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A Pocket Full of Marbles


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This post was originally published as an article in a dedicated KarateForums.com Articles section, which is no longer online. After the section was closed, this article was most to the most appropriate forum in our community.

Habits die hard. This seems to be most uneasily true when it comes to the Shindokan Hombu, and even more so when it comes to the Hombu's hierarchy. Particularly our Counsel of Regents who, at times, can be more prone to belch before the deaf; a useless action. At times, I think quietly to myself that the Counsel of Regents comes up with these random "ideas" just to hear themselves talking or to only entertain themselves at the risk of my becoming insane.

Soke Fuyuhiko Saitou passed away in 2008. Dai-Soke Yoshinobu Takahashi passed away in 2010. San Dai-Soke Iwao Takahashi unceremoniously, and without just cause, closed the original Hombu just before he relocated somewhere in Okinawa faster than the trade winds in 2011, and no one's heard from him since.

In a mutual desire to rebuild a much more secure future for each and every member of our student body, the newly re-established Hombu quickly went to work in revamping a considerable amount of our by-laws from top to bottom, specifically within the Executive Team, Administration Team and General Affairs Team. Much of the credit deservingly goes out to our Legal Team in managing the creation of the language that allows growth and strength in the Hombu, while at the same time, prohibits a servitude attitude to arise unabated.

The Undying Question

The question that just never seems to die, and I wish that it would, has reared up its ugly head once again: "Who will be our next Soke type?"

Our Hombu, as it's been re-written in the by-laws, Shindokan Densho and Hand Scrolls, is no longer dependant on a Soke type. Why? The authority/power that was with Soke and Dai-Soke during their administrative days was fueled by their knowledge as well as their charisma; in short, they were who they were, and we're not.

The unwarranted desire to have a Soke type has been replaced by having an Executive Team as well as an Administrative Team and, equal in power, the General Affairs Team in constant orchestra with one another, backed up by the Legal Team.

At the top of our food chain is Kaicho, President and Kancho, Vice-President. As Kaicho, I oversee Hombu in general as well as the Executive Team and, as Kancho, Greg Forsythe oversees Hombu in general as well as the Administrative Team. Greg also doubles as the Chief Instructor of the Shindokan Hombu.

In old language, all of these teams/departments still had to answer to a Soke type for one reason or another, and even the Counsel of Regents, whose powers in some selected sensitive issues were without equal, still had to succumb to a Soke type at times. The Soke's authority or sovereignty is unparalleled in many areas and, whenever a situation reaches an impasse, Soke's vote ends any tiebreaker.

The new language no longer has the Hombu in dire need for a Soke type, nor does the Hombu fiercely depend on a Soke type. As before, all members of the hierarchy are elected into their positions; rank/title alone doesn't guarantee nomination and/or election/re-election. The Hombu is now a fine tuned and well oiled machine with Kaicho, Kancho, Counsel of Regents, as well as the other teams/departments minus a Soke type at the helm.

Who Among Us is Qualified to Be a Soke Type?

A. Robert Mitcham (1957-), Kaicho (President), Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Hachidan (8th dan), Hanshi.

I'm the most senior student of Dai-Soke; I started training under Dai-Soke in October 1964. My knowledge concerning Shindokan history and the like, away from Soke and Dai-Soke, has no equal amongst any of the hierarchy. I was the longest Counsel of Regents member; 22 years. I earned my Karate-do Hachidan (8th Dan) in July 1995, and I earned my Kobudo Hachidan (8th Dan) in July 2009. Hanshi was awarded to me in July 1997. I've refused, and will continue to, any and all promotional offers to the rank of Kudan (9th Dan). I have dome this on three separate occasions, which, per our by-laws, is still a requirement for the Kaicho title. In that, if I was to become a Soke type, and per our by-laws, I'd have to accept the rank of Judan (10th Dan); this is not me, and I'd not accept that either. I've no interest in ever becoming a Soke type!

B. Greg Forsythe (1958-), Kancho (Vice-President) and Chief Instructor of the Shindokan Hombu, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Hachidan (8th Dan)/Kobudo; Nanadan (7th dan) Hanshi.

Greg's the second-most senior student of Dai-Soke; Greg started training under Dai-Soke in May 1965. Greg's knowledge concerning Shindokan history and the like, away from Soke and Dai-Soke, is nearly equal to mine. Greg was the second longest Counsel of Regents member; 17 years. Greg earned his Karate-do Hachidan (8th dan) in July 1998, and he earned his Kobudo Nanadan (7th dan) in July 2000. By the way, Greg's being considered, at the writing of this article, to test for his Kobudo Hachidan (8th dan) in June 2012; in my opinion, this honor is well overdue. Greg was awarded his Hanshi in July 1999. Greg's on record with the Hombu that he'd also never ever accept any rank promotion above Hachidan (8th dan) no matter what the temperance of the by-laws dictate; it's just not his cup of tea. Greg has no interest in ever becoming a Soke type either.

