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Why does Western Boxing get so much more publicity then MA m

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I think that 1 of the reasons could be that most people can punch and therefore relate more with Western Boxers. Also, grappling matches can be boring for those who dont really understand the finer points. That could go for any sort of martial arts fighting. Aswell, Hollywood portrays martial arts as more fantasy then reality with all the fancy flying kicks and impossible speed - real martial arts fight just doesnt look the same.

"Someone once said that high kicks were impractical, but tell that to the guy that just ate my foot"


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  • 2 weeks later...
I think you answeared your own question. Its because we live in the western world and that is part of our culture. People can relate to that more than they can with ma of the east in history. That and that the rules differentiate so much so in eastern ma compared to boxing.

I am training for myself not anyone else.. to be the best I can be in everything.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree, that more people can relate to it. I mean anybody can throw punches, no matter how badly.


Not that many people can throw a kick, higher than there knee.


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I agree with a lot of what has been said, but there is hope! K-1 is now the most watched Pay-Per-View in the states, and keeps getting more and more cable broadcasting throughout Europe on the Eurosport network. The purse for this years winner was $400,000. Not quite up to boxing standards, but still quite respectable.


Do your part, watch K-1!

"The true master avoids the fight."

Shodan - Uechi-Ryu Karate

Brown Belt - Zen Budo Ryu JJ, Yoshinkan Aikido

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  • 4 weeks later...
Boxing in the UK has been popular for over a hundred years, originally it was bear knuckle boxing that took place in illeagle gambling rings, were people were actually killed. I think its main origin however was the Army where it was very popular and still is. I think its more popular becuase of the gambling side of it, I mean some ppl put big money on boxing matches, its also becuase its alot more violent compared to the Martial arts which are really there for self defence, and in todays world violence is what ppl want. At the end of the day it is "Western boxing" so it will always have more popularity compared to the asian forms of fighting. I mean compare it to point scoring martial arts, theres just not enough violence and tension, ppl want to see knockouts and dramatic comebacks, they want to see nations collide, with all the pressure on two men. Boxing seems to do the job, but in my opinion I would prefer to see a martial arts bout, not boxing, thats probably because martial arts has more variety (ie. more techniques involved) and of course I am a Karateka, so I find it more interesting.

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