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How long does a student have to stay in each belt

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The way the Aki Jujitsu dojo I was at did things was that the sensei advanced someone when he felt they had gotten a grasp on the techniques for that level and were prepared to move up. No testing, just being told to move up because you're in the wrong place.


It could take anywere from 3 months to a year to be moved to the next belt. It all depends on the student.

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My Hanshi sets no time limits for when we have to test for the next rank. He will tell us when he thinks the next promotion may be but set no date in stone. Our insturctor charges nothing for the lessons so he feels no obligation to promote. He will promote when he feels we are ready and only then. It is up to us how fast we want to go. He tells us that Martial Arts is more then a couple nights a week. It is a way of life that you must practice on a daily basis. I and several others thought we would be yello belts forever. :lol: I and the other students like the way he does this because we feel that we have really earned our rank. We don't pay for testing or our belts. He gets those for us, he says you earned the rank so he doesn't allow us to pay for it. We all love this man a great deal, he gives so much and asks for nothing.

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"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

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In my school, the time period varies for each belt level...As you advance in rank, it takes longer to advance to the next belt...To advance from white belt to yellow belt, it takes 1 month...(If it took over 4 months, this would discourage students. Their excitement for the martial arts could prematurally die.)


anyway, how long does a student have to stay in each belt; in order, to advance?




Why even have a "next belt" if they get a new one in a month? Have they learned that much in that small time period to warrent a promotion? You don't wan tyour students to get discouraged at the white belt level, what about the black Belt level? Should they get their BBs in 2 years, because you don't want them qutiting on you?


I say at LEAST 3 months between the lower belts.

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i think your bjj premotion requirments are cool. i know it can get fustrating not being promoted but you'll really earn it when you do!




Heck yeah! I do Uechi-ryu karate, and the average time to BB(7 years) is less than the BJJ's 10 years, but the BBs really do EARN it. If you can get a BB in 2 years than you probaly don't deserve the title.

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General guidelines should bet set forth for each gup however students should not be promoted unless they meet the requirements and know the curriculum. Also, as each student is different, the expectations should be individualized but the requirements should remain unchanged. If a student progresses faster I see no reason why they cannot be double graded at the lower belt levels. Generally the higher the gup the longer the time between gradings. Sorry for the run-on paragraph :P !!!!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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On average, it takes about 3-4 years for people to get a black belt at my dojo. A lot of that has to do with commitment, ability, age, and physique.


White belts get promoted to yellow belt within a month, sometimes two. At yellow belt, striping begins.


1st month: white stripe (blocks & kicks)


2nd month: black stripe (sparring & self-defense)


3rd month: red stripe (kata & one-steps)


4th month: belt test


It goes like that through yellow, orange, green, blue, and usually purple belt. Then, at about red belt, most students have to wait an extra month before they test for their first stripe, so it goes 5-6 months through red and 2nd brown. At 1st brown, it takes about 4 months to get all of your stripes, at which point you would be technically ready to test for black belt. Kids (generally under age 14) go for a junior black belt. It usually takes 1-2 years to go from jr. to 1st dan. Adults skip Jr. black and go straight to the 1st dan.


Personally, it took me about 2.5 years to get my 1st dan (amazingly, I got to skip Jr. black). That was because I did a lot of teaching, spending pretty much 6 days a week in the dojo for 2 years. On top of that, I participated in two summer camps which gave me double promotions. So there were a couple things here and there that advanced me a little faster.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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In the art of Kiyojute Ryu(see the link below on my signature for information on the style) we have White belt,Yellow Belt,Green Belt,3rd Brown,2nd Brown,1st Brown then Black Belt.We test like every 6 months,but if you don,t have at least 50 hours between that 6 month period,you can,t test.once you hit 1st brown,you have to stay in first brown for a whole year and do a pretest showing our Soke all of our techniques from yellow to 1st brown before you can even take the real test displaying the black belt techniques.I think the time between belts is pretty fair,we only pay like 25 dollars to register our new rank,and once you hit black belt,it only cost 50 to register that rank so all in all,its pretty cool.

3rd Kyu Brown Belt

To learn more about Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei,goto http://www.kiyojuteryu.org/

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It varies greatly between styles and dedication. I have been in American Kenpo for a little over two years, and I am at red belt. I will be until August, when I take my brown belt test.


White: 1 month


Yellow: 3 months


Orange: 4 months


Purple: 4 months


Blue: 5 months


Green: 7 months


Red: 4 months so far :)


I learned fairly quickly and made more testing sessions than most other people, so I could probably pickup black in another year, maybe year and a half. thats 3-4 years total. Problem is the location that I am moving to late in August has no kenpo studios nearby, so I am switching styles.


Maybe if I move back to my hometown here and marry my HS Sweetheart after college, I will complete my black belt in AK.

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