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Don'r leave them again!


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The Swiss - Have tourism. People come to ski and vacation. Not sure about resources but I would guess they have coal in those hills. They are also located arround some rich people. Germay, France, and Itally.


Tourism isn't really the main income of the Swiss. A lot of the money in the country (which incidentally has 51% tax rates and is the most expensive place in the world to live) comes from the banks. Swiss banks are well known as some of the most secure and secretive in the world, so guess where all the corrupt politicians, drug dealers, and so on store their cash.

When you are at war or on edge you do things without thinking. Do you think we bombed that party on purpose? America has lost more troops to friendly fire than anyone since WWII because we try and keep the bombing as close to the battlefront as we can.


Hate to say it, but I have my doubts that friendly fire casualties are due to trying to keep the bombing close to the battlefront. More likely to do with plain stupidity in too many cases.

Religon most contries do have a stable religon. You can look at almost any contry and say they are this or that. With the exception of the Balkins and places in South Asia like Afghainstan that are mixed. Even the middle east is stable. You know Iraq is Islam. You know Saudi is Islam. etc etc etc.......


So England is...uh...America would be...hmm...France, Germany, Ah. Seems that most of the well developed countries don't really have defined religions.

As far as PR. No its not about PR but your saying it is. Im saying anytime American can be made to look bad we will. You don't see on TV the millions of people we send food to each day. You don't see US troops giving Iraq soliders food at the end of the gulf war. You don't see us rebuilding Japan and Germany after WWII. Its easy to focus on the bad. However if you think for a minute the world is not a better place because of America you got another thing comming.


You don't see the people being shot with American made weapons in deep cellars. You don't see the organisations funded by American companies, provided with American arms. You don't see the people starving in the streets of America. Whether the world would be a better or worse place is irrelevant. The world is as it is, until you can change it, live with it.

Your last statement talked about all the treaties we broke. LOL. Come on. ABM only the US and USSR were members of that treaty. Last time I checked the USSR did not exist. Should we honor a treaty with a contry that no longer exists? Thats like saying we Bob died and still owed him 10 dollars and you took a 10 laid it on his tombstone. Come on....... Let me add to that President Reagan met with Gorbachev in Iceland in 86. Reagan never gave in on SDI. Burh Sr never gave in on SDI. Clinton quit SDI in about 95. No treaty was ever set up for us to build a missle defense shield. Bush Jr. is bringing back SDI. You know as well as I do the ABM treaty is useless. If WWIII ever starts and Nukes are launched they will be from Subs not ICBM's......


Quick note. In working on its missile defense shield America completely ignored every single other country in the world, including its allies.

As far as enviorment. Last time I checked the USA does no more now than we did 20 years ago. Saw that on the History Ch a week ago. If you wan't we can't fix the enviorment tell the 3rd world contries to step up to the plate.


Interesting fact. Under current laws it is possible to 'trade' pollution allowances with other countries. America does this a lot. On top of this you'll find that most countries have managed to reduce pollution since twenty years ago, how come America finds it so difficult to do so?

Why does everyone look at the US and say Racism? LOL we are the least Racist country in the world. Sure we got problems but on much small scale. LOL this kills me when I hear it. We are made up of all differant ethnic groups. Sure blacks and whites don't get along here just like in South Africa. Sure Jews and Musslims have problmes just like they do in the Middle east but guess what we don't kill each other like they do in those 2 places. Come on wake up we are the least Racist Nation you will ever find.


I don't really want to argue this one, but okay. Admittedly America isn't too bad when it comes to racism. At least in most areas. And it does seem to be improving as well, however saying that you are the least racist nation you will find, and that people don't kill each other because of race in America is just wrong.


Incidentally I like America, same as I like England. I can still see and acknowledge the problems though.


Pil Sung

Jimmy B

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Well G95champ; why say that you aren't going to try and counter every statement when that's exactly what you're trying to do?


Your first statement regards the assult on a wedding. First of all you do not take into account the fact that we are talking about poeple celebrating the happiest time of their lives. Secondly who could be stupid enough, riding a hundred million dollar aircraft, to believe handgun fire to be anti aircraft missiles?? It's like being shot by an arrow while riding a tank! Idiocy!

When you are at war or on edge you do things without thinking.

Isn't war time the time to really think about what you do since it so profoundly affect peoples lives??

As far as what the NA did to the guys in the drums. Do you think we knew about that?

Well since they are your allies, and are obviously not to be trusted, shouldn't you keep an eye on them?? More importantly shouldn't you keep an eye on your POWs?? It is certainly a crime not to!


You mention that Afghanistan have no solid trade partners...well give them some! Remember parts of Berlin...the airlift! It's a lot simpler this time!


You say that Japan has a rich history...they were the most solitary nation for hundreds of years! They did not evolve because of it!


The swiss have tourism you say...no more than any other european nation, surely they are behind Spain, Portugal, France, England, Italy, Greece, Germany, Holland! Why couldn't Afghanistan become a tourist nation...it is a beautiful country!


I agree, Vegas was a poor example. But Israel and Egypt also has bad and arrid grounds.


Stable religion is of little importance. Do you think the powerful jews of Washington would wage a war? Do you believe the muslims of New York would start a Jihad? I get your point but I don't believe it to be true.

As far as PR. No its not about PR but your saying it is

Are you completely ignorant? I just told you it was about life and death! You mention PR twice by the way!!

You don't see on TV the millions of people we send food to each day

It is interesting to now that USA is one of the least giving nations counting in percentage!