C. Iwao Takahashi (1960-), San Dai-Soke (Son of Dai-Soke Yoshinobu Takahashi), Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; *Judan (10th dan), Kyoshi.

"Ultra vires: Beyond the powers or authority" and "Absens haeres non erit: Out of sight, out of mind." These two phrases as written in our by-laws explain that the San Dai-Soke no longer has any powers or authority at the Hombu because of his actions of abandonment of both duties and responsibilities, that he was duly and properly elected to, in that, he failed to uphold his obligations for the entire betterment of the Hombu and the student body. Even if he was permitted to return to the Hombu as San Dai-Soke - I doubt this would ever happen, it would be only as a figurehead.

*On a side note: Iwao's rank before he became San Dai-Soke was a Nanadan (7th dan), and his earliest maturing tenure date to apply for the June/July testing cycle for Hachidan (8th dan) wasn't until 2013. That alone didn't disqualify him from having been elected to a Soke type because rank isn't a sole deciding factor of nominating/electing a Soke type. I suppose it only makes sense that through and by his birthright alone, he was nominated to a Soke type.

D. Thomas Stillwater (1960-), Directing Manager of Technical Departments and Qualifications Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Hachidan (8th dan), Hanshi. Thomas began training under Dai-Soke in September 1966. He earned his Karate-do Hachidan (8th dan) in June 2004, and he earned his Kobudo Nanadan (7th dan) in July 2007. His Hanshi was awarded to him in July 2006. Before assuming his current Hombu duties, he had been a Counsel of Regents member; 15 years.

E. Jonathan Plouge (1960-), Board of Regents, General Affairs Director, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Hachidan (8th dan), Kyoshi. Jonathan began training under Dai-Soke in April 1967. He earned his Karate-do Hachidan (8th dan) in June 2004, and he earned his Kobudo Nanadan (7th dan) in July 2005. His Kyoshi was awarded to him in July 2006. Jonathan is the ranking member of the Counsel of Regents based on ranks/title. Therefore, by the virtue of his current status in the Counsel of Regents, he ascended to General Affairs Director of the Shindokan Hombu. Jonathan's been a Counsel of Regents member; 15 years.

F. Ben Stevenson (1960-), Board of Regents, Assistant Directing Manager of Technical Departments and Qualifications Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Nanadan (7th dan), Kyoshi. Ben began training under Dai-Soke in March 1968. He earned his Karate-do Nanadan (7th dan) in June 2005, and he earned his Kobudo Rokudan (6th dan) in July 2007. His Kyoshi was awarded to him in July 2007. Ben's been a Counsel of Regents member; 14 years.

G. Giichi Tanaka (1961-), Board of Regents, Director of PR Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Nanadan (7th dan), Kyoshi. Giichi began training under Dai-Soke in August 1968. He earned his Karate-do Nanadan (7th dan) in July 2006, and he earned his Kobudo Rokudan (6th dan) in June 2007. His Kyoshi was awarded to him in July 2008. Giichi has been a Counsel of Regents member; 12 years.

H. Yoshikazu Tanaka (1961-), Board of Regents, Qualifications Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Nanadan (7th dan), Kyoshi. Yoshikazu is Giichi's brother; they're twins! Yoshikazu began training under Dai-Soke in August 1968. He earned his Karate-do Nanadan (7th dan) in July 2006, and he earned his Kobudo Rokudan (6th dan) in June 2007. His Kyoshi was awarded to him in July 2008. Yoshikazu has been a Counsel of Regents member; 12 years.

I. Roger Fremoire (1958-), Board of Regents, Qualifications Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Rokudan (6th dan), Kyoshi. Roger began training under Dai-Soke in February 1967. He earned his Karate-do Rokudan (6th dan) in June 2004, and he earned his Kobudo Rokudan (6th dan) in July 2006. His Kyoshi was awarded to him July 2008. Roger has been a Counsel of Regents member; 13 years.

J. James Mitchell (1959-), Board of Regents, Director of Accounting Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Rokudan (6th dan), Kyoshi. James began training under Dai-Soke in February 1967. He earned his Karate-do Rokudan (6th dan) in July 2003, and he earned his Kobudo Rokudan (6th Dan) in July 2006. His Kyoshi was awarded to him July 2005. James has been a Counsel of Regents member; 10 years.

K. Paul Abernwood (1955-), Board of Regents, Director of Human Resources Department; Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Paul began training under Dai-Soke in July 1975. He earned his Karate-do Godan (5th dan) in June 2005, and earned his Kobudo Yondan (4th dan) in 2004. Paul has been a Counsel of Regents member; 6 years.

L. Steven Barlow (1962-), Board of Regents, Assistant Director of Human Resources Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Steven began training under Dai-Soke in April 1987. He earned his Karate-do Godan (5th dan) in July 2006, and earned his Kobudo Sandan (3rd Dan) in July 2002. Steven has been a Counsel of Regents member; 5 years.

