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Teaching Children

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Grrrr..Teaching kids is a pain in the butt, cause you have to be their instructor and their babysitter!! Well, I say be loud and assertive...Speak clear, loud, and with confidence...If they don't listen to you and start talking during class, give them push-ups or take away their belts..(remember speak loud!)


.Usually it's only a few kids that disrupt the class...Make sure you split them up, so they don't team up on you...Good luck!



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I feel your pain <---- 15 year old girl!


When I first started assisting/teaching (on a volunteer basis) a year ago, I had some of these problems. Not right away, because kids don't give a crap if you're just holding shields...but the second you're put in a position of power, the problem kids come out. If you have a fair-sized studio, you'll run into all types of kids. Sweet adorable kids, well-behaved kids, nice talented kids, nice UNtalented kids. And then the bad ones.


11-year-old boys who run around naked at your sleepovers, stalk you, etc.


Little boys who giggle to each other on the floor. Dogpiles and mosh pits in the dressing rooms...all things to be sure to watch out for!


I find that all the troublemakers are boys, but that could be just because we don't really have a lot of girls.


My advice if they're making fun of you: don't let it get to you. If you're in front of class, you can't let your composure falter. Whatever you do at ths point, don't punish them!!!!! They're making fun of you because they haven't learned to respect you yet. You're like the substitute teacher in school...except they have a lot longer to get used to you.


If you punish them now, they'll only hate you. If the other kids are joining in because this one kid was making fun of you, then you can tell that he's a leader. If he wasn't a "leader" of the kids, they would all roll their eyes and tell him to shut up. So if he hates you, they'll hate you too.


You may want to talk with his parents, but that's a bit touchy. I try to keep away from parental politics.


For now, just teach classes as you normally would. Play a game or two (if your school does that) at the end of class if they're good. If they're bad, do a hard drill or something you know they don't like very much. After awhile they might notice the pattern. Use a lot of praise when correcting them, and just generally keep things positive and exciting.


"good kick!" (only if it was)


"nice punch, but it'd be even better with your other hand. Very good!"


Just don't overdo it, or the kids will think you're a fake, and you'll have nothing to show for it except some headaches and bags under your eyes.


It's a fine line to walk, but you'll learn it, trust me!


Like I said, I had a lot of these problems, too, and I was even younger.


Well, I gotta go teach Karate Day Camp...last day!!! (Amen)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Very good wise advice monkeygirl (...sure you're 15?? :lol: )


It's not any different when you're an "older" instructor believe me. It requires "patience" .... and the ability to bite your tongue :P when all you want to do is kick their butt! .... just kidding really!


It will get better as they get used to you and your teaching ... and more importantly as you get used to handling them! Good Luck 360!! :up:


...you are really going places these days aren't you?? :wink:

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