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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?!?

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I'm right in the middle of touring every Shindokan dojo...its now week three. Reason for the visits? Hombu PR event.

Mainly it's to ensure each and every member of the student body that the new Hombu is still there and that we plan on going nowhere. To build up their faith in the Hombu; knowing that the Hombu is there for them 24/7, no matter the situation/question/etc.

To also bring the student body up to speed on what's new, like the new Mentor Camp that will be debuting in 2012 about mid July, right after our annual testing cycle, and how it'll affect/help them one way or another. Mentor's don't have to be of a Dan grade to Mentor. For example, a mom/dad can mentor their child, or a teacher from school can mentor a Shindokan student, any person who defines what a Mentor is to that student. Of course, any member of the Hombu can be a Mentor to a Shindokan student. Camp will be just that...CAMP...fun, crafts, sports, swimming, horseback, hiking, biking, etc, and of course daily Shindokan training sessions. KEY>>>NO FORMAL GI'S ALLOWED!!

While visiting Shindokan dojo's, I was tended to my ever needs, and while I was receptive to their pampering, I felt slightly uneasy at times because, again, in my eyes I'm nothing special, I'm Bob, but I do understand the why of it. I'm very informal in my dojo mannerism and the like because I don't want the formality of it to interfere with training. Why? That's why we're there in the first place, and that is to train. Not to take anything away from our adult students, but I always have a blast with the kids. Their honesty across the board is very refreshing in a MA world full of egos; however, kids will let you know whats on their minds in the drop of a hat...I just love it!! I always carry 2 buckets of tennis balls, and every member of the student body knows what's in store when I haul out the tennis balls: The Tennis Ball Drill!! The kids just love that drill more than the adults did!!

I ran the floor while visiting, but only when the Chief Instructor of that said Shindokan dojo had invited me to do so. I taught all ranks, both kids and adults. Held advanced Tuite segments with their Dan ranks, then held beg/inter level Tuite segments with the Kyu ranks.

In the three weeks out, I've awarded one surprise promotion to an unexpected Chief Instructor, Jay Christensen, from Rokudan to Nanadan as well as the Shogo of Kyoshi.

Few more weeks to go....AND I'M HAVING A BLAST!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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That's great that you're doing this, Bob. I think its great for those in the organization to see the higher ups coming around to visit them, and really make the time for them. Kudos to you, Bob! When do you visit my school again.... ;)

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That's great. Glad to hear things are going well for you and you're having fun again.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Pretty cool. If you end up in the Chicago land area let me know!

Sorry, no Shindokan dojo's in or around Chicago.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Sounds awesome. :D

Btw whats the tennis ball drill?

I'm glad you asked Danielle. It's one of my most favorite drills. I've 2 HUGE buckets, thanks to the Plastics section of Wal-Mart, full of tennis balls. Every Shindokan student knows the tennis ball drill, young and old love this drill because it works and it's a lot of fun...especially for me.

The tennis ball drill is an awareness drill. People don't always pay attention to their surroundings, and I believe that the tennis ball drill heightens their awareness.

It's a "Sensei" version of dodge ball, and I always win because I'm pretty sneaky and I don't telegraph unless I want to to just throw them off so I can SCORE. To play, one must have goggles and a mouthpiece for there is no telling where a tennis ball might be coming from. I don't throw them hard, by that I mean, I don't wind up a fastball, I throw, toss, etc, anyway that can catch them off guard but my goal is to NOT injure them, hence goggle/mouthpiece. I'll throw them right at them, I'll throw the entire contents to one student, I'll throw in a small area of students and then POW...one tennis ball goes flying to the very far side and nails a student, I'll just dump the entire contents of a bucket on top of a student that's real good at, well, ducking/dodging/etc...they can't avoid 200+ tennis balls.

I'll roll them, I'll bounce them, I'll bounce one up real high, and it almost never fails, someone will look up and I'll nail them. I'll skip them, I'll throw them from behind my back to an unexpected student, I'll throw 1...2...5...8...12 at one time at different targets/students. I've learned over the many years to throw any combination of tennis balls because the students learn how I might throw at them...get it...their NOW paying attention and in that, they're more aware now. But, it's not long before I change up the billion ways I throw the tennis balls.

At every annual testing cycle...I'll bring out the buckets from behind a curtain or from under a table and the cheers are deafening during one of our many breaks. Why? Because it's me against the hierarchy of the Shindokan Hombu and guess what...I've not lost a drill EVER! It's funny to watch some of our big-wigs do everything but dodge my tennis balls.

I'm not opposed to stand against the wall in a Students VS Sensei game...I win some, I lose some because when every student has a ball and their aiming for ME...it's hard to dodge that many tennis balls no matter how aware I am or anybody.

So, that's the tennis ball drill. Try it...your students will love it, especially if YOU'RE HAVING FUN. Your student will reap the rewards while you release some pent-up frustration...just kidding...or am I....heheheheheheheheehheeheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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That's great that you're doing this, Bob. I think its great for those in the organization to see the higher ups coming around to visit them, and really make the time for them. Kudos to you, Bob! When do you visit my school again.... ;)

Ahem...July/August/September....somewhere in there...we can play...I mean train with the tennis balls as well when we get together. Heheheheheheheeeeee


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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That's great. Glad to hear things are going well for you and you're having fun again.

Thank you very much. Fun is, well, it's fun again.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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