M. Maria Brogdon (1973-), Board of Regents, Director of General Planning Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Maria began training under Dai-Soke in November 1987. She earned her Karate-do Godan (5th dan) in July 2007, and earned her Kobudo Yondan (4th dan) in July 2004. Maria has been a Counsel of Regents member; 4 years.

N. Kiyoshi Oonishi (1966-), Board of Regents, Assistant Director of General Planning Department, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Kiyoshi began training under Dai-Soke in January 1977. He earned his Godan (5th dan) in July 2005, and earned his Kobudo Godan (5th Dan) in July 2008. Kiyoshi has been a Counsel of Regents member; 6 years.

O. Quincy Frantz (1965-), Board of Regents, Assistant Auditor Director, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Quincy began training under Dai-Soke in June 1984. He earned his Godan (5th dan) in June 2006, and earned his Kobudo Godan (5th dan) in June 2009. Quincy has been a Counsel of Regents member; 5 years.

P. Matthew Westernhouse (1972-), Board of Regents, Auditor Director, Shindokan Karate-do Saitou-ryu; Godan (5th dan). Matthew began training under Dai-Soke in December 1990. He earned his Godan (5th dan) in July 2009, and earned his Kobudo Sandan (3rd dan) in July 2007. Matthew has been a Counsel of Regents member; 2 years.


To be sure, I've a pocket full of marbles. I've reached deep into my pocket, and one by one I've laid each of them onto the table for all to see. These are the short-of-it-all biographies of each and every Counsel of Regents members; whom, according to our by-laws, are the only members of the student body that are eligible for a Soke type consideration, nomination and election.

I'm very much so against the Shindokan Hombu having a Soke type and, even more than that, having a Soke type that's allowed unparalleled authority or sovereignty based on the San Dai-Soke catastrophe of recent years ago. I'll vote with a firm "NO" on the ballot, if meetings and discussions bring this matter to a vote!

I'm a strong believer that the manner in which the Hombu is currently directed, managed and guided by is what's best for the betterment of the Hombu as well as its student body. A Soke type, less administration, is how the Shindokan Hombu should remain for reasons that I've noted here.

Within the hierarchy remains this one constant administrative drive amongst us: mentoring those who will one day replace those of us that have made our mark and claim their position(s) as part of the Hombu's leadership for the betterment of the Hombu as well as the entire student body. To mentor them in such a way that they'll do much better than we ever dreamed of for the betterment of the Hombu as well as the entire student body.

I welcome any and all thoughts, comments and/or questions?


Facts, lineage, and/or history are found within the Shindokan Densho, Hand Scrolls and by-laws.

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Thank you for the submission, Bob. I'm sure that people will find it interesting to see within an organization like this.

A note for anyone reading this: the article was originally submitted in January of 2012 but due to extreme delays on my part in publishing it (very sorry for that), it wasn't published until now. As such, a lot has changed since then and Bob will reply with an update.

I appreciate your time and understanding.



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Here are some things that have occurred since this article was written…

1) The Counsel of Regents went through a major change. The name has be changed to the Board of Regents, and in that, the Board is much smaller. While the Counsel of Regents had 12 members elected into that office with ranks raging from Godan to Hachidan, the new Board of Regents only has 5 elected members; all must be no less than Nanadan. I refer you to my opening post I made here at KF, April 2012.


January 28, 2012 I was ceremoniously ousted from the Hombu, even though it was temporary. This betrayal lead to many changes within our Hombu, including the many levels of administrative disciplinary measures towards those who were once trusted members of the Hombu’s hierarchy. I refer you to the opening post here at KF on February 2012...


2) Where’s San Dai-Soke, Iwao Takahashi, these days?? I don’t know, and I truly don’t care!! Last I heard was that he was living in Hayward, CA, but that hasn’t been established by the Hombu. We’ve received, and continue to receive since hearing of his supposed whereabouts, letters and phone calls from Iwao, but I have no desire to ever be in the same room with him. If others at the Hombu want to reach out to him, that’s their business, but I don’t want anything to do with him. Whenever they bring him up in a conversation, I remind them that they need to respect my wishes and not to speak about him in my presence; now and forever!! When the Hombu wants to address Iwao in any other capacity, I’ll not mention him in my replies!!

Iwao had a private conversation with his father, Dai-Soke, and then he fulfilled out his father’s dying wishes. That's all I have to say about that because our future is what's important, not to dwell on Iwao’s actions/inactions.

3) July 2013… I was awarded the rank of Kudan; Shindokan Saitou-ryu Karate-do. Having said that, I’ve been quite forthcoming here at KF over the many years here, concerning both my personal and professional life, and in that, the things concerning me refusing, and finally being awarded my Kudan are well covered here at KF.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I love reading the history of stuff. Thanks for sharing all this with us, Bob.

Yes... provides great insight... :)

Remember the Tii!

In Life and Death, there is no tap-out...

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