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How do you grade your students?

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With some schools, the head master tells you when you're ready for your belt...With my school, we have 5 stripes per belt. Each stripe represents either a form stripe, kicking stripe,joint-lock stripe, sparring stripe, etc. We do in class stripe tests at the end of class which only takes 10 minutes...Once they have reached 5 stripes on their belt, they are eligible for a belt promotion test...I think it's a good system..That's how my school does it..


Anyway, hOw does your school grade students?



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Children are given a red stripe if they have performed their form with no errors. They are given a white stripe for every 10 lessons. When they have the required amount of stripes including that red stripe.... then they are eligible to test for their next belt. We have student ID cards that we scan every time we take class that counts down the number of classes. It notifies student that they are ready for a white stripe. When count goes to zero you are put on a pretest list where you will be given an "in class" pretest by the instructor. He fills in a sheet showing your strong and weak points and areas that you need to work on. If you pass you are put on the list to test. There is a test every last Sat. of the month.


The master of the school grades those going for black and dan levels and available black belts of the school grade the other students. We are given a sheet for each student and we grade their Forms / Sparring / Floor Techniques / and Breaks. We fill in our own critique area trying to offer both the positives and the areas that requires more work in the future.


It is rare that a student fails (mainly because of the pretest) unless he fails to perform his breaks wherein he comes back the following month.


I'm the one that usually draws the smiley faces on students grading papers!

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We basically train at the rank......when we think they are ready they take their next belt test. Simple to the point. Lower ranks are mostly tested on effort and if they get things correct. Higher ranks get tested on things such a good stances and doing everything correct and using the right emotions. Also most test with higher ranks are done with a panel so more people can spot mistakes in order to make them better when they test for their black belts. White and the stripes for it (in my system white belt gets two stripes for ranks.) anyone can test them of purple belt and above. (although they are usually looked at beforehand , maybe the week before by a higher rank. Brown or Black.) Green, Purple can be looked at and tested by brown also. Brown and above only by at least one blackbelt and the panel of whoever else of higher ranks. Do you get that all. Its easier to do than to explain.



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At the DoJo I study at we must have a certain number of classes and for Gold belt through I believe second green you have to attain three stripes before we can test for the next belt. I'm not sure how many stripes a required after second green.


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We do have a time limit you must meet. Howver that does not mean you test. I will tell them when they have met their time requiremnts. Then if they are ready cool. If not Ill tell them what they need to work on and set up a personal time line for them.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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