and general peace than naught.


So, IMHO, uniforms would be great. I think they would bring back a sense of dignity to attending school. Wearing your uniform, especially in a university environment, would challenge the student to act mature, to leave behind childish things, and face the world as an adult.


Those that whine about uniforms taking away their individuality don't understand what being an individual is. Dressing like others to fit in is not expressing your individuality; it's walking the line like all the other lemmings. Individuality is who are in the dark. It is your character. It's who you are when no one is watching. Wearing a uniform doesn't affect that, especially when you're wearing that uniform to perform a specific task: going to school.


Students should spend their time focusing on their studies rather than what to wear to school, or whether or not uniforms will be implemented.


BTW, in the south-western US, there are countless elementary schools that have a school uniform. Usually it is nothing more than a simple white t-shirt and dark pants. (or skirts for the girls) So, uniforms do happen in the US.

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I agree if a school district gets its PTA together and the voters choose to wear uniforms that is Democracy at its best. I have no problem with that. I am just against forcing people to wear unifroms.


One thing that slips the minds of many people. It is not the schools job to teach the kids morals. Its our job to teach the 3 R's but we are forced to teach morals and behavior now. The Mommy and the Daddy and the church should do that.


Like I said I completely agree that uniforms have a huge upside however in a public school district I would never cast a vote for them reguardless the situation. Dress Code you bet, but not uniforms.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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That's exactly what they did near here, in Waterbury CT a couple years ago. It went to a vote, and got passed. Pretty big city for this area too.


Does anyone remember the story from years ago where the kid got killed after school for his "Air Jordans"? Things like that will scare parents into voting for the uniforms. I don't have a strong opinion in either direction. Our kids went to a private elementary for a couple years, and now go to public. We haven't had a problem either way.


They sure were cute in their little uniforms, though. :kiss:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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I don't think making people wear something they don't want will help anyone... Maybe a few losers here and there, but that's it. The majority of people I know hates it, even people that are bullyed by others don't like the thought of it, and it's mainly the parents that do, but it's not like they're the ones that will have to go to school wearing clown suits anyway.

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