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Returning to a martial art - what to do?

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I'm returning to Shotokan Karate after a seven year break. I've enrolled at a new dojo and out of respect have been wearing a white belt. Previously I was 1st Kyu, but I felt I wasn't anywhere near up to that standard and it is a new dojo to me.

Now the problem isn't really about what grade I am (though I do like having a different coloured belt :P and do feel I have earned 1st Kyu); but rather the limitations that being with the white belts has. Sure, I get to practice the very basic moves that everybody should practice and I do need it, but I'm starting to get rather bored. We're just about to grade and I'm going to do the grading, but I'd rather do some more advanced techniques, kata and kumite.

The situation I find myself in is in part my fault as I haven't yet told the sensei that I used to hold a higher grade. I do feel as though the sensei and students wouldn't like it much if I just wore my old belt. Other new people did wear thier old belts, but they seem to be up to scratch.

So what do you think I should do? My choice would be to be able to train at 1st Kyu level, but train with the other Kyu as well so that I get back up to the correct standard. I wouldn't care about not grading and I wouldn't compete at competitions because I'd probably be a disgrace to the club. Another option is to seek a grade jump from 9th Kyu. This could be during a grading (as in I look good enough to skip a grade) or through negotiation with the sensei to let me have one of my old grades. Whatever decision I don't really care what colour belt I have to wear though. Ultimately it is down to the head sensei to decide.

I just don't want those 4-5 years that I did train to be 'wasted'. Yes, most importantly I got the experience, but I feel with just a bit of training at each Kyu it will come back. Some already has, but being with the beginners doesn't help much.

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7 years is a long time out of the martial arts. My suggestion is to wear white, advise your sensei that you used to be 1st kyu grade, and you should, because of your experience, progress more quickly than your average student due to your past experience.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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There is always something to be learned....even from doing basics. I suggest that you grade with the other White Belts and wait for the sensei to ask you what kyu you held-it would not be proper to request a double grade or to show up in your old belt especially since you did not reveal your prior experience to him at the onset of your training with him. Also, if you are bored with beginning moves then maybe you haven't studied them enough and should re-visit them...you may find they have a bit more depth.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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7 years is a long time out of the martial arts. My suggestion is to wear white, advise your sensei that you used to be 1st kyu grade, and you should, because of your experience, progress more quickly than your average student due to your past experience.

I agree with Montana. You could have advised the instructor upon joining that you had prior experience. If he feels you are ready for more advanced stuff, he may move you along.

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Returning to a martial art - what to do?

Embrace it once again and Train harder than you've ever imagined before!

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**Proof is on the floor!!!

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