You don't see US troops giving Iraq soliders food at the end of the gulf war

If US troops are giving Iraqi soldiers food then the Iraqis are certainly POWs, and as such have a right to food! What we can also remember is the slaughter of soldiers and civilians fleeing Kuwait on that desolate and terrible single road...

You don't see us rebuilding Japan and Germany after WWII

If you want to bring the Marshall plan to our minds, which by the way is not forgotten!, let us also bring Vietnam, Chile, Nicaragua!

Your last statement talked about all the treaties we broke. LOL. Come on. ABM only the US and USSR were members of that treaty. Last time I checked the USSR did not exist. Should we honor a treaty with a contry that no longer exists?

Nuclear weapons affect all of humanity so that treaty is as much a unilateral treaty as it is a bilateral and pluratiral one! And if the USAs word is not to be counted on...allies will be lost! SDI is useless and Bush jr. is ignorant trying it!

As far as enviorment. Last time I checked the USA does no more now than we did 20 years ago

Well why aren't you?`Oh it's a money issue! The american population is about what 5 % of the population and yet you are responsible for more than 25% of the pollution. Putting the blame on third world countries is just plain stupid! They need to advance first.

LOL we are the least Racist country in the world.

I would like to see evidence of that, please!

Remember The bad things make a better story.

The bad things are truthful that's why. Hollywood's got a lesson to learn about sad endings by the way...

Even if we instal a great goverment in Afg. we have people say thats a US puppet.
I agree with you here.
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Well I had not planned on it but I got carried away. LOL....


I am the first to say America is not perfect. Howver show me someone who is closer? We coud do nothing. Is that what you want?


First of all being a sempai on this site Im going to pull rank. LOL. Don't call people ignorant, just because you disagree with them. I got a 4 year college degree in history that says I know my facts. I don't mind people have called me worse but name calling gets you no where fast. LOL....


Ill hit these topics as they jump in my head.


1. Racism - Yeah american has the KKK, Black Panthers, neo Nazi's etc. Yes every year we have hate crimes where someone kills another because of color, sex, religon, etc. However when you consider hwo diverse we are its pretty low. I mean heck Japan has next to no race crime but guess what they are all Jappaneese. I have yet to see a Afo-Oriental? Have you? LOL....


2. Farm land - Egypt actually has great fram land on the Nile. It also has a coast that brings in lots of trade. Iseral too has decent farm land just because you are a deserat don't mean you can't farm. Afg. can't because of poor soil. At least thats what I have read.


3. Religon - Although England has troulbe with Cath. and Prod. Even though cities like NY and Chi in the US are mostly Jewish niether country has problems that face other places like India, Pakistan, Iseral, etc. There is less differance in Christianty than there is between Suni and Shiete Islam (sp) and Hunduism.


4. SDI - Reagan, Bush, and Bush Jr. have all said all American allies will be protected by the shield. It was just a few years back everyone was worried about Astroids hitting the earth. Thank me in 200 years when SDI saves us from one. We can cloan a sheep Im sure we can shoot ICBM out of the sky. Come on????


5. The Marshall Pan - Well we did not win in Vietnam. Its sort of hard to put a plan into effect? As far as the other places you talked about I don't recall going to war with them. BTW a big part of the Marshall plan was the fact we had US troop on the ground doing everything. The people of Japan and Ger. were loyal to the US troops. Do you think the people of Afg. will show the same loyality? They may I don't know. I sort of doubt it because like you said we turn out backs and they put POW's in stell drums.... Right? I don't know how you can blame us for not watching them 24/7. I mean heck we can't even find Bin Ladden and the whole world is looking for him. That is like putting the mom and dad in jail because little Johnny built a bomb in the bathtub. Well if mom and dad had watched little Johnny in the bath tub guess what? Yeah they get child porn slapped in their face. Come on we can't watch everyone all the time. Geez......


6. American Guns - Please the most common assult riffle in the world is the AK 47. Thats a Soviet made weapon. Also made by China and N. Korea. I don't see many terrorist running arround with M-16's. LOL that is funny.....


7. Iraq food - Thats how we treat our POW's BTW. Remember the airmen Hussain had in the gulf that had been beaten. Hey Im sure we have slapped a few bad guys arround but I would stack our reccord up aginst anyone.


8. America's homeless - LOL. I love this one as well. Hate to say it but most are drunks and drugies. Yeah some are not. However most are. The ones who want off the street can go to any YMCA and get a hot meal and shower. They can apply for unemployment and God knows they can get a job at Walmart if they want.....


9. PR - I know its about life and death however everything thing you and I see is PR. Im just trying to tell you that PR paints a pic how we want to see it. Its really simple to paint the US as the bad guy.


10. Wedding - Ok we are fighting a bunch of terrorists. Who in the first week we destroyed every major piece of anti air guns they had we knew about. An AK 47 can take down a F 14. Yeah the piolot should have checked out the target but you know what he screwed up. Don't think for a minute he thinks about it every day.


Back to the question that started this. I stick by what I said in my first post. Afg. most likely will never be stable because it does not meet any of those requirements.


1. Resources


2. Farm Land


3. Coast and or Rivers


4. Stable Neighbors


5. No past (religon, leaders, culture, etc)


I would love to see Afg. develope. Heck who don't Im just saying if your 5'6 your not going to play in the NBA. It can be done. Muggys Boggs did it. However it is not likely.


Almost every country will meet some of those marks. Only a select few will meet all of them. The ones that do become World Powers.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I am closing this. Both of you are out of line.


Plus it is old news. You either hate the US or you love the US. We get under appreciated, but that's the way it is.



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