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3rd stripe brown belt test: Bujin Bugei Jutsu

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Well the bruises are still fresh, my head still hurts, and im fairly certain my skeleton will never be the same. Just an hour ago i earned my 3rd stripe for brown belt in Bujin Bugei Jutsu, this felt less like a test and more like being jumped into a gang.

When testing in the higher ranks of Bujin, you are expected to tap out, you are expected to bleed, you are expected to vomit, you are expected to be knocked down, expected to be gasping for breath and wanting to quit. This is what makes it such a rewarding experience.

This is one of the only times in my life that i feel like ive been in a fight, my next test will be for black belt at an undisclosed time and location, hopefully not to soon, because it will only get worse.

But its not all just a knock down drag out brawl, you are expected to be precise and flow with techniques to overcome brute force. I was armbarred(repeatedly i might add), choked, kneed, kicked, headbutted, thrown over and over, hit in pressure points until i was on my knees.

I was not only expected to take punishment but to dish it out as well, there were times that i had to apologize to my sensei for not displaying adequate control due to my exhaustion. At times i was just trying to survive, to hold on, to not throw up all over the mats.

But it was all worth it, to learn and grow with the clan that has somehow not let me quit, and at the same time bludgeoned me on a daily basis. The diverse group of martial artists that defines the word artist. Not one member of our clan practices their art in the same manner, we have great grapplers, strikers, pressure point experts, mma fighters, karate men, escrimadors, BJJ practicioners and many more.

I would like to thank every member of the Bujin Clan and the AAWAA associtation for giving me the opportunity to train with such a great group of martial artists and to learn from and with you.

So thank you to Sensei Jones, Sensei Embry(Tallgeese), Sensei Clark(Masterpain) Sensei Bretz, Sensei Baker, Sensei Walk, Sandan Bein, Sandan Roth, Sandan Klier, Shodan Diel(Liverpunch), Dylan, the other Dylan, Craig, Also Bert and Ilene for putting up with our crap on a dialy basis and for allowing us to train. And if i forgot anyone i will hopefully add you later.

Thank you all for the most painful/rewarding experience of the my martial arts journey so far. This experience has made me realize how far i have come and the great distance that i still must travel. Attaining my black belt will be the most demanding test so far and i hope i can perform up to all your standards

Thanks for the beatdown.


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Great display of toughness tonight. Anyone can keep going while being dominant. But facing high level guys in their best element is hard. I'm going to start training for your shodan test, so whenever it comes I'll have the endurance for it as well.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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My ears perked up while I read about the intensity and all...that's a testing cycle...YES!!

Congrats Clay on your promotion and it looks like you need to get ready for your Shodan testing cycle...especially with those Sensei's that have helped you thus far.



**Proof is on the floor!!!

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At one point, Clay demonstrated where his forum name came from. Painful just to witness.

For that matter, so did Alex. Tallgeese is a giant weaponized robot. In real life, he's a man-sized weaponized robot.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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Congrats bro! Thats the kind of test I like!!!! You've earned it!!! Now thats what I'm talking about!!!

The past is no more; the future is yet to come. Nothing exist except for the here and now. Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what's clearly is clearly at hand...Lets continue to train!

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These tests are a heck of a lot of fun. I've been kicking around ideas for your next test. I mean, at this point, I think we just as well make it harder and harder. (By which I mean more fun of course) Congrats on that extra black piece of electrical tape - its value in dollars may be less than 1/3 of one cent, but all of us who have earned one know that it comes at a tremendous cost.

As for you next test, I've been thinking about proposing something that's a mix between Spetznaz training, and the Eco Challenge...with a little running of the bulls thrown in for good measure - and then concluding with what would basically amount to a real life version of a Game of Death.

"A gun is a tool. Like a butcher knife or a harpoon, or uhh... an alligator."

― Homer, The Simpsons

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To me the highlight of the test didn't even involve me, it was while i was grappling tallgeese and he says "I think Doc just killed Craig", soon after a large thump was heard and Craig(one of our resident mma fighters) had just been piled up on the floor by mulitple pressure point strikes. Good STuff.

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To me the highlight of the test didn't even involve me, it was while i was grappling tallgeese and he says "I think Doc just killed Craig", soon after a large thump was heard and Craig(one of our resident mma fighters) had just been piled up on the floor by mulitple pressure point strikes. Good STuff.

Oh please say you have that on video...ppppllllllleeeeessssssseeeeee!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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To me the highlight of the test didn't even involve me, it was while i was grappling tallgeese and he says "I think Doc just killed Craig", soon after a large thump was heard and Craig(one of our resident mma fighters) had just been piled up on the floor by mulitple pressure point strikes. Good STuff.

Oh please say you have that on video...ppppllllllleeeeessssssseeeeee!!


Tallgeese should be posting certain highlights of the test later in the week.

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