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wanna do instructors course/comps& tournements


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i know it will be a way off yet as im just starting back in karate but i plan on doing comps and tournements,and becoming an instructor . my question is what dan do i need to be. can i dothe comps and tournies on my own as not sure if club is going to take part in these . kinda thinking if i have a goal it will encourage me to train harder and do better

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As for the tournaments, as long as you are an active student somewhere, you shouldn't have a problem competing, unless your instructor forbids it; in that case, I'd look elsewhere. But, you should be able to check your area school for tournament information, or look online for any tournament organisations.

As for being an instructor, that is probably best saved for the black belt level. As you get higher ranked, you might get opportunities to assist lower ranks, which can be valuable experience, so seek these chances out as you progress.

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Firstly I'd check with your instructor as your school may attend or run instructor's courses and tournaments anyway. I'd agree with Brian in that you'd probably expect to be teaching after at least 1st Dan and in order to compete you'll most likely need to be about 8th kyu or higher.

As for tournaments, like I said, there may be ones approved by your instructor that your school may attend. If you're going off on your own to do them, at least ask your instructor's permission or talk to them about it as its their school's name you'll be competing under and their reputation on the line. Plus, he/she may have be able to give you extra tournament training or come along to coach you.

Usually the best place to find appropriate tournaments for your style is your association. So if you are a member of the JKA, check out their website. Since you list Wado Ryu and Shotokan as style, I'd take a look at the WIKF website: http://www.wikf.com/events.htm (but I think you have to be a member to compete in their events so check) and the KUGB website: http://www.kugb.org/kugb-events-list.php?range=current&eventYear=2011 (likewise with the membership). Also look at the EKF website: http://www.englishkaratefederation.com/calendar/index.php

Magazines are also good to look through for open tournaments. If you can get a copy now and again (WHSmith stopped selling them in my town :() have a look through Martial Arts Illustrated magazine as they usually have a section in the back with tournament dates / course dates happening in the UK or have a look on their website: http://www.martialartsunltd.co.uk/events-calendar.html

Not sure the quality of these events as never been and they do seem to be more sport Karate / Kickboxing geared so you might wanna check that what you're learning will fit.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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