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The Day of the Test ...

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Our testing day is probably similar to other schools. The test begins with a 5 minute talk from one of the black belts evaluating. A short time afterwords the black belts and master instructor are brought in, introduced, everyone bows out and then we leave and wait to called in by rank. The white belts first and so on. Tests are forms, one-steps, free sparing and break. After a short q and a session we're dismissed.
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our kickboxing grading is tough. first we enter and check in with our sempai. when everyone is there we go into another room with two senseis sitting at one end watching your every move! we then grab some bags and do our stuff. then the stamina test! this is really tough lots of sprinting, push ups, sit ups, knee jumps and other stuff. for about 3 mins. for your red belt test you only have to do 2 rounds. ever test it gets more. my friend had to do 9 rounds!! when your belt group finishes we get a little talk from sensei. thats our test.
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well each ranks test gets considerably harder but I will tell you what I had to do for my 1st kyu grading, I will try to go into as much detail as possible...


ok we start everyone lines up we do our opening cerimony (bows and stuff) Then the lowest ranked people stay upstairs while everyone else goes into the basement (change rooms pratice area library). Since I was going for my 1st kyu I was last (black belts have their own gradings) So your stuck down he for a couple hours and believe the pressure really builds up, you get so nervous and the anticipation is enough to kill a horse...


Anyways when my grading begins we bow then we begin. We are instructed through a number a complex basics which really exhausts you (takes about 20-30 mins non stop). Then lets see....


We do some leg work. First is five spinning hook kicks on both legs to get you a little dizzy. Followed by 15 sets of 7 stationary kicks. (which is basicly you have to do 7 kicks, which are told to you at that moment, 15 times without putting your foot down.


Then we do a tai chi set (chin style).


Next we have our katas, we normally just go through 5 or 6 followed by some foriegn ones which we should learn at seminars and stuff...


Next is a bunch of knife self defenses followed by some bunkai...


Then there is sparring, we spar 4 different people on at a time, then 3 groups of 2 on 1s and then a few 3 on 1s....


Lastly we have to stand up all by ourselves (btw this was in front of 5 or 6 bb, a few brown belts and an audience) and are asked tons of questions one after the other for about 5 mins.


So in total we are up for about 1 hour 30 mins to 1 hour 45...


And then the worse part.... We have to wait 2 weeks before we hear the result in which time we cannot mess up to show that we did not just get lucky that one day of our grading :)


and that was my brown belt grading (I probably missed some stuff) abviously it gets 10 times harder when you go for that 1st dan :karate:

Goju Ryu Karate-do and Okinawan Kobudo, 17 Years Old 1st kyu Brown Belt in in Goju Ryu Karate-do, & Shodan in Okinawan Kobudo

Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result.


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It depends on the rank in my school. If it is a higher rank then a panel sits in front of them to write down what they see. This is to help you get what you need for your next rank and to help with all the nit picking things that you do not want for your black belt. The black belt test you prepare for a head of time. A date is made only for that test. All the rest the head instructor either asks if your ready or just decides your ready. If you pass the test then at the end of class you find out. Before we bow out for the night the head instructor will call you up and give you your next rank. So when you are ready you have to be prepared to do your test at the spur of the moment. Sometimes in the past they would wait until you were tired but not so much anymore. The black belt is usually schedule because a panel of black belts usually has to be available.
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