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please respond,need help


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If you are not seeing your goals as an outcome that can come out of your training, and it sounds like what you feel a need for differs from what the school you have found teaches, then you need to find something that suits you better. Where in general are you? Some tiny town? If you are in high school, after high school you can go to college. Most of those are in places with a lot more to offer.

You mentioned the people in your current judo class. You said that one of the students is a 10 year black belt. Probably she's going to take up the mantle of teaching once the senior teacher lets go of the reins. Talk to the teacher and the BB and express your concerns, tell them that you want to get better and have more challenge, and where you are now you want to get tossed around like a rag doll and push the envelope. They might have some ideas.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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the judo teacher just doesnt care anymore,its been like in 4 months i had about 8 trainings if that and for the next two weeks hes not gona teach,btw the girl achually competed in the big tournaments,she teached me my firs armbar and i spar with her all the time,and about karate this is a swall tow and the second gym i goo to its far frow here,i mean i like the classes but i am like "why am i even doing this ",i am not learning anything besides kata and i mean i dont like doing drills with 5'3 girls

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It really sounds like you just have a bad attitude. Whatever you're doing wasn't how you pictured it, and that really bothers you so you've written it off.

i dont like doing drills with 5'3 girls

I don't think it's their height that bothers you. I think it is the fact that they're girls that bothers you.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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It sounds like the BB girl is the next teacher for the area, honestly.

I can't tell whether or not Zaine is onto something. I have no problem doing drills with 4'5" women. 5'9" intentionally-helpless prissy gigglegirls, however, annoy the heck out of me to work with; they also annoy the heck out of the serious women in the classes. I believe I remember seeing several posts from some of the ladies here to that same effect.

About the matter of disliking things because it isn't what you had imagined, this is also a problem that can go either way. You may have a legitimate grievance. Alternately, you might just be wrong. Have you spoken to that instructor about your goals? Do you HAVE goals? What ARE your goals?

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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About the matter of disliking things because it isn't what you had imagined, this is also a problem that can go either way. You may have a legitimate grievance. Alternately, you might just be wrong.

I read a brilliant book not to long ago called "Leadership and Self-Deception." It was all about how sometimes we let out bad attitude get in the way of progress, and when we do that we tend to blame others for our shortcomings, and fail to acknowledge, or even consider that it is us who is the problem.

I can't tell whether or not Zaine is onto something. I have no problem doing drills with 4'5" women. 5'9" intentionally-helpless prissy gigglegirls

I could be wrong, but if this girl is a black belt I don't believe that it would be fair to classify her as such.

Have you spoken to that instructor about your goals? Do you HAVE goals? What ARE your goals?

Fantastic questions.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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sir , kata is the backbone of karate. contained in every kata is both offensive & defensive techniques. your teacher must be able to show you what your doing when learning kata. as you perform each kata you must visualize the movements of the attacker once you can see the attack mentally your kata will improve. it's not you thats having difficulty it's your teachers job to assist you in your process. the kata is a series of movements that allow you to reack automatically to any given situation. to show you the importance of kata , master shimabuku of the shorin system practiced two (2) katas for 5 years ie: sanchin & seienchin. i've been studying & teaching karate for 51 years and found that without kata your learning "tricks" i've conducted seminars across the U S A and found that most students including black belts really don't understand the importance of kata. once you understand and perform the kata your reaction to a situation will be the same as stepping on the break when driving. if you notice while driving your car you dont think about stepping on the break you just do it. self defence is the same you react automatically. so i would suggest you go back to your teacher and discuss your problem. if he can't help you, find a teacher who will. karate is a defensive art and is ment to help you defend yourself on the street. there is a moral contract between you and your teacher. your contrack states that you promise to pay a fee and for that fee your teacher will teach you how to protect your life if necessary. so unless your life has no value don't practice kata , don't train seriously both in the dojo & at home save your money & time. i'm sorry to be harsh , but thats the reality of the martial arts.

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i mean 9 year old girls that refuse to do the drills and are always yelling about anything,not bad atitude man just having second toughts

And what about this 10 year black belt who is a girl? You clearly have no respect for this person as you've shown in this thread and others.

Even if 9 year old girls are what you're given, you need to go with it because it's what you're given. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

I'm sorry to be harsh , but thats the reality of the martial arts.

I don't see this as harsh. It is, indeed, the reality of martial arts, and everyone has to learn it at some point.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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calm down man, i have respect for everyone and i do have a lot respect for the wowen that his a black belt(never said it otherwise),i respect everyone but i dont have a problem with the girl,but it is difficult to practise it when every single damm kid is yelling all the time and refusing to do the drills,when i go to the class i do everything the teacher says,including kata(cant be forced to like it),but jeez man i have the right to whant some stuff in my training(like sparring even light)

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and btw i do practise everything with discipline and dedication ,you guys are having the wrong ideia,when i went to judo i give it my all trained really hard,i never refused to do anything ever,but god dammit i am not forced to like kata(i know it is useful),waybe with time,i will spar(yeah preety obvious),do the drills,kata and have everything but if i feel like the atmosphere of the place its kinda like 0% sparring,young high belts that are extremely annoyng(i am not the only thinking this,

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