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What MA camps have you been to?

What do you look for in a MA camp?

What's the average, if there's such a thing, price for attending a MA camp?

These questions will suffice for starters.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Gosh, the last one I went to was a regional camp with the organization I was part of at the time, the USBBA. That's been going on 15 years ago now. It was a two or two and half day deal with multiple instructors from the group doing various aspects or combative arts. We had some affiliate instructors in as well doing things that really wasn't in our skill set. An kendo guy and judo guy if memory serves.

I don't even recall the cost, but I remember it being steep for an unemployed college kid. A friend of mine keeps trying to talk me into a pressure point camp that goes on every year, I haven't bitten yet. As it is, I'm more likely to go to someone's BJJ school abroad and train for a week or so at this point.


I sometimes attend weekend seminars near my home town. They have more or less well known Senseis from all over Germany there, doing a bit unusual lessons and the cost is between 10 and 20 Euros.

I never attended a real camp, though.


More often than not, practitioners of the MA aren't too keen on having someone outside of their style teach them anything, no matter if it's the rage of the page or not.

It's hard to get participants in the same "room" that aren't of the same methodology/ideology/style UNLESS, imho, you're very well known throughout the MA world.

The MA world has many more unknowns than those that are known.


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Q: What MA camps have you been to?

A: None. Been to one/two/three day seminars and gasshuku.

Q: What do you look for in a MA camp?

A: For all activities, I weigh the benefit to the cost. 1) If it's more of an obligation to attend, I suck it up and try to attend. 2) If it's in my style and specifically targeted at what I want to learn I am more willing to attend. 3) If it's outside of my style, but I think it can be of benefit to my development, I weigh carefully the time and expense.

What goes into the whole calculation is who is teaching, and the travel/hotel/food costs.

Q: What's the average, if there's such a thing, price for attending a MA camp?

A: Never been to a 'camp', but for the seminars I've attended, they ranged from $100 (no room/board) to $250 for the weekend (including room/board).

Leaves fall.